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Saining not smudging

Ancient magic -Exploring our roots

By Erin WinspurPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Different tools used for Clearing

Saining Not Smudging

Saining is the Scottish Folk magic act of purification. It’s similar to the idea of smudging but very different. Importantly, it’s a culturally relevant practice for those utilizing the teaching of pagan Gaelic and Celtic folklore. and is one available for folks who work within Scottish folk magic or other pagan-based folk magic. There has been a lot of conversation around the appropriation of certain practices across the world by westerners. A lot of people using White Sage to smudge is a great example of this. There is a lot of, backlash and anger from Native American people and others to stop folk using Sage to smudge in their efforts to purify their spaces. Others cite the over-harvesting of the plant in the wild and other issues caused by the commodification of these native practices by predominately white western capitalists eager to cash in on the latest white person trend adding to it becoming problematic. Therefore we need to look at naturalized harvesting and using herbs from all around us. All the herbs I currently use in my practice are grown in my garden or harvested from the wild. I always harvest in a way that promotes the growth of our natural prairie sage, other foraged herbs, and foliage from the wild. Juniper, rosemary, thyme, and lavender are harvested from my garden.

Examples of great herbs to work with are:

Mugwort: is perfect to start and close any ritual or ceremony. Cleanse a room or stagnant energy. For Purification, use it the same way you would’ve used your White Sage! Mugwort helps open your spiritual channels and is perfect to use before, during, and after card readings or meditation.

Juniper/Cedar: Signifies Protection, use it to clean out a new home, banishing unwanted spirits or influence from other people. It’s also great to use when you want to manifest more money, clear money blocks, or cast money spells.

Lavender: Signifies Protection and cleansing. Helps open the heart and heal heartache Calms the mind and helps you to see clearly. Use for love spells, grief work, to soothe anxiety.

Thyme: For Health, Strength, and Purification. Use before and during ceremony work. Thyme is Great for healing work and to support healing in the body and mind. Will help you develop your psychic powers and connect with the fairy realm!

Rosemary: Signifies Feminine Power! Use it if you want to enhance your self-esteem, and also for Protection and purification. best used to attract higher vibrating energy. Rosemary is also a powerful herb to boost memory, use it while studying or meditating on past lives.

Basil Leaf: Relieves anxiety. It Can put you in a more open state of mind, so it is great to use in spirit work and meditation. basil can be used to ward off harmful spells and other people’s negative energy cast toward you, like jealousy. It can also be used for love spells and if you are trying to manifest a life partner.

Garden Sage: Signifies Protection and cleansing. It Protects your home and attracts prosperity. Enhances wisdom and helps you to know what is right for you. Brings good luck.

Wild Prairie sage: Signifies Protection and cleansing. It Protects your home and attracts prosperity. Enhances wisdom and helps you know what is right for you. It helps open your spiritual channels and is perfect to use before and during, card reading or meditation

How to Sain: Traditional saining involved water that has been blessed, and the smoke from burning juniper, sage, lavender, rosemary, and other herbs for specific rituals, accompanied by spoken prayers or poetry. I still like to use some of the traditions taught to me by indigenous elders, by using a feather to help spread the smoke and a shell to hold my burning herbs

Many herbs can be dried and burned in bonfires campfires or at home backyard firepits.

If wrapped in a tight bundle burn like incense wafting the smoke over the negative energy area, be it a room a person, or objects, bless with intension and clarity.

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