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The Different Types of Narcissists

Which One Are You Dealing With?

By Stefan ToaderPublished about a year ago 11 min read

1.The Grandiose Narcissist

1. Definition of Grandiose Narcissism

Grandiose narcissism is a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder characterized by a sense of entitlement, self-importance, and a lack of empathy toward others. Individuals with grandiose narcissism have an inflated sense of self and an intense desire for admiration and attention. They may believe that they are special, superior, and entitled to special treatment.

2. Characteristics of Grandiose Narcissists

Grandiose narcissists exhibit various behaviors and traits that can make them challenging to deal with. These include arrogance, a lack of empathy, a need for constant admiration, a sense of entitlement, and an inability to accept criticism. They may also be manipulative, exploitative, and willing to take advantage of others to achieve their goals.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Grandiose Narcissist

Dealing with a grandiose narcissist can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. It's important to set clear boundaries and to communicate assertively. It's also important to avoid engaging in power struggles or trying to change the narcissist's behavior. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and seeking support from others. Learning to detach emotionally and practicing self-care can also be helpful in coping with a grandiose narcissist.

2. The Vulnerable Narcissist

1. Definition of Vulnerable Narcissism

Vulnerable narcissism is a subtype of narcissism characterized by a deep-seated insecurity and a need for validation from others. Unlike grandiose narcissists, vulnerable narcissists are not overly confident and self-assured; instead, they tend to feel insecure and anxious, constantly seeking reassurance and attention from others. This type of narcissist may present themselves as fragile, sensitive, and emotional, using these traits to manipulate others and maintain control over their relationships.

2. Characteristics of Vulnerable Narcissists

Some common characteristics of vulnerable narcissists include a tendency to be hypersensitive to criticism or rejection, an overwhelming need for attention and validation, a tendency to play the victim, and a lack of empathy for others. These individuals often struggle with feelings of shame and inadequacy, which they mask with a facade of superiority or grandiosity. They may also have a fear of abandonment, leading them to cling to their relationships and manipulate others to meet their needs.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Vulnerable Narcissist

Dealing with a vulnerable narcissist can be challenging, as their behavior can be unpredictable and manipulative. Some coping strategies that may be helpful include setting clear boundaries, being assertive in your communication, avoiding getting drawn into their emotional drama, and seeking support from friends or a therapist. It's important to recognize that a vulnerable narcissist's behavior is not your fault and that it's okay to prioritize your own needs and well-being. With patience and consistency, it's possible to navigate a relationship with a vulnerable narcissist while maintaining your own sense of self and boundaries.

3. The Covert Narcissist

1. Definition of Covert Narcissism

Covert narcissism, also known as vulnerable narcissism, is a type of narcissistic personality disorder where the individual exhibits more introverted and insecure traits. Unlike grandiose narcissists, who are openly arrogant and demanding, covert narcissists are often shy, withdrawn, and hypersensitive to criticism. They seek attention and admiration but do so in a more passive-aggressive manner. They often use manipulation and emotional blackmail to get what they want and may portray themselves as victims to elicit sympathy from others.

2. Characteristics of Covert Narcissists

Covert narcissists exhibit many of the same traits as other types of narcissists, but with a more subdued approach. They may appear humble and self-effacing on the surface, but their underlying motivations are still centered around their own desires and needs. They are often hypersensitive to rejection and criticism and may respond with anger, defensiveness, or withdrawal. They may also engage in covert forms of aggression, such as gossiping or spreading rumors, in order to undermine others.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Covert Narcissist

Dealing with covert narcissists can be challenging, as their behavior is often subtle and hard to detect. It is important to set clear boundaries and assert your own needs, while also recognizing and validating the narcissist's feelings. It may also be helpful to seek therapy or support from others who have dealt with similar situations. Additionally, it is important to avoid getting caught up in their manipulation and emotional games and to maintain a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

4. The Malignant Narcissist

1. Definition of Malignant Narcissism

Malignant narcissism is a term used to describe a type of narcissism that combines traits of both narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Individuals with this type of narcissism are often seen as highly manipulative, lacking in empathy, and highly aggressive. They have a need for power and control, and they will often use others to get what they want.

2. Characteristics of Malignant Narcissists

Malignant narcissists are known for their grandiosity, entitlement, and lack of empathy. They often have a sense of superiority and believe that they are above others. They may also be highly manipulative and use others to get what they want, often without any concern for the consequences. Malignant narcissists can be highly aggressive, and they may use violence to get their way. They may also engage in criminal behavior, such as fraud or theft, without any remorse.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

Dealing with a malignant narcissist can be challenging, but there are coping strategies that can help. It is essential to set boundaries and stick to them, as malignant narcissists will often push the boundaries to get what they want. It is also important to avoid engaging in arguments or confrontations, as this can escalate the situation. Instead, try to remain calm and assertive when dealing with a malignant narcissist. Seeking support from a therapist or support group can also be helpful in managing the effects of dealing with a malignant narcissist.

5. The Somatic Narcissist

1. Definition of Somatic Narcissism

Somatic narcissism is a subtype of narcissism where individuals focus on their physical appearance and attractiveness, believing it to be the key to gaining admiration and attention from others. Somatic narcissists typically obsess over their appearance and are preoccupied with maintaining their youthful looks, often engaging in excessive exercise, dieting, and cosmetic procedures.

2. Characteristics of Somatic Narcissists

Somatic narcissists may come across as vain, self-absorbed, and superficial, often using their physical appearance to manipulate and control others. They may also display a sense of entitlement and arrogance, believing that they are superior to others based on their looks. Somatic narcissists may struggle with feelings of insecurity and may become aggressive or defensive when their appearance is criticized or challenged.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Somatic Narcissist

When dealing with a somatic narcissist, it can be helpful to set boundaries and avoid engaging in conversations or activities that revolve solely around their appearance. It's also important to remember that their focus on physical appearance is often a way to cover up deeper insecurities, and approaching them with empathy and compassion may be more effective than criticism or confrontation. Seeking the support of a therapist or support group can also provide helpful coping strategies for managing a relationship with a somatic narcissist.

6. The Cerebral Narcissist

1. Definition of Cerebral Narcissism

Cerebral narcissism is a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder that is characterized by a preoccupation with intellectual and cognitive abilities. Individuals with this type of narcissism tend to overvalue their intellectual achievements, believe that they are intellectually superior to others, and often engage in behaviors to demonstrate their intelligence.

2. Characteristics of Cerebral Narcissists

Cerebral narcissists exhibit a number of distinct behaviors and characteristics. They may use their intellect and knowledge as a way to dominate and control others and may dismiss the opinions or ideas of those they deem intellectually inferior. They often lack empathy and have difficulty forming meaningful emotional connections with others, instead preferring to engage in intellectual debates or discussions. They may also have an inflated sense of self-importance and may expect others to admire or praise their intellectual abilities.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Cerebral Narcissist

Dealing with a cerebral narcissist can be challenging, but there are several coping strategies that may help. It's important to recognize that their intellectual prowess does not necessarily mean they are right or that their opinion is the only valid one. It can be helpful to set boundaries and establish clear communication channels to ensure that they are not dominating conversations or debates. It's also important to maintain emotional distance and avoid getting too emotionally invested in their opinions or ideas. Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also be beneficial in managing the effects of interacting with a cerebral narcissist.

7. The Amorous Narcissist

1. Definition of Amorous Narcissism

Amorous narcissism is a type of narcissism characterized by a person's intense preoccupation with romantic and sexual fantasies. Individuals with amorous narcissism often have a history of being in many short-term relationships and may exhibit grandiose tendencies in their pursuit of love and admiration.

2. Characteristics of Amorous Narcissists

Amorous narcissists may appear charming, confident, and seductive. They may have a strong sense of entitlement and expect special treatment from their partners. They may be emotionally volatile and easily offended when their partners do not fulfill their desires or meet their expectations. They may also be manipulative and use their sexuality to control and exploit their partners.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with an Amorous Narcissist

Coping with an amorous narcissist can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. It is important to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs and expectations in the relationship. It may also be helpful to seek support from friends or a therapist to gain perspective and develop coping skills. If the relationship becomes abusive, it may be necessary to seek professional help or leave the relationship altogether.

8. The Collective Narcissist

1. Definition of Collective Narcissism

Collective narcissism is a term used to describe individuals who derive their self-worth from the accomplishments of their group, whether it be a sports team, political party, or cultural identity. In this sense, the group's achievements are seen as their own, and they believe that their group is superior to others.

2. Characteristics of Collective Narcissists

People with collective narcissism often have an exaggerated sense of entitlement, believing that their group deserves special treatment or privileges. They may also exhibit intolerance toward those who are not part of their group and have a tendency to view them as inferior. Additionally, collective narcissists may be highly defensive of their group, rejecting any criticism or negative feedback.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Collective Narcissist

When dealing with a collective narcissist, it is important to acknowledge and respect their strong attachment to their group identity. Avoid challenging their beliefs directly, as this may lead to defensiveness or hostility. Instead, try to find common ground or shared interests to build a relationship. It is also important to establish clear boundaries and avoid enabling any harmful or exclusionary behavior.

9. The Fanatical Narcissist

1. Definition of Fanatical Narcissism

Fanatical narcissism is a type of narcissistic personality disorder that is characterized by an extreme level of self-importance, obsession with power and control, and a belief in one's own superiority. Individuals with this type of narcissism can be grandiose, manipulative, and dangerous. They have a strong desire to control others and are often willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

2. Characteristics of Fanatical Narcissists

Fanatical narcissists exhibit a variety of characteristics that make them unique from other types of narcissists. They tend to have a grandiose sense of self-importance and are often preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power, success, and fame. They can be extremely charismatic and use their charm to manipulate and control others. They have a strong need for admiration and will go to great lengths to get it.

Fanatical narcissists can also be extremely aggressive and may resort to violence when they feel that their sense of control or superiority is threatened. They can be paranoid and may perceive even minor criticisms or slights as personal attacks.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Fanatical Narcissist

Dealing with a fanatical narcissist can be challenging, but there are several coping strategies that can be effective. It is important to maintain strong boundaries and limit contact with the narcissist as much as possible. It is also important to avoid engaging in power struggles with the narcissist and to seek support from others who can provide emotional support and guidance. It may also be helpful to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance on how to deal with the narcissist's behavior. Finally, it is important to recognize that the behavior of the narcissist is not a reflection of one's own worth or value as a person.

10. The Communal Narcissist

1. Definition of Communal Narcissism

Communal Narcissism is a subtype of narcissism that is characterized by an individual’s excessive self-focus on being generous, helpful, and self-sacrificing to others while seeking admiration and validation in return. It is often driven by the need to feel valued and important by others, while at the same time presenting oneself as a selfless and caring person.

2. Characteristics of Communal Narcissists

Communal Narcissists often engage in behaviors that are seemingly selfless, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or taking care of others. However, their underlying motivation is to gain admiration and validation from others for their supposed selflessness. They may also become resentful or angry if they feel their efforts are not recognized or appreciated.

Other characteristics of communal narcissists may include an exaggerated sense of responsibility for others, an expectation of loyalty and admiration, and a tendency to exploit their relationships for personal gain.

3. Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Communal Narcissist

Coping with a communal narcissist can be challenging, as their behaviors can be confusing and contradictory. It is important to recognize that their actions are often driven by a need for validation and admiration, rather than genuine concern for others.

Some coping strategies for dealing with a communal narcissist may include setting clear boundaries, practicing assertiveness, and being cautious of their motives. It is also helpful to focus on one's own needs and priorities, rather than solely catering to the communal narcissist's demands. In some cases, seeking professional support may also be beneficial.

Important resources:

Beat The Breakup: How to Get Over Your Ex Overnight

Mend The Marriage: How to Save Your Dying Marriage

His Secret Obsession: What Every Man Is Secretly Obsessed With, But Will Never Tell You

Text Chemistry: Learn the Sneaky Text Message That Makes Any Man Obsessed With You

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Stefan Toader

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    Stefan ToaderWritten by Stefan Toader

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