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Reach for the Sky!!!!

You can succeed if you really try.

By Maurice BernierPublished 6 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Well, another school year for you has come to a close. You’re probably sitting here and wondering what tomorrow is going to bring you. A while ago, a very wise gentleman brought up the name Satchel Paige. Paige was probably the greatest pitcher in all of baseball, but he was never really given a chance to play in the Major Leagues. He was one of the biggest stars in the Negro League. Had he played in the Major Leagues, he might have set records that would never have been broken again. As a batter, he probably would have hit twice the number of home runs than Barry Bonds could have done. And even though he never did get that chance to show his skills in the Majors, he is still acknowledged as the greatest of all time. His experiences caused him to take a philosophical look at his life. He was once asked why he did not look back at his accomplishments. He said that the moment you stop to look back is when you will discover that someone is gaining on you. How true. How many times have you been in a race, looked back and found yourself losing that race due to the fact that your opponent passed you?

Today, I am going to seem to break from Mr. Paige not because I disagree with him, but because I wish to point out some things to you. In fact, I agree with him 100 percent.

First, everyone has a talent and a degree of ability. Mr. Paige was graced with extraordinary talent, courage, wisdom and patience. You, however, may sit in school and have trouble doing a math problem or spelling a word. You may not get that science concept or whatever you are studying, but you will get it one day. Why? Because you will. You may need to study more or differently. You may need to do things a different way. You will find whatever way it takes to get that situation done. If you don’t believe me, how did you learn your alphabet or how to count? You found a way to do it. How did you learn to run or ride a bike? How did you learn your video games? You found a way to do it. I don’t know where you were when you started school. Some of you may have been here at school. Others may have started elsewhere. Now, you are here. You made it through all of the other grades to get here. Again, I offer my congratulations to you.

Second, you may achieve some frustration and feel that you are stupid. Don’t believe it. You are not junk. Everyone is good. As I said before, you may not get it today, but you might get it tomorrow. Don’t give up. It might be a just one little fragment that is stalling you. If you are willing and able to remove it, you will make it. I would imagine that Mr. Paige was somewhat frustrated at not being allowed to play in the Majors, yet he did not let that stop him from being a great pitcher.

Satchel Paige was telling us not to look back at our laurels and rest. I am only asking you to look back to see that you can do it and to move forward. Look back at all the days when you thought you couldn’t do it. Now, look at today which was a result of the fact that you did it. Look back at all of the difficult days. Now, look at today, your reward for getting through those difficult days. Look at today, the day that you are spending the time celebrating your victories. Now, look at tomorrow when you will face other challenges. This is what Mr. Paige is instructing us to do. Yes, you know you can do it. Now, look to tomorrow where you may have to prove it.

Picture your time in high school. Do you think that it is going to be easy? I hope not. During that time, you will see people for a short time. Some of them will start with you. As time goes on, they will not be there due to dropping out. Others will continue with you. As you move on, you will hopefully attend college. Some may be with you; others will just not attend college. You will push on to success. When you reach the end of the line, you may again look back with fondness and appreciation for all of your efforts and for those who helped you along the way. Still, you will push on because you now have to be an example to others.

Satchel Paige was a good example for us. Yes, he didn’t play in the Major League as we know it. He did push onward and become an example for others. Because of the color of his skin, he did not sit back and whine. He, instead, moved on to be a success. He did not let others try to hold him back. Had he played in the Majors, he easily would have beat the big name stars out there.

This is what makes your life so exciting. This is part of your future, your frontier, your creation. If you can make taboo topics front-page news, then you will have accomplished far more than I could ever dream of.

You may think, from your experience here at St. Teresa of Avila School, that I am the face of science. I am not. I am just an old guy who happens to love Science and our earth. You need only to look in the mirror to see the face of Science, the face of environmental sustainability and the face of democracy.

Many discoveries in science were made by people who were very young. In 1886 Charles Hall, at the age of 23, discovered a cheap way of making aluminum from aluminum oxide. It revolutionized the metal industry. In 1953 James Watson, at the age of 25, discovered (along with Francis Crick) the double helix structure of DNA. It revolutionized our understanding of genetics. It was Rosalind Franklin, a woman in her early 30s, who came up with the critical evidence necessary for Watson and Crick’s discovery. Marie Curie, at the age of 29, coined the word “radioactivity” to describe the ability of uranium to emit penetrating radiation. Two years later, she discovered three new elements—Thorium, Polonium and Radium. Michelangelo was 24 years old when he carved the Pieta. He carved it out of marble, which is calcium carbonate. Thomas Jefferson was 26 years old when he drafted the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was standing at the edge of an incredible frontier, the creation of the United States. You are standing at the edge of another incredible frontier: the creation of a more just, equitable and democratic society fueled totally by renewable energy, made available to all people, in ways that do not harm our earth. And here is the kicker: All these people I just mentioned did not start at the ages I told you. That’s when they published or finished those particular discoveries or creations.

They started much younger. They started at your age. So, if you think you have to wait until you are older to change the world, you are mistaken. You can start now. You have to start now. If you do not start now, it may be too late. You are on the verge of a new Renaissance, no matter what you do: whether it be in science, art, politics, writing, or even teaching. Follow your passion. The paths to discovery and invention and creation that you will take all lead to the kinds of changes that are so desperately needed. No matter what path you follow, you will change the world so radically that if I were to come back in fifty years, I would not recognize it.

So, when I retire, and that may be not too far off, it is very exciting to me to know that I will leave the world in safe hands, in competent hands, in caring hands, in your hands. Remember, "the tassel's worth the hassle!" ~Author Unknown


Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash


About the Creator

Maurice Bernier

I am a diehard New Yorker! I was born in, raised in and love my NYC. My blood bleeds orange & blue for my New York Mets. I hope that you like my work. I am cranking them out as fast as I can. Please enjoy & share with your friends.

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