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Subconscious Education and Subliminal Programming Facts

Whether you are sitting at home, working out at the gym, or driving down the road, you can train yourself subconsciously.

By Writer TigerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Subconscious Education and Subliminal Programming Facts
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Subconscious is your mind's memory bank. It holds everything that has ever happened to you. It holds experiences, emotions, memories, beliefs, knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, personality traits, etc. Your subconscious is where you store all these things.

Conscious is what you are aware of right now. You can think about anything but you cannot feel something unless you have been exposed to it. So if you have never experienced something before then you cannot know it exists.

Superconscious is beyond conscious and subconscious. Unconscious is the opposite of conscious. It is the place we go when we sleep. Dreaming is unconscious.

Hypnosis is when someone puts you into a state of being unaware of your surroundings.

How is the subconscious trained?

By Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Subconscious training can be achieved through repetition. Repetition is the act of repeating something over and over again until it becomes second nature. In other words, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, you would practice playing songs over and over again until they become second nature. This is what subconscious training does. It trains your brain to perform certain tasks automatically without conscious effort.

Subconscious training can also be achieved through association. Association is when two things are linked together in our mind. If I link the word “apple” with the image of an apple, then my brain will begin associating that word with the image of apples. When this happens, the word “apple,” now has a meaning associated with the image of an Apple.

Subconscious training can even be achieved through emotional connection. Emotional connection occurs when we feel connected to someone or something. We may have a strong emotional attachment towards someone or something. For example, if I had a close friend who died, I would probably still think about him or her often. That is because I am emotionally attached to them.

Subconscious training can occur at any age. As long as we are alive, we can train ourselves to do anything. However, some people are born with greater abilities than others. Some people are naturally gifted while others need to work harder to achieve their goals.

Subconscious training can last forever. Once you have learned something, it will stay with you forever. You will never forget how to ride a bike, drive a car, or play the piano. These skills will always remain with you.

Subconscious training can happen anywhere. Whether you are sitting at home, working out at the gym, or driving down the road, you can train yourself subconsciously.

Subliminal Programming is a form of mind control that uses sound frequencies below our awareness level to influence us subconsciously. This can be used to change your behavior without you even knowing about it.

How is subliminal programming done?

The term was coined in the early 1900s as a way to describe the use of music to affect people's moods, thoughts, and behaviors. Subliminal messages are often hidden in songs or sounds played at low volumes, but they can also be displayed visually using flashing lights or images.

There have been many claims over the years regarding the effectiveness of subliminal messaging, however, no scientific evidence has ever proven these claims. In fact, some studies suggest that listening to certain types of music may actually improve memory and concentration.

Is subliminal programming used in advertisements?

Subliminal Programming is a form of advertising that uses images, sounds, words, and other stimuli to influence subconscious thought processes without awareness on the part of the recipient. This type of advertising has been around since the early 1900s, but only recently have scientists started to understand how this works and what effects it can have on people.

The first known use of Subliminal Programming was in the 1920’s when Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, created the “public relations industry”. He came up with the idea of using Subliminal Programming to sell products and ideas to society at large. His clients included Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Ford Motors, and many others.

In the 1950’s, Subliminal Programming became popular again after the invention of television. In fact, some believe that the popularity of TV caused the decline of radio as a means of mass communication. With the advent of television, advertisers could now target their messages directly into the homes of consumers.

Today, Subliminal Programming is still widely used in advertising. Some companies even use it to market themselves to children. One company called “Bubble Guppies” makes toys that are marketed towards young girls. They claim that these toys help develop self-esteem and confidence in young girls. However, critics argue that the toys actually promote gender stereotypes and encourage girls to play like boys.

Subliminal Programming can also be used to manipulate public opinion through the media. A famous example of this is the movie “1984” by George Orwell. In the book, he describes a world where the government controls the news and brainwashes its citizens through propaganda. Today, we know that this is not fiction, but reality. Many believe that the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

Another example of Subliminal Programming is the music video “I Want You Back” by Jackson 5. In the song, Michael Jackson sings about his relationship with his father. At the end of the song, he asks his father to come back to him. When the video ends, viewers see that the father is standing right behind Michael.

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About the Creator

Writer Tiger

I write articles on Psychology, Technology, Blockchain and information. Most of my time is spent researching and getting the right information.

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