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The Role of Children's Educational Games in Their Long-Term Development and Achievement.

According to research, kids who play video games are 24% less likely to snack, which means they can better control their eating habits.

By skidos2021Published 2 years ago 4 min read



And here are five other ways that children might benefit from playing educational games.

Children's intelligence can greatly benefit from early exposure to a wide variety of subjects, types of play, and areas of interest. Kids can have fun while learning new skills with the help of educational video games. It's common knowledge that playing games helps kids develop important 21st-century skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical prowess. It has been shown that 'early childhood is a time of rapid brain growth; these developments are related to a wide range of cognitive developments and are associated with self-regulatory mechanisms' (Mills, 2016). Consequently, as individuals, we acquire knowledge most effectively and rapidly during our formative years, when the brain is still undergoing significant structural change. Playing games can boost your EQ, EQ, and EQ since they increase the complexity of your neural networks.

Putting aside the technical terms for a second, early education and play can help youngsters develop a wide range of skills.

By playing games with others, kids learn to work together, gain an appreciation for healthy competition, and discover passions they can develop further. More advantages exist as well. Growing up with such extensive capabilities gives a child a leg up in life. Here are five more ways in which the finest cool math games for kids help them flourish.


Fitness-inducing video games

Video game players (especially boys) have been quoted as saying that they have taken basketball and skateboarding movements they learned from video games and put them into practice in real life. A small but significant number of people try out new sports they've only heard about in video games. As a result, SKIDOS has created a wide variety of games for children, including sports games such as Street Soccer, Bike Racing, Race Cars, Surf Fun, Mountain Climber, Snow Race, cool math soccer and many others. Math, programming, and puzzles are all represented here. In addition, the fact that the difficulty may be adjusted makes these games perfect educational tools for toddlers.



Playing video games improves brain function.

Regular video game players had 1.75 times the odds of high intellectual functioning and 1.88 times the odds of high overall school competence compared to infrequent players, according to a study published in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. SKIDOS's Go Ball and educational games for 5 year olds, for example, are great games that help kids learn math while simultaneously challenging them to think critically and creatively. The fascinating math vehicle game is a great educational tool for toddlers because it is simple and cute.



Video games are useful for controlling food cravings.

According to research, kids who play video games are 24% less likely to snack, which means they can better control their eating habits. Teaching good habits through educational games designed for children aged 6 is invaluable. At this stage, when children are forming habits that will stick with them for years to come, it is important to teach them self-control skills. Skidos' Runners is a video game that encourages a healthy diet and self-discipline among its young players. Learning to choose between healthy and bad foods and logging lengthy miles to improve fitness and health are major themes.



There is a correlation between playing games and increased interest in classroom material.

Historical settings and events in some games have piqued the curiosity of gamers in the past and in other fields. Axe-Man-style video games Rather than introducing them to more modern history through games like Pirates, teach your kids about the Vikings and their fascinating culture. Axe-man is a fantastic educational game for children of 6 years old since it requires them to think strategically.



Young people can learn to use technology and gain exposure to programming through games.

Playing a video game is often a child's first experience with technology. Although it is encouraged to adhere to the standards for media usage set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics, exposing children to age-appropriate video games for brief periods can help acclimatize them to electronic devices. Even for people who otherwise wouldn't be interested in technology, playing video games can pique their curiosity. Therefore, SKIDOS has created games like Flipping Eck to make learning to code and use technology enjoyable. With Flipping Eck, players must guide the protagonist through perilous gaps in the game's adventure mode. It's a tough little platformer with age-appropriate puzzles at every level.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published recommendations for children's media exposure, taking into account their age and stage of development.



Preschoolers: High-quality educational content should not exceed one hour each day.

I implore elementary school students not to allow media consumption to interfere with sleep, physical activity, social interaction, or "unplugged" time.

Anyone and everyone: Get involved as a media mentor. Be a part of your children's media experience by watching shows together.

SKIDOS games automatically follow the AAP's recommendations. SKIDOS creates educational games for youngsters of all ages. Over 40 games with excellent educational value have been created by SKIDOS. Children can learn a wide range of skills and knowledge from SKIDOS games, including coding and programming, mathematics, shapes, colors, the alphabet, and more. All of our games, not just Bath, Doctor, and Runner, promote positive lifestyle choices for youngsters. Kids that play our games and gain so many different abilities will be well-prepared for life. A single SKIDOS subscription can be shared by up to six people. To some extent, parents can take on the role of media mentors for their children by monitoring their activity within each game via a shared dashboard. SKIDOS games are completely ad-free, kid-friendly, and safe. Learn more about the SKIDOS subscription pass and explore our library of games.


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