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The Rise of Live and How to Use it in Your Marketing

Live demonstration can help viewers see how your product or services work and how they can benefit them,

By SEO HabibiPublished 12 months ago 13 min read
Video Marketing Strategies

Brands from different industries have started making use of videos as they have currently understood their impact on the audience. It helps to get improved attention, thereby improving brand visibility. The primary concept of choosing video content has got increased as people these days or mostly inclined to watch videos over reading text or images. Videos have become a preferred way as it helps to convey message effortlessly and can be shared with everyone else who is interested or might be interested in similar products or services.

However, with the constant upgrade and expectations of people, no more just customers are looking forward to finding video content even when it is really amazing. A perfectly edited video would get a response from viewers, but when it comes to starting a conversation or improving your brand identity, it is vital to show raw footage to come closer to our customers. It is important for any brand to display the actual image without perfectly edited images.

This has resulted in an increased need for live-streaming videos. Recently, brands have started shifting to live streaming from traditional video formats. It is no longer an uncommon concept. Live streaming videos have changed the overall concept of creating videos. It is one of the best ways to start interacting with your potential customers. When you show what You Are in and out of your house is too is without editing, it helps them to convey your brand message and connect personally with brands.

“Viya, a famous influencer, was a part of Taobacco's Singles Day 2019 sales event and started live streaming. It had a massive impact of connecting over 43 million customers.”

Some other statistics:

Following are the research works made after the survey.

● 86% of businesses have started making use of live-streaming videos as a popular marketing tool.

● 59% of people would choose to watch videos instead of reading text.

● 89% of consumers would like to watch live video streaming from their favorite brands.

What is Live Streaming?

Live streaming is a form of video content that helps viewers to take a look at the brand in real-time. It provides viewers an opportunity to find an event exactly the way it is happening without editing or adding filters. These videos are also shared by people, which helps them to improve engagement.

The primary reason for having much impact on live streaming video is that it is available for free. You won't be making any edits that make live videos seem more authentic to the customers. These videos are likely to get an improved crowd and help to reach the potentially more significant market on social media platforms. With live video streaming, you get the opportunity to enjoy a great experience by drawing more attention from the users.

The best part about live-streaming videos is that it works for every business or industry. So whether you are from a lifestyle brand or a news industry, you can create live-streaming videos, but make sure that you have a proper content strategy.

What are the advantages of live video streaming for businesses?

Live streaming is considered one of the best choices for businesses as it helps enterprises to outshine the competition. It allows you to improve in several ways. This form of content can be beneficial as it makes you, as a brand, come on the top users' feeds on social media. Apart from this, you will be able to interact in real-time with potential customers across the world and create more content. Following are some of the significant benefits of choosing live-streaming video formats For your brand.

● Helps to expand your community: The very first and one of the most common benefits is that live stream helps you to communicate directly with viewers, which improves your community and brand awareness. When you choose to use the correct hashtags on the description for live images, it helps you to attract potential customers easily. For people who are looking forward to finding videos on a similar topic or discussing it, live streaming becomes a priority. In today's time, live videos are definitely more impactful compared to text-only or static posts.

● Exhibits authenticity: In today's world, people are not looking forward to finding a perfectly edited and filtered video. Customers would prefer to take a look at real things. When it comes to improving your customer base, there can be nothing better than interacting with them in real time. Live streaming videos ensures that you create videos without polishing them, which makes them look authentic. Some brands might not be able to do it as they greatly edit their videos, but actually, it is beneficial. It does not require you to pay attention to your looks but focus on creating a brand message. If you want to get the trust of your customers, this is the best way.

● Improves engagement: It is really amazing to have a lot of subscribers and followers, but it does not make any sense if your followers or subscribers do not comment or like the post. This is when live streaming format can be greatly handy. As your customers are able to interact with you directly, they are more likely to instantly respond to things. It helps to improve the quality of customers and make sure that you get high-quality leads for your brands.

● Marketing Content: One of the best parts of the live-streaming video is that you can easily repurpose it for creating content for businesses. When it comes to promoting your company on social media, you can share some clips from your live videos or make informational videos from live; it can be incredibly beneficial. Whether you are a service-based company or a product, when you show your services or products or create informational content, or join Q and A session, it can greatly improve your marketing efforts.

There are multiple significance of live stream videos, which makes it the most preferable choice in today's date. Coming out from conventional video formats, live video streaming can be greatly beneficial for brands to showcase their products and services. As it helps brands to check the real image of a company, it becomes useful in several ways. Not only it helps to create a see-through for your brand, but also it helps to grab quality leaves.

Why has live streaming become common for marketing professionals?

With passing days, more brands have realized the potential of live video streaming. Not only is it about showing what your brand truly is, but it is a great marketing strategy. The reason why life videos have become a popular choice when it comes to brand marketing is because of the following reasons.

● It does not cost much: One of the most common reasons why live streaming videos have become a mandatory choice for brands, it's because it would help you to create high-quality content without making much expense. When it comes to creating professional quality content that requires a lot of editing, you need quite a good amount of equipment. However, when it comes to live videos, all you need is your smartphone. If you want to upgrade, you can choose proper lighting, use a microphone and shoot a live stream on WebCam, but you can thoroughly do it on your smartphone as well.

● It is accessible: One of the most common benefits of choosing live-streaming videos is that you will require a good social networking platform to go live. Therefore, when you're already using a social media platform to create your live session, it will help to attract more customers. However, make sure you choose the right hashtags relevant to your video and brand so that you can grab the potential audience. Therefore, everyone who is following you will be able to find your live stream videos and get closer to your brand.

● It is effortless to create: As live streaming videos do not require much editing, it is known for being very easy to create one. As there are several platforms providing easy live video solutions, it does not need any technical expertise to create one. Some of the most popular platforms, like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, or some of the most popular platforms that will help you to easily create live streaming videos in a matter of a few clicks.

● It has very low production cost: The best part about choosing a live-streaming video format is that it would not require any editing. This means that you will not need to pre-record, edit, or add filters by the use of a professional, but you can just create a live video as it is. It does not have to be perfect, but all you need is to interact with your customers.

What kind of videos can you create for live streaming?

There is no denying the fact that live-streaming videos have become one of the most common choices for brands. It requires choosing the right strategy to be able to get the ultimate audience. As live streaming helps people to interact with brands and take a look at them in real life, it becomes extremely beneficial to convey their message and give an opportunity to people to relate with friends. However, there are different types of videos that you can create in live-streaming formats.

Following are some of them.

Live interviews of known professionals:

After the Covid situation, when the lockdown happened, people started consuming meaningful content. Therefore, brands that always shared informative content were able to show up in the search engines. Choosing live videos where you interview a famous professional associated with your brand can improve the overall game. It provides excellent credibility to your brand.

Not only do you need to always choose a famous face, but you can conduct live interviews with the staff working for your brand. It shows the work values and culture along with your brand identity. This has a significant impact on viewers as they get to know more about your company's ethics and get the encouragement to connect with you.

Q&A sessions:

The next most fantastic way of engaging more with your social media users and consumers is by creating a question-and-answer session. It is not only informational but also one of the most entertaining ways of staying connected with your customers. Most of the lifestyle brands or renowned faces who have a great impact on people choose to create a question-and-answer session. This type of live streaming is incredibly beneficial as you, as a brand, can answer the different questions asked by your potential customers.

However, before you start a Q&A session, it is essential to let your customers know about your availability. Make sure that you notify them in advance about the sessions that you are going to go live, and they can ask any kind of questions. This will help you to get a number of questions from your potential customers and answer them when you go live. Apart from this, you can also start a question-and-answer session with a top expert in your industry.

Create live tutorials:

Whether you are a service-based company or a product offering, it is essential for you to have the knowledge that your consumers are no more attracted to the filtered advertisement. Users are looking forward to finding an ethical reason to invest in a service or product, and live streaming can give them the answer to their questions. You can create live tutorials of the products that are available in your brand by showing how it is different from others.

Live tutorials can be created in several manners by showing how it works or the kind of problems it can reduce. When you show your customers by using the product in real-time, it helps to put your brand forward. It is primarily one of the most common choices for fitness and making a brand. Remember that people would not blindly Buy your product, and so instead of creating high-quality videos, paying more attention to live streaming can be greatly beneficial.

Behind-the-scenes video:

It is no more a secret that all of us want to take a look into detail. In the previous time when we could see all the behind-the-scenes of the movies, it always made us stick to the television. Similarly, irrespective of the brand or the industry you are into, when you choose to create behind-the-scenes videos, it helps to connect on a personal level with your audience.

You can create any kind of behind-the-scenes videos for your live streaming, like making a product, showing your workforce, creating funny bloopers, and a lot of other entertaining content. Remember that this is one of the best ways, as it helps to invoke emotions among your customers.

Product unboxing:

Influencers and bloggers who have been on YouTube for a long time now mostly prefer creating products and boxing videos. It is one of the most popular live video types that compel the audience to stick to the screen. As I want to take a look into the product from the very first, these videos become extremely engaging.

Such kind of unboxing videos are beneficial for products and gadgets. It helps to generate curiosity among customers, which increases sales. Whether you are an influencer or not, you can create your own unboxing video for your brand products to show how it looks from the very first look.

Live product launch:

After the advent of the internet, there is no denying that the entire world is available in our hands. So even when there is a product launch in some other part of the world that you cannot reach on time, you can always take part in it by choosing a virtual product launch. If you, as a brand, understand the need for people's curiosity, you must pay attention to creating a live product launch.

It is exceptionally beneficial for all the product-based companies who are looking forward to creating a vast customer base. Live product launch by describing more about the company and product would eventually help everyone watching the video know more about your brand and the product. It is a great way of broadcasting, and there are multiple platforms Where you can choose to create your live product launch video.

Strategy for great live streaming:

So, now that you know the different types of videos that you can create through live streaming, it is time for you to make a strong strategy that would be beneficial for you to drive more audience for your business. So, here is the best streaming strategy that you can choose for your business.

● Create a proper goal for your videos: The very first thing that you need to understand is why you would like to choose live streaming. If you're not sure what your goals are, you will never be able to create compelling content. So, the very first step is asking yourself about the goals you want to accomplish, the conversation you desire, and the type of content you want to create for your brand. Setting these goals can be helpful for your live-streaming video.

● Find out your targeted audience: The next step is to understand your audience rightly. According to your industry, you have to find out what people are looking for. So for this, you first need to understand for whom you will create this content and what kind of value the video audience brings to your brand. So understanding the pain point of your audience will help them to develop topics for your live stream and address them on the videos.

● Plan content accordingly: Make sure to always create a strategy before you hit the live button. It is true that when you are live streaming, there is no way to edit or clean up. So it is vital that you have a plan for the content that you want to share through your live-streaming videos, and make sure to do the best of the time you get.

● Create quality content: Live streaming videos would not always require you to be highly professional. All you need is to make sure that you choose the right smartphone for creating a live-streaming video and showing the product or services that you want. As it is an unedited shoot, you have to have a clear plan in mind.

● Promote properly: It is important to let your customers know about your availability or when you're going to start your live videos so that they are available to watch. You can create a teaser and share it on your Instagram stories or Facebook or Twitter so that it notifies your customers about the live streaming.

Which are the top live-streaming platforms for marketing?

With the growing number of social platforms, it has become easier for brands to create their live-streaming videos. So if you are looking forward to finding the right platform, the following are some of the major names that we can recommend.

● YouTube live

● Facebook live

● Twitter live

● Instagram live

● LinkedIn live

All of these unknown platforms with huge numbers of quality customers. Therefore, you can choose according to your business type and industry.

Wrapping Up

Live streaming videos can have a great impact on businesses. It helps to improve engagement, show authenticity and boost online presence. As there are different types of live video content that you can create, it is crucial for you to have an understanding and goal beforehand. This will help you to make the right content and ensure quality on a consistent basis which will improve interaction with your brand.

Remember that these days people are looking forward to finding unedited and real videos, which is why live-streaming videos can be incredibly influential.

Frequently asked questions

Which industry can indulge in live video streaming marketing?

There is no specific answer to this, as every business that wants to improve its customer base and improve its authenticity can indulge in creating live videos. It has become a great form of marketing as people are able to check brands in real-time.

Is it possible to create live video marketing for the aviation industry?

Absolutely yes. If you want to do live video marketing, you can do it for any industry. As the aviation industry has always been into curiosity, you can create live videos and show an integral part of this industry.

Can anyone shoot live video content?

Yes. Irrespective of whether you are a brand or not, anyone can choose to create live videos. However, it can be beneficial for businesses as live video content marketing helps to improve the audience base.


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SEO Habibi

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    SEO HabibiWritten by SEO Habibi

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