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Unveiling the Enigma: The Intriguing Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramid

Egyptian Pyramid

By Caleb GoldPublished 12 months ago 6 min read
Unveiling the Enigma: The Intriguing Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramid
Photo by Kian Chow on Unsplash

The Enigmatic Egyptian Pyramids: Unraveling Ancient Mysteries"

The Egyptian pyramids stand as some of the most intriguing structures in the world, shrouded in mystery and fascination. These monumental edifices have left us with countless unanswered questions: When were they built? How were they constructed? Who were the masterminds behind their creation? And perhaps most importantly, what was their purpose?

Comprising a staggering 2.3 million precisely carved stones, meticulously assembled with laser-like precision, these pyramids weigh an astonishing 6 million tons. Remarkably, numerous stones weigh around 80 tons and were transported from distances exceeding 500 miles. When newly built, these structures glistened under the sun's rays, resembling magnificent jewels. Their enduring existence over thousands of years stands as a testament to their grandeur and enigmatic nature. In stark contrast, modern architectural marvels like the Eiffel Tower can only withstand the test of time for a mere two decades without constant maintenance.

Thus, a lingering question persists: Who was responsible for constructing these awe-inspiring pyramids? Could humans alone have accomplished such a colossal feat? Or did they receive assistance from an external source? Furthermore, why was the construction of these pyramids deemed so significant? Did they serve a higher purpose?

In this video, we embark on a captivating journey through time to uncover the secrets concealed within the pyramids—secrets that even the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla found baffling. Tesla, a renowned figure who left an indelible mark on humanity, possessed a myriad of talents. Fluent in eight languages, capable of mental calculations involving integral and differential calculus, and gifted with the ability to recite Siberian epic poems from memory, Tesla's inventions encompassed hydroelectric dams, neon lighting, radio control, electric motors, and pioneering work in cryogenic engineering, predating its public recognition. Additionally, he discovered the resonant frequency of the Earth, a revelation that would only be confirmed fifty years later. Tesla's contributions to mankind are so substantial that he is directly responsible for 80% of the technology we rely on today.

Tesla firmly believed that the Pyramids of Giza served a purpose far beyond conventional understanding, dedicating his life to their investigation. He speculated that these structures might have functioned as colossal energy transmitters, aligning with his own quest for wireless energy transmission. Recognizing the electrical energy emanating from the ionosphere, Tesla envisioned tapping into this natural resource. Viewing the Earth as an immense electrical generator revolving around two magnetic poles, he theorized that limitless energy could be harnessed. In 1905, Tesla filed a patent in the United States titled "The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Medium," outlining designs for a series of generators worldwide that would tap into the ionosphere for energy collection. This triangular design became known as Tesla's electromagnetic pyramid.

However, following his mysterious demise, both Tesla's discovery and his device vanished, leaving us to ponder: Did Nikola Tesla truly unlock the secrets of unlimited power? Did he possess profound knowledge about the Great Pyramid? When Tesla received $150,000 from JP Morgan to construct his wireless station, the conditions imposed by Morgan were rather perplexing. He secured a 51% interest in the company as well as present and future wireless patents derived from the project.

This decision appears strange, as it seems counterintuitive for Morgan to invest in something that would directly undermine the economy and jeopardize his existing products. Tesla's system had the potential to trigger a severe recession, if not a deep depression, as much of the economy revolved around the construction of power grids and electricity generation, both offering lucrative revenue streams and job opportunities. Wireless energy transmission would have rendered these conventional electric systems obsolete, collapsing their revenue streams. Tesla's revolutionary electrical system had to be halted at any cost because he challenged the norms of capitalism and dared to venture beyond established boundaries.

However, the relationship between JP Morgan and Tesla begs the question: Were they truly friends? Why would Morgan act in such a manner toward his supposed friend? Some argue that figures like Morgan, Edison, Marconi, and others were mere puppets controlled by a higher, influential power. Yet, that topic warrants exploration on another occasion, and rest assured, we intend to delve into it in the near future. For now, let us return to Nikola Tesla and the Pyramids.

While the Pyramid of Giza is commonly believed to be a tomb constructed for Khufu, the fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh who ruled 4,500 years ago, it lacks the typical characteristics found in other Egyptian tombs. Curiously absent are hieroglyphs, artifacts, or elaborate wall art. Additionally, no mummies have ever been discovered within, although some argue that the granite sarcophagus found in the king's chamber once held Khufu's mummy, which was later plundered by grave robbers. It is perplexing to imagine that such a mesmerizing architectural marvel, presumed to be the resting place of kings and queens, lacked proper protection against theft and desecration.

The pyramids' construction is an architectural marvel, exhibiting a level of precision that rivals modern human engineering. While the Great Pyramid primarily consists of nummulite limestone blocks, the reddish-brown stones seen today, the builders utilized peculiar materials that had to be sourced from almost 500 miles away. The outer layer of the pyramid was once adorned with brilliant white limestone, meticulously polished and seamlessly fitted together to create a resplendent surface resembling a colossal jewel.

The means by which thousands of 10-ton stone blocks were transported continues to baffle the mind. Moreover, a rare form of granite known as Pink Granite was imported from significant distances due to its high quartz (silicon dioxide) content. Quartz, when compressed, can conduct electricity, and interestingly, the walls and chambers inside the Pyramid are constructed with quartz. With the right amount of pressure, the Great Pyramid could generate a substantial amount of electricity.

In the Netflix documentary "The Pyramid Code" (2016), archaeologists and theorists propose that ancient Egyptians sought the Great Pyramid to harness its beneficial energy. Numerous accounts from those who braved the arduous climb to the pyramid's pinnacle describe minuscule yet discernible shifts in energy, tingling sensations in extremities, and even instances of electric shocks. While ascending to the summit of the Great Pyramid is now prohibited, in the late 1800s, British inventor Sir William Siemens successfully reached the flat, settled peak. One of his guides noticed a high-pitched ringing sound when he raised his hand with fingers spread, while Siemens experienced a prickling sensation emanating from his fingertip and spreading through his hand. Astonishingly, when Siemens attempted to quench his thirst with a celebratory sip of wine, he received an electric shock upon the bottle touching his lips. The documentary suggests that these pyramids acted as "energy conductors" or devices capable of altering frequencies over vast stretches of land. The missing piece to transform the Great Pyramid of Giza into a functional power plant was a source of energy, which the ancient builders ingeniously leveraged by capitalizing on the water at the Giza plateau. This plateau, the pyramids' location, abounds with subterranean water channels, enabling the high-volume flow of water through these underground cavities to generate an electrical current known as physio-electricity. Physio-electricity refers to "electricity obtained from natural physical movements with the help of specific harnessing devices." Furthermore, some argue that the pyramid's shape itself suggests the feasibility of pyramid "power plants," although many unanswered questions remain about the exact processes employed to achieve such a feat.

Returning to Tesla, his Wardenclyffe Tower was erected atop an aquifer, with copper and iron rods extending into the water. Electricity sent into the tower would be transmitted through the atmosphere, encompassing the globe. Similarly, the Great Pyramid is also built above an aquifer, and recent discoveries have revealed the presence of copper pipes and iron rods. If the pyramid's capstone were made of gold, the concentrated energy within the pyramid would have been drawn to the top and transmitted into the atmosphere. Tesla's wireless power distribution system employed the resonance of the Earth, much like the pure pyramid, and the energy generated by Tesla's Tower would have been unlimited, clean, and virtually free for everyone on the planet. However, Tesla's Tower was destroyed, and the culprits behind its demise remain unknown, although it is evident that malice motivated their actions.

One can only imagine how different the world would be today had Tesla succeeded in implementing his groundbreaking ideas. Moon landings might have occurred decades earlier, World War II could have been averted, and human society would likely have advanced far beyond our current state.

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Caleb Gold

"Creative wordsmith crafting captivating stories to inspire and entertain readers on a journey of imagination."

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