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Tattoo Needle Guide

How to Choose the Right Needle for Shading and Lines

By TATTOPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

There are various types and sizes of tattoo needles available on the market, making it challenging to keep track. But don't worry, today I'll guide you through the different needle types and explain their uses. I'll also show you which needle I use, and you'll see it's not as complicated as it may seem. Choosing the right needle gauge. The gauge of the needle plays a crucial role

in the type of work you want to perform. This is the first number on the needle packaging and indicates how thick the needle is at its thickest point. The most common numbers are 8 means the needle is 0.25 millimeters thick at its thickest point, ideal for detailed work but very delicate. 10 means the needle is 0.3 millimeters thick at its thickest point. I believe you've understood the principle The next number on the package determines the number of needles The number of needles influences the thickness of the line

More needles mean a thicker line with shaders needles more needles also mean thicker shading which is logical The letters after the numbers describe the needle type in the world of tattoos There are various needle types used for different purposes from round liners to magnum shaders. Each needle has its own function and application.

  • RL stands for round liner needles, perfect for clear and clean line work.
  • RS stands for round shader needles, ideal for filling colors and basic shading and thick lines.

Round shades are very similar to liner needles, but there is one major difference. The round shader needles are straight and are further apart. The circular arrangement of the needles creates a cavity.

  • The M1 abbreviation stands for Magnum needles. Here's a mistake you should avoid when working with a magnum needle that isn't rounded on the sides like a soft edge needle.

It can strain the skin too much when filling large areas. I don't know anyone who uses this needle because it's simply too aggressive on the skin. Additionally, there are no smooth transitions at overlapping points.

  • RM or CM stands for curved magnum shaders needles.

I use this needle very often and it's perfect for soft, clean shading. There are more needle types, but I don't want to confuse or overwhelm you, so I'll leave out those types because in practice they're not commonly used. Or let's say I don't use them.

This is for Extra

How to create a hygienic tattoo setup using various products and I'll also demonstrate the proper way to pack the tattoo machine. First I wash my hands and then put on gloves. It's important to note that whenever an unpackaged product is handled, new gloves must be used afterward.

I spray the clean work surface with surface disinfectant and then wrap it in plastic wrap. It may not be a beauty contest but it's hygienic. Next I tape down the table cover. I've diluted the green soap with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. This is used to wipe off excess ink on the skin. I also wrap the bottle with plastic wrap. Using a wooden spatula I take Vaseline from the container and apply it to the work surface. Then I take color caps, depending on how many you want to use, and stick them to the work

surface with Vaseline. Now I clean my machine thoroughly with surface disinfectant. Afterward, I wrap the machine. I use tape to secure the plastic to the machine, making sure it covers the machine all the way to the front edge so that the needle module just fits into the machine. The same goes for the back. For machines with a cable clip cord sleeve should be used to cover the cable as mentioned before. Fix it with tape.

I also wrap the power supply. It's essential to mention that everything touched during the tattoo process must be wrapped. I wrap grip wrap around the handle and the thickness varies for everyone. You'll need to experiment to find what works best for you. I prefer it to be thinner. I insert the needle module into the machine, ensuring that the machine is not visible to prevent contamination

how to

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