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Santa’s Putting Workshop: Pro Tips and Festive Practice Games for Perfecting Your Golf Skills

Even Santa needs to work on his putting game!

By DaphsamPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Author's Illustration

Join Santa for a Putting Workshop!

With my retired golf pro husband, we wrote this article together to show ways to work on your putting game in the winter. My husband always said that golf is a game of patience and practice. During these winter months when he can’t get out there on the course, he using some drills to keep his game up to Par. I thought it would be fun to share some of his practice games with you all.

Here are a few practice games that you can do at home.

Mastering Distance Control: Elevate Your Putting Game with the Perfect Tempo!

Set the Rhythm: To improve your distance control, embrace the rhythm of a metronome. Imagine a smooth, continuous back-and-forth movement as you address the ball for your putt.

Sync with Your Pace: Visualize your ideal walking pace and sync it with your putting tempo. This alignment helps establish a consistent flow to your stroke.

Eyes Closed, Visualize: Close your eyes and hold the putter in your hands. With eyes shut, picture the entire putting process. Envision the ball leaving the putter face, rolling smoothly towards the imaginary hole.

Aim for Perfection: With no actual ball in play, focus solely on your swing’s rhythm and tempo. Imagine a marker or paper cutout representing the hole’s location.

Watch It Drop: As you swing, concentrate on maintaining your rhythm. In your mind’s eye, witness the ball’s graceful journey as it lands right in the hole.

Boost Confidence: This practice method doesn’t hinge on outcomes; instead, it fosters confidence in your distance control. The goal is to internalize the feel of your swing and its connection to distance.

By following these steps, you’ll get a better feel for your distance control skills while fostering a sense of rhythm and precision that translates beautifully onto the greens.

By Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

Distance Control Challenge: Perfect Your Putting Precision!

Gather Materials: Collect two small boxes or cans, a measuring stick or tape, your putter, and a supply of golf balls.

Set Up the Range: Measure a distance range spanning from 15 to 10 feet. Mark these points clearly on the putting surface.

Start Putting: Position yourself at the 15-foot mark. Your objective is to putt the ball as close to this mark as possible, without surpassing the nearby box or can.

Gradually Improve: After each putt, move closer to the previous ball’s position. The aim is to consistently get the ball nearer to the 15-foot mark with each stroke.

Keep Tally: As you proceed, keep track of the number of balls that successfully land within the 15 to 10 feet range.

Maintain the Challenge: Continue this sequence until you overshoot the designated range or reach a desired number of putts.

Beat Your Score: Each time you practice this precision drill, strive to outdo your previous score. Challenge yourself to enhance your accuracy and control.

Challenge Completion: The challenge concludes either when you overshoot the range or when you’ve completed a certain number of rounds.

By following these steps, you’ll progressively enhance your putting precision and develop a greater sense of control over the distance and accuracy of your putts.

By Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

Indoor Putting Gates: Master Your Putting Alignment!

Select Household Items: Choose everyday items like books, water bottles, or any other objects you have on hand that can serve as gates.

Arrange the Pathway: Arrange these items to create a pathway on the floor. Place them in a sequential order, forming a series of narrow openings that the golf ball can pass through.

Take Your Stance: Stand in your standard putting stance at one end of the pathway, with your putter and golf balls ready.

Begin Putting: Start rolling the golf ball along the pathway, aiming to navigate it through the openings you’ve created with the household items.

Focus on Alignment: Pay careful attention to the alignment of your putts. Your goal is to keep the ball on track as it passes through each gate.

Develop Precision: This exercise is designed to enhance your putting alignment and refine your stroke’s precision. Concentrate on maintaining a consistent motion and direction.

Minimize Strokes: Challenge yourself to complete the entire course using as few strokes as possible. This encourages accuracy and controlled strokes.

Adjust the Challenge: As you become more proficient, modify the widths of the gate openings. Narrower openings will increase the difficulty, allowing you to continually push your putting skills to new levels.

By following these steps, you’ll create an indoor putting track that not only refines your alignment and precision but also offers an enjoyable challenge to supercharge your putting skills.

Happy putting!

This was originally posted on Medium.

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About the Creator


Loving Wife, Mom, Dog Mom- A Dyslexic dreamer who never thought I could read or write. But life changed, and I conquered my fears. I am an artist, photographer, wordsmith and illustrator. Looking to weave stories and poems with my artwork.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    I know nothing about golf but I enjoyed reading this. It's fun to learn new things!

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