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Truths or Myths!?

34 truths or myths...

By Imogen WilliamsPublished 9 months ago 5 min read

It's time for a round of the Truth or Myth game! Check out these facts you've known since childhood and try to determine which of them are actual facts and which are merely popular misconceptions.

1. Zombies are not a fictional concept. While humans can't turn into zombies as depicted in movies, the animal kingdom has its own versions of zombies. For example, certain types of fungi can take control of ants by releasing specific chemicals, causing the ant to fulfill a unique mission, such as finding a specific branch or leaf where the fungus can grow and release spores.

2. Bats are not blind. The misconception likely stems from their nocturnal nature and excellent echolocation abilities. Bats rely on echolocation to navigate and hunt in the dark. However, their eyes are not useless; they have adapted to low-light conditions.

3. The world's largest waterfall is actually beneath the ocean's surface. This is true. In the Nordic Sea, there is a waterfall formed by the difference in density between cold sea water and warm water, resulting in a drop of almost two miles.

4. The smallest wasp in the world is indeed smaller than an amoeba. This is true. While this wasp has body parts like eyes, wings, brain, and legs, it measures just 0.008 inches in length, making it smaller than many single-celled organisms.

5. An ostrich egg contains several yolks. This is false. Similar to a regular chicken egg, an ostrich egg typically contains just one yolk. However, due to its large size, the yolk is equivalent to about 24 chicken egg yolks.

6. Not all dinosaurs were giants. This is true. While some dinosaurs were indeed massive, there were many smaller species as well. Some dinosaurs were as small as a turkey or a pigeon, and some, like the T-Rex, had feathers, especially in their early stages of life.

7. Oxygen is colourless as a gas, but it has a blue shade in its solid or liquid form. This is true. Oxygen gas is colourless, but in its solid or liquid states, it takes on a sky-blue hue.

8. The idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is a myth. This is false. We actually use 100% of our brains all the time. Different parts of the brain are active in various circumstances, and the "10% myth" originated from a misinterpretation of brain function.

9. Lobsters taste with their feet. This is true. Similarly, humans can taste some substances through their skin. For example, garlic rubbed on the sole of the foot can be tasted in the mouth due to the absorption of its chemical compounds.

10. Humans share a common ancestor with apes, but apes are not our direct ancestors. This is true. Humans and apes share a common ancestor, but we each evolved separately from that common ancestor.

11. Neanderthals are not our direct ancestors but a distinct lineage. This is true. While Neanderthals coexisted with early humans, they represent a different branch of the human evolutionary tree.

12. The sun is not yellow; its colour is white. This is true. The colour of the sun appears yellow due to the Earth's atmosphere, but its true colour is white.

13. Black holes are not actual holes; they are extremely dense objects with strong gravitational pull. This is true. Despite their name, black holes are not empty spaces; they are concentrated masses with immense gravity.

14. Deserts can still experience rain, contrary to the misconception that it never rains in deserts. This is true. Many deserts receive rainfall, although the amounts can vary significantly.

15. Dogs can see more than just black and white; they perceive blue and yellow colours. This is true. Dogs can see some colours, primarily blue and yellow, due to their colour receptors.

16. Your body's largest organ is the skin. This is true. The skin is indeed the largest organ in the human body, serving various functions beyond covering the body.

17. You cannot breathe and swallow simultaneously due to the separate passageways for air and food. This is a fact. The airway and the food pipe are separate to prevent choking and ensure the proper passage of air and food.

18. Tongues have unique prints just like fingerprints. This is true. Tongue prints are unique and can potentially serve as a form of biometric identification.

19. Adults spend an average of three hours in the bathroom each week. This is true. The average time spent in the bathroom can amount to around three hours per week.

20. Swallowing eight spiders a year while sleeping is a myth. This is a myth. The notion that people accidentally swallow spiders during sleep has been widely debunked.

21. The thigh bone (femur) can resist thousands of pounds of force. This is a fact. The femur bone is one of the strongest bones in the human body and can withstand significant pressure.

22. Cold pizza and pasta taste better due to the starch absorbing flavors overnight. This is true. Starch in cold pasta and pizza helps absorb flavors and enhances the taste.

23. The pineapple on pizza debate is a matter of personal preference. This is true. The debate about pineapple on pizza is subjective, with some people enjoying the combination and others not.

24. Twix bars market a difference between left and right bars, but the distinction is more of a marketing campaign than a real difference. This is true. The distinction between left and right Twix bars is primarily a marketing strategy, with no significant difference in taste.

25. The v-shaped stitch on sweatshirt collars serves both functional and decorative purposes. This is true. The v-shaped stitch serves functional purposes and was originally used for sweat absorption.

26. The coloured squares on food packages are not secret codes but are used for printing quality control. This is true. Coloured squares on packages are process control patches used for printing quality control in manufacturing.

27. Loops on the top and back of some boots help with pulling the shoes on and provide additional support for laces. This is true. The loops on boots serve functional purposes, aiding in wearing the boots and offering lacing support.

28. Attachments that come with vacuum cleaners are useful for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. This is true. Vacuum cleaner attachments are designed to clean specific areas that are difficult to reach with the regular attachment.

29. A vegetable peeler can be used to peel onions in addition to other vegetables. This is true. A vegetable peeler can be effective for peeling onions and other vegetables.

30. Aviator sunglasses have green lenses because they reduce glare and improve contrast. This is true. The green lenses in aviator sunglasses help reduce glare and enhance contrast, benefiting pilots.

31. Holes at the bottom of flower pots are essential for drainage and healthy plant growth. This is true. Holes in flower pots allow for proper water drainage and prevent water buildup.

32. Wooden coat hangers made of cedar wood repel bugs and offer durability. This is true. Wooden coat hangers made of cedar wood repel bugs and provide durability for hanging clothes.

33. The coloured square on toothpaste tubes helps printing machines recognise where to cut and seal the tube. This is true. Coloured squares on toothpaste tubes are used for printing quality control during manufacturing.

34. Loops on the top and back of Converse sneakers aid in wearing the shoes and improve grip

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About the Creator

Imogen Williams

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