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To read with questions or to read for the sake of reading?

Reading habits are different, just like life planning, some people like to follow the steps, some people like to follow the mood, reading is the same

By liupengboPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Books, if divided according to the purpose of reading, can be divided into three categories. The first kind of reading is to expand their horizons and improve their quality, the second kind is to read for the needs of work and professional, and the third kind is to read for leisure and entertainment. Anxiety about how to read a book without being like the past is probably in the first category. Some people say that reading is for knowledge and to remember every knowledge, but in my opinion, reading can sometimes be like music, you can enjoy it, appreciate it, don't have to remember it. Imagine if you're listening to music and you're sitting there and you're saying to yourself, "Okay, I'm going to listen to music, this is D major, this is C major..." . You don't have to memorize every lyric while listening to music, remember every melody, timbre, pitch. Music does not need to be carefully remembered and the fundamental value of music is not here, but after listening to the impact on the individual and bring about change. If you simply want to read a lot of books, you can, simply, read one by one. And you might think, well, that doesn't seem to make any sense at all, does it help? This kind of reading is not become a thing of the past. But if the object of your reading is to hope that it will influence you unintentionally, and if you find pleasure in reading, that is enough. Do you have to gain knowledge by reading? You'll never remember everything, and no matter how hard you try, you'll forget. But some things are not forgotten. If you like to practice your logical thinking skills, you can make a mind map to organize the contents of a book. It's also practice, the ability to grasp the point. If you recommend emotional touches and beautiful writing, then you can write down your favorite sentences not too many, just one or two sentences. If your purpose is to read to gain knowledge, then quickly use. Then you will gradually master mastery in practice in the process of exercise. In this way, the knowledge of the book may be deeply imprinted in your mind, but also won't be like a fleeting cloud.

If you read a book with a purpose, you will have the satisfaction of solving your own problems. If you spend an afternoon reading, you will feel very meaningful, learn a lot of things, enrich your brain, fill your brain with a lot of new knowledge to form a new knowledge network, so that you can have more solutions when solving problems. There is no purpose to read, there will be no purpose of fun, like travel, since there is time that happy-go-lucky bar, meet a good scenery to get off to have a look, there is no need to stop after stop of card travel. Reading is similar, not everything has to be meaningful, occasionally relax, read some literary novels, do not need to read the book with my mind to solve what, just pure experience the atmosphere created by the author, is enough. The languid time of an afternoon, the disorderly turn that has trajectory in the world of others, relax the tense mood of many days. There is no absolute way to read, just like it. There are so many kinds of books, not every history book with the purpose of saying I must understand the development of a certain dynasty today, I may just want to see how the real palace fights play, do not need to record anything, is a virtual experience. As for reading for the sake of reading, this is also the purpose. I just want to read 100 books a year, so I will do it. No matter what book you read, you will have a new mindset change.

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