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The refractive index of diamond is 2.42" what is the meaning of this statement.

Why Refraction of diamond is 2.42

By champak jyotiPublished 23 days ago 4 min read


Today in this article, I will try to explain a nice topic,"The refractive index of diamond is 2.42" which is a very enjoyable. topic of physics for Class (ix) and Class (x) school students.


The statement "The refractive index of diamond is 2.42" has taken a lot of significance in the field of optics. The refractive index is a measure of the bending of light as it enters in denser medium (water,glass..) from rarer medium (air). In other words,we may say that it is a measure of how much slower light travels in a denser medium compared to its speed in a vacuum. The refractive index of a material is a key factor in determining how that material interacts with light and it varies depending on the composition and structure of the material.

Diamond is a unique iso top of carbon that has a very high refractive index of 2.42. This is due to its special crystal structure and its high density, which lead to a strong interaction between light and the material. This high refractive index gives diamond many interesting optical properties, which make it valuable in a variety of industries.

What is the Refractive Index?

To understand the meaning of the statement that the refractive index of diamond is 2.42, we first need to realise what the refractive index is,

The refractive index of diamond is 2.42" what is the meaning of this statement.

The refractive index of a material is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum(rarer medium) to the speed of light in that particular material (denser medium). Mathematically, it is represented as:

n = c/v


aμₘ = Vₐ / Vₘ

Where n is the refractive index, c is the speed of light in a air, and v is the speed of light in the material also Vₐ is the speed of light in a air, and Vₘ is the speed of light in the material and μ is the refractive index.

When light enters a material (denser medium)from air(rarer medium), its speed and direction change due to the interaction with the atoms and molecules of the material. This bending of light is known as refraction and is governed by Snell's Law, which relates the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction to the refractive index of the material. The higher the refractive index of a material, the greater the degree of refraction.

The refractive index of a material depends on its composition, structure, and density. Materials with a higher density and a more ordered structure tend to have a higher refractive index.

Some Problems Related on the refractive index of diamond.

Question(1):- The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 and velocity of light in air 3 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹, find the velocity of light in diamond.

Answer:- 1st Method,

The velocity of light in air ( Vₐ) = 3 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

Refractive index of diamond (aμd) = 2.42


Velocity of light in diamond = Vd

∵ We know that,

aμd = Vₐ / Vd

=> 2.42 = 3 × 10⁸ / Vd

=> Vd = 3 × 10⁸ / 2.42

=> Vd = 1.23 × 10⁸

∴ Velocity of light in diamond (Vd) = 1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

2nd Method,

The velocity of light in air ( Vₐ) = 3 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

Refractive index of diamond (aμd) = 2.42

∴ Velocity of light in diamond (Vd) = Vₐ/aμd

= 3 × 10⁸ / 2.42

=1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

Question(2):- The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 and velocity of light in diamond 1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹, find the velocity of light in air.

Answer :- 1st Method

Refractive index of diamond(aμd) = 2.42

The velocity of light in diamond (Vd) = 1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹


velocity of light in air = Vₐ

∵ We know that,

aμd = Vₐ / Vd

=> 2.42 =Vₐ /1.23 × 10⁸

=> Vₐ = 2.42 × 1.23 × 10⁸

=> Vₐ = 2.9766 × 10⁸

=> Vₐ = 3.0 × 10⁸ (approximately)

∴ Velocity of light in air (Vₐ) = 3 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

2nd Method:-

The velocity of light in diamond ( Vd) = 1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

Refractive index of diamond (aμd) = 2.42

∴ Velocity of light in air (Vₐ) = aμd × Vd

= 2.42 ×1.23 × 10⁸

= 2.9766 × 10⁸

= 3.0 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹(approximately)

Question(3):- The speed of light in vaccum 3 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹ and the speed of light in diamond 1.23 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹; find the R.I of diamond.

Answer:- Speed of light in air (Vₐ) = 3.0 × 10⁸ m.s⁻¹

speed of light in diamond (Vd) =1.23 × 10⁸


∴ R.I of diamond (aμd) = Vₐ / Vd

= 3 × 10⁸ / 1.23 × 10⁸

= 3 /1.23

= 2 .43 (approx.)

The Special Optical Properties of Diamond:-

Diamond is a unique iso top of carbon with a high refractive index of 2.42.

The refractive index of diamond is 2.42" what is the meaning of this statement.

This high refractive index gives diamond many interesting optical properties.

1. Brilliance and Fire:- The high refractive index of diamond gives it a high level of dispersion, which means that it splits white light into its component colors and creates a rainbow effect known as fire. The high index also gives diamond a high level of brilliance, which is the intense white light that reflects off the surface of the stone.

2. Total Internal Reflection:- Due to its high refractive index, diamond has a critical angle of 24.4 degrees, which means that any light that enters in diamond at an angle greater than this is totally reflected back inside the diamond. This allows diamond to act as a natural optical fiber, conducting and reflecting light inside the stone.

3. Polarization:- Diamond has a strong ability to polarize light, meaning that it can filter out certain orientations of light waves. This polarization property is useful in applications such as lasers and optical filters...............

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