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Tall Tail

Tall Tale

By Hina OfficialPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a wise old owl named Hoot. He was well-known among all the animals of the forest for his sharp wit and knowledge. One day, a small, furry creature wandered into his tree hollow and introduced itself as Tall Tail, a raccoon who had a unique gift – the ability to talk.

Hoot was intrigued by the small creature's gift and decided to test it out. "So, tell me, Tall Tail," he asked, "What do you think of the forest?"

Tall Tail looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. "It's a beautiful place," he replied. "The trees are tall and majestic, and the air is always fresh and crisp. But there's always a danger lurking around every corner. The predators are always on the lookout for their next prey."

Hoot was impressed by Tall Tail's observations and decided to take him under his wing. He taught Tall Tail everything he knew about the forest – the habits of the predators, the best time to forage for food, and how to avoid getting caught in traps set by humans.

As the days went by, Tall Tail learned more and more, and soon he was able to teach Hoot a thing or two as well. He had a keen sense of smell and was able to detect predators from a distance. He also knew which fruits and berries were safe to eat and which were poisonous.

Together, Hoot and Tall Tail became the guardians of the forest, watching over the other animals and making sure that they were safe. Whenever danger threatened, they would swoop down and warn the animals, and they would all take cover until the danger had passed.

One day, a group of humans entered the forest, armed with axes and chainsaws. They had come to chop down the trees and build a new settlement. The animals were in a panic, not knowing what to do.

Hoot and Tall Tail knew they had to act fast. They flew to the human's camp and tried to reason with them, but the humans didn't understand the animals' language. They laughed at the two creatures and continued with their work.

Tall Tail was determined not to give up. He knew he had a gift that could help the animals. He scampered back to the forest and called out to the other animals. "Listen to me, my friends," he said. "I have a plan to stop the humans from destroying our home."

He explained his plan, and soon all the animals were on board. They worked together to sabotage the humans' tools and equipment. They cut the cables on the chainsaws, loosened the bolts on the axes, and even managed to steal the human's lunch.

The humans were bewildered by the animals' actions and eventually gave up and left the forest. The animals cheered and thanked Tall Tail for saving their home. Hoot looked on proudly at his student, knowing that he had taught him well.

From that day on, Tall Tail became known as the hero of the forest. He had proven that even the smallest and weakest creature could make a big difference if they had the courage to stand up for what was right. And Hoot, he had learned that sometimes the best teacher could also be a student.

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  • Hina Official (Author)about a year ago


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