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How Children's Educational Video Games Can Benefit Their Future Success.

Children develop interests they can build up on later,  they improve their social skills with multi-player games, and develop an understanding & love for healthy competition

By skidos2021Published 2 years ago 4 min read



And 5 ways in which learning games for kids can benefit them in a multitude of ways.


    Introducing children to subjects, play, and interests early on is critical in enhancing their intelligence. Learning games for kids can help them play and learn several subjects at the same time. Games are well known to build 21st century skills in children, like problem solving, logical thinking, and analytical abilities. According to a study by Mills (2016), 'early childhood is a time of rapid brain development; these developments are related to a wide range of cognitive developments and are associated with self-regulatory processes'. Which means that as individuals we learn the most and the quickest in our early ages, as our brain is developing structurally. Games help make these neural networks more complex, which leads to an increase in emotional, social, and intelligence quotients.

Keeping the scientific jargon aside for a moment, early age learning and gaming can also build other abilities in children.Children develop interests they can build up on later,  they improve their social skills with multi-player games, and develop an understanding & love for healthy competition. There are several other benefits too. Children who grow up with such huge skillsets are surely set up for success in the future. Here are another 5 ways in which best games for 3 year olds benefit them.



Video games encourage exercise

When asked by neuroscientists and child care specialists, video game players (specifically boys) talk about learning new moves from sports video games and practicing them on the basketball court or on skateboards. Some even take up new sports after being introduced to them in video games. SKIDOS has therefore developed several sports games like Street Soccer, Bike Racing, Race Cars, Surf Fun, Mountain Climber, Snow race, coloring games for kids and many more. These games include math, coding, and puzzles. These games are also great learning games for toddlers because the level of challenge in these games can be chosen.



Gaming increases cognitive functioning

A study featured in the Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology journal found that children who play video games frequently had '1.75 times the odds of high intellectual functioning and 1.88 times the odds of high overall school competence' than those who did not play video games. Games like Go Ball and Puzzle Game made by SKIDOS teach children math in a fun way while also developing their problem solving skills by  making them solve puzzles. For younger children cool math car game is an easy and adorable game which makes it a perfect learning game for toddlers.


Games help keep cravings in check

One study showed that children who played games were 24% less likely to snack, and thus keep their cravings in check. Learning games for 6 year olds that teach them to build positive habits are very useful. Children develop long lasting habits during this age and as such should be introduced to self control. Runners is a game developed by Skidos that teaches kids about positive eating habits and self control. The game revolves around distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy food, and running long distances to lose weight and get healthy.


Games boost interest in subjects at school

Several games have historic settings and events leaving players with an interest in history and other subjects. Games like Axe-Man Introduce children to vikings and their rich culture, while games like Pirates introduce children to latter day history. Axe-man also involves strategy building which makes it a great learning game for 6 year olds.


Gaming helps children acclimate to technology and introduces them to coding

Video games are oftentimes a child’s first foray into the digital world. While it is recommended to follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ guidelines for media use, introducing children to safe video games for small increments of time can help acclimate them to electronics. Video games can spark an interest in technology, especially in those who may not be as interested in technology. SKIDOS has therefore developed games like Flipping Eck that make coding and technology fun. Flipping Eck is an adventure game where the kids have to make the character jump through gaps carefully. It’s a challenging little platform game where kids solve simple and age-specific exercises at every level.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a set of guidelines for media use based on a child’s developmental stage which are highlighted below:

Preschoolers: No more than one hour of high-quality educational content per day.

Grade-schoolers: Don’t let the media displace other important activities such as quality sleep, regular exercise, family meals, “unplugged” downtime.

All ages: Be a media mentor. Co-view media with your kids.

SKIDOS games naturally adhere to guidelines of the AAP. SKIDOS develops learning games for kids of all ages. SKIDOS has developed over 40 games with high quality educational content. With SKIDOS games children learn a wide variety of subjects like coding, programming, math, shapes, colors, letters, and more. Our games like Bath, Doctor, and Runner encourage kids to make healthier choices in life. Children who develop such a wide variety of skills & abilities with our games are surely set up for success in the future. With SKIDOS subscription up to 6 users can use an account. Parents can become their kids' media mentors by tracking their progress on the dashboard of every game. All SKIDOS games are safe, kid-friendly, and contain no ads. Check out all SKIDOS games and learn more about our subscription pass!




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