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To what extent do you think Math Games for Kids have contributed to the popularity of mathematics among young people today?

SKIDOS has developed math racing games like Bike Racing to help make kids quicker with math. Children solve math, puzzles & exercises quickly while racing with bikes.

By skidos2021Published 2 years ago 3 min read



And how math games for kids have eliminated math phobia while helping kids develop other skills as well.

Math phobia is real for kids. Math can be boring, abstract, and uncreative, which can make it difficult to understand. Because the concepts in math are difficult to understand & master, kids avoid math. Unfortunately, avoidance only leads to an increase in phobia. Math games for kids pair fun with math and allow kids to choose their level of mathematical challenge. With math games, kids can learn math anytime and anywhere in any safe place of their choosing. Kids are thus more likely to build a genuine love of math and eliminate their phobias. Neuroscientists observe that learning math by itself activates certain regions in our brain that enhance analytical and problem-solving abilities. On the other hand, playing any challenging game develops our logical and visuo-spatial abilities. Kids who play games also have enhanced selective and sustained attention skills. When math and gaming are put together with learning games for 2 year olds, kids develop several abilities like mentioned below!


Kids become quicker with numbers.

Kids that play games are better at memory retention and recall, which means they're quick with numbers. SKIDOS has developed math racing games like Bike Racing to help make kids quicker with math. Children solve math, puzzles & exercises quickly while racing with bikes. What if they're interested more in monster trucks? SKIDOS has got you covered! SKIDOS has developed the game Race Cars, which also teaches kids math while they enjoy Math racing games.



Analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is our ability to analyze, discern patterns, and come to conclusions based on the information. Analytical thinking is not genetic, which means it's an ability that can be developed. Go Ball made by SKIDOS, is a puzzles for 9 year olds wherein kids have to move the tiles to solve the maze and create a path for the ball to roll so that it gets to the other end. After completing each level, there are simple math and coding puzzles that need to be solved. Solving challenging puzzles and math are great ways to improve analytical thinking.


Logical Thinking

Logical thinking is our ability to base our thoughts on facts and evidence. SKIDOS has developed the game Runner that helps kids distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food. The objective of the game is to lose weight and smash unhealthy snacks! Learning to differentiate between different foods at a rapid pace is one of the ways kids learn to develop logical thinking. This game teaches kids clean eating habits and the benefits of exercise.


Problem solving

Math by itself develops problem solving ability. SKIDOS offers over 40 math games for kids. Brain City, made by SKIDOS, is a great math learning game that develops problem solving ability. The premise of the game is that all animals have escaped the zoo, and the player has to bring them back safely. Kids go on an adventure while playing this game! They solve puzzles and exercises which make the animals smarter and help them return to the zoo.


Visuo-spatial ability

Our Visuo-spatial ability helps us measure the distance between objects or shapes and rotate them in our heads. Visuo-spatial ability is required daily right from making our bed to parking cars. Our games, like Sort and Stack and Shape Sorter, teach kids about shapes & objects and rotation, which builds their visuo-spatial ability. These games also teach kids about letters and animals!


Coding and Science skills

Introducing kids to science and coding early in their life equips them with basic logic and knowledge about these fields. Flipping Eck by SKIDOS is one of our many math learning games for kids to help them master their math skills and develop an active interest in coding. Flipping Eck is an adventure game where kids have to make the character jump carefully across tricky gaps. When it comes to games that introduce kids to science, we have developed the game Doctor. The game Doctor lets kids perform various medical procedures & treat illnesses. They can pretend to be an ear doctor, a dentist, or even a surgeon!

Kids love to play and when subjects are taught in a friendly and playful manner, kids develop a genuine love of learning. Math games have made math fun and approachable, which has made math popular among kids. Parents are choosing math learning games for their kids because of the combined benefits of playing and learning. We at SKIDOS have the same goal in mind, combining math with fun. We offer over 40 safe and kid-friendly games for children of all ages. These games range from math racing games to math learning games for toddlers. With our subscription, up to 6 users can connect to an account. Our games are safe and ad-free and with SKIDOS pass, parents can check their kids' progress on the dashboard every week!




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