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Stop Being Poor!

By Freddy TPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

If you don't know by now how to build ultimate wealth, then you are out of luck. I am here to tell you that what I am about to reveal has nothing to do with you, your emotions, what you know or even what you might like. It is merely a plan for you to follow to achieve your greatest monetary peak.

Decide now that you are wealthy, decided truly that you are what you envision, and hold yourself in that manner ALL the time. Do not falter or sink into a lack mind state, this is infinitely harder than it sounds. You might think that wealth is something that comes by pure coincidence or even hard work, both are true but not as true as what I just shared with you.

Wealth is an energy, feeling, and measure. Wealth is acquired by your truth, meaning, and purpose. If you are naturally good at something or have an affinity for a specific activity, then it is easier to engage with the various obstacles you will face. Riches take work, this deduces to what activities you engage in day to day. This can exclude monetary activities and include introspection, interpersonal analysis, self-truth as well as working out. This what you need in order to build ultimate wealth. Why not improve your life day by day, hour by hour? Is it hard for you to build the self-confidence to be all that you can. If so, do you believe you even deserve what you are asking for?

Start thinking what can get you the most money that encompass what you like to do and what you are truly capable of, do not sell yourself short and take into account your ability to learn and grow. A lot of seemingly perilous circumstances can be change fairly easily once they are actually confronted and not ruminated upon. There is much more than what is realized to what wealth is and how to obtain it.

Doubt is the killer of wealth, because scared money does not multiply. If you are scared or doubtful to take an action, does anything happen? Just as you are, money is, and this notion is very foreign to people. Money likes to be spent and even played with, never hoarded or stashed away. Remember, money (physical currency) rots and can even become inert, sedentary and unresponsive, just as humans can. Money is a current that loves to flow, that is why it must be spent in order to be made (give, take, ebb and flow).

You mustn't be afraid of change. Change is the only thing you can expect and aside from that, even the word "change" is another form of monetary medium. Money is the world, this is why some religious doctrines explain their distaste for absurd wealth. Keep in mind that wealth is not your enemy, and anyone who has more than you will continue to have more if you lead with that mindset. Keep it real, money is power. Everyone theoretically has a "number" or point at which they would do strange things for money. This is not a bad thing, it's not even the number that matters anyway, but what is done in exchange.

Money also likes nice things, as you do… If you stop looking for the cheap option, your pockets will open up to you buying more and more expensive things. Don't believe me? Buy something nice that does not break the bank, but also could be discounted. Shop at Target instead of Dollar Tree and see if you don't get more opportunities, work load or even a lucky cash win. What I am suggesting might sound ludicrous, but trust and believe in the process and this will happen for you. Pairing this with the mindset that you are always wealthy, and you are on your way to financial wealth. The path will then unfold before you, simply because you were OPEN to it.

Now, obtaining wealth is quite easy for the average person, a job is not hard to obtain and anyone who's had one will verify that if you want to work hard for money, you can. Keeping the money is the issue most people have, and in order to do so, you must invest it. Yes, you have to invest in some type of asset, device, account, person, idea etc. Automation is the name of the game, once you have that, you have freedom. This is where you and your brain know how come into action. You have to find a way to automate what you love so that it makes you money while you sleep.

Money has been described as power, wealth, freedom, and time. The truth has unfolded itself before you. Will you trust that it is for you to win and live the life you were destined to have, or will you falter again with the same mindset and never get the chance to change?

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Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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  • Angelina F. Thomas2 years ago


Freddy TWritten by Freddy T

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