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The 4 reasons why you should save MONEY

Building Financial Security and Achieving Your Goals

By Syman DeoriPublished 10 months ago โ€ข 5 min read
The 4 reasons why you should save MONEY
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

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Saving money requires dedication, attitude, and mentality in addition to math. To ensure a more secure and stable future, saving money is a crucial financial discipline. By saving regularly, you may take advantage of a number of benefits, including realizing your aspirations, building an emergency fund, and taking advantage of favourable chances as they present themselves. However, those who fail to save May will confront formidable obstacles. Debt accumulation might turn into a financial trap that prevents you from achieving your long-term goals and ambitions. Additionally, not having a financial safety net can make stressful situations more likely to occur.

In this article, Iโ€™ll outline four reasons why you should save money and why itโ€™s one of the finest ways to raise your standard of living, realize your goals, and guard against market dangers.

1. First off, having money gives you power.

The ability to handle any unanticipated circumstance that could endanger your financial stability, whether itโ€™s a medical emergency, a worldwide disaster, a fine, or a business opportunity, having a cash Reserve will allow you to move promptly and securely without turning to loans or selling off undesirable assets.

Aid a reserve for emergencies that can cover three to six monthsโ€™ worth of fixed expenses. To avoid the temptation of spending this money on needless or worthless items, put it in a separate bank account from the one you use for your daily needs. Additionally, by keeping this money in the bank, you can access services like Deposit Insurance or ATMs.

2. Money provides you freedom, which is the second justification.

Freedom to reach your financial objectives in the short, medium, and long terms. We all have goals and projects we want to complete, such as traveling, purchasing a house, pursuing our careers, or retiring early. In order to achieve these goals, you must set aside and invest a percentage of your income, but you also need to have access to cash to pay for the costs related to them.

For instance, youโ€™ll need money for the down payment, title costs, and taxes if you want to buy a property. If you wish to travel, youโ€™ll need money for transportation, lodging, and mementos. Youโ€™ll need money for transportation, books, and tuition if you want to pursue a job, so itโ€™s critical to clearly define your financial goals and create a savings plan for each one. You may automate your savings and make it simpler and more pleasurable by using tools like planned savings accounts and digital piggie banks.

3. The third justification is that having money gives you security.

Security measures for your protection, Financial market risks include taking on certain risks like volatility, inflation, or frauds even if investing in financial assets like stocks, bonds, or funds can be quite rewarding in the long run. A percentage of your wealth should be in cash since it has a steady value and is not affected by market changes. since of these dangers, you could lose some or all of your money if you donโ€™t have a proper strategy or diversify your portfolio.

Additionally, having money allows you to benefit from investment possibilities that present themselves while prices are low. For instance, if the stock market is experiencing a slump and you come across a stock that you like at a very cheap price, you may purchase it with your money and wait for its value to grow.

4. The ability to shift careers is the fourth factor.

A big decision in many peopleโ€™s lives is changing occupations, but occasionally people are hesitant to do so even when they are unhappy in their current position because they worry Saving money can act as a financial buffer during times of change, enabling you to explore new opportunities without immediate financial worry.

Moreover, many people aspire to launch their own business, but doing so entails financial risks and uncertainties, particularly in the beginning. Saving money gives you the courage to start your venture and a financial buffer to deal with any difficulties that may arise during the first few months or years of operation. The freedom to enjoy life more, devote time to personal projects, or even pursue other interests like volunteering or traveling will allow you to retire before the traditional retirement age. But how do you know how much money you should have in your portfolio? If you manage to save up enough to cover your basic expenses, you may decide to do so.

There is no universal solution because it depends on your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. However, several financial gurus advise keeping between 10 and 20 percent of your capital in cash to achieve a balance between profitability and security.

Taking into account the kind of assets you have in your portfolio is also crucial since if they are more volatile or less liquid, you will require more cash to make up the difference. Additionally, you should assess your portfolio on a regular basis and change the percentage of cash in it dependent on the state of the market. If prices rise broadly, you might spend less cash and acquire more assets. As you can see, conserving money has several advantages for your financial health. If prices fall generally, you may raise your cash and sell some things.

But also calls for some safety measures. avoid keeping all of your funds in cash to avoid losing purchasing power owing to inflation and missing out on investment opportunities. Additionally, avoid keeping cash on debit cards or at home because doing so puts it at risk of theft, fraud, or loss. Your money should ideally be spread out over several bank accounts that provide security, liquidity, and profitability. This manner, you can enjoy your money without worrying.

But what would happen to your financial life if you ignored these four reasons?

If you donโ€™t set aside money for unforeseen costs, you run the risk of having to borrow money or use credit to pay for them, which could result in excessive debt that harms your credit history and ability to pay. In addition, youโ€™ll have to pay interest and fees that will reduce your margin for savings and investment.

If you donโ€™t save money for your financial goals, you run the risk of not being able to achieve them or of having to postpone them indefinitely. This can cause frustration, stress, and low self-esteem. In addition, youโ€™ll pass up the chance to enjoy activities and possessions that will make you happy and add value to your life.

Finally, failing to save money to guard against financial risks puts you at risk of losing all or a portion of your wealth if the market declines, which can cause panic and undermine your confidence in yourself and your judgment. Youโ€™ll also pass up the chance to profit from investment possibilities that come while prices are low. As you can see, not saving money has numerous negative effects on your financial health.

But you can also prevent them with careful planning and self-control. Donโ€™t let consumerism and urgency stop you from making financial savings and lifestyle improvements.

By Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Recollect the four justifications I listed: power, freedom, and security come from money. Are you saving your money or are you spending it all and taking the risks I mentioned? If you take this advise, youโ€™ll see your money increase and multiply.

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