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School life


By Mohammad MahisPublished 2 days ago 5 min read
School life
Photo by Matese Fields on Unsplash

**The Chronicles of Md Mahis: A School Life Tale**

Md Mahis adjusted his backpack and took a deep breath as he stood at the gate of Oakridge High School. It was his first day at a new school, and nerves twisted his stomach into knots. His family had moved to the bustling city just a week ago, leaving behind the small town where he had grown up. Everything here seemed bigger and more intimidating, from the sprawling campus to the sea of unfamiliar faces.

As Mahis walked through the crowded hallways, he felt like a small fish in a vast ocean. He missed the familiar corridors of his old school, where everyone knew each other, and he had a tight-knit group of friends. Here, he was just another new kid trying to find his way. His first class was history, and he slid into a seat at the back of the room, hoping to go unnoticed.

The teacher, Mr. Roberts, welcomed him warmly and introduced him to the class. Mahis gave a shy wave, feeling the weight of dozens of curious eyes. As the lesson began, he tried to focus on the story of ancient civilizations, but his mind kept drifting to thoughts of home and his old friends.

Lunchtime was even more daunting. Mahis wandered around the cafeteria, clutching his lunch tray, searching for a friendly face. He finally spotted an empty seat at a table where a group of boys were chatting animatedly. Summoning his courage, he approached them.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked, trying to sound confident.

“Nah, go ahead,” said a boy with curly hair and a friendly smile. “I’m Raj, and this is Amir and Jay.”

Mahis introduced himself, and the boys welcomed him into their conversation. They talked about their favorite sports teams, video games, and the upcoming school dance. Mahis felt a flicker of hope—maybe making friends here wouldn’t be so hard after all.

Over the next few weeks, Mahis began to settle into his new routine. He discovered that Oakridge High had a lot to offer, from a well-stocked library to a variety of extracurricular activities. Encouraged by his new friends, he decided to join the school’s soccer team. Soccer had always been his passion, and he hoped it would be a way to connect with others and feel more at home.

Tryouts were intense, with dozens of students vying for a spot on the team. Mahis gave it his all, running, dribbling, and shooting with everything he had. Coach Harris, a gruff but fair man, watched closely, evaluating each player’s skills and attitude. When the final roster was posted, Mahis scanned the list nervously. His heart leaped when he saw his name.

“Congratulations, Mahis!” Raj exclaimed when he heard the news. “We’re teammates now!”

Practices were tough but rewarding. Mahis pushed himself to improve, motivated by the camaraderie and support of his teammates. As the season progressed, he found himself growing more confident, not just on the field but in the classroom as well. He started participating in class discussions and even made a few presentations.

One day, Ms. Thompson, his English teacher, announced a poetry contest. Mahis had always enjoyed writing, but he had never shared his poems with anyone. Encouraged by his friends and teachers, he decided to enter the contest. He spent hours crafting a poem about his experiences, capturing the essence of change, resilience, and hope.

When the day of the contest arrived, Mahis stood in front of his classmates, his hands trembling slightly. He took a deep breath and began to read. As he spoke, he felt a sense of liberation, expressing his thoughts and feelings through his words. When he finished, the room erupted in applause. Ms. Thompson beamed with pride, and Mahis felt a surge of accomplishment.

Life at Oakridge High wasn’t without its challenges. There were days when Mahis still felt homesick and overwhelmed. But he had learned to navigate those moments, drawing strength from his friends, his family, and his newfound confidence.

One crisp autumn afternoon, the school held a community service day. Students were encouraged to participate in various activities, from cleaning up local parks to volunteering at food banks. Mahis and his friends decided to help out at a nearby animal shelter. They spent the day walking dogs, cleaning kennels, and playing with the cats. It was hard work, but it was also incredibly rewarding.

As they were leaving, the shelter manager, Mrs. Collins, thanked them for their efforts. “You’ve made a real difference today,” she said, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. “These animals don’t have a voice, but your actions speak volumes.”

Mahis felt a warm glow of satisfaction. It was moments like these that reminded him of the importance of community and giving back. He realized that while he had been focused on adjusting to his new school and making friends, he had also become a part of something bigger—a community that cared for one another.

As the school year continued, Mahis’s bond with his friends grew stronger. They studied together, cheered each other on at soccer games, and shared countless laughs. One evening, they gathered at Raj’s house for a movie night. Amidst the popcorn and laughter, Mahis felt a deep sense of belonging. He was no longer the new kid; he was part of a group that valued him for who he was.

By the time summer rolled around, Mahis looked back on the year with a mixture of pride and gratitude. He had faced his fears, embraced new challenges, and discovered strengths he didn’t know he had. Oakridge High had become more than just a school; it was a place where he had grown, learned, and forged lasting friendships.

On the last day of school, Mahis stood by his locker, reflecting on the journey. Raj, Amir, and Jay joined him, their faces lit up with excitement for the summer break. They made plans for soccer matches at the park, camping trips, and late-night gaming sessions.

As they walked out of the school together, Mahis felt a sense of closure and anticipation. The year had been a whirlwind of change, but it had also been a time of growth and discovery. He knew that no matter what the future held, he could face it with confidence, knowing he had the support of his friends and the strength within himself.

The chronicles of Md Mahis’s school life were filled with ups and downs, challenges and triumphs. But through it all, he had learned an invaluable lesson: that change, while daunting, often brings opportunities for growth and connection. And in the halls of Oakridge High, he had found a place where he could truly belong.


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    MMWritten by Mohammad Mahis

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