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On a Mac, how do I run a bat file?

In this article, i have explained in detail On a Mac, how do I run a bat file?

By Guides ArenaPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Having trouble running a bat file on a Mac because you recently switched from Microsoft Windows to Mac? Despite being a Windows script file type, a bat file can be run on a Mac by using the command line.

You see, bat files contain a ton of commands that must be run. Therefore, carefully read the entire article if you are having trouble getting your bat file to run on a Mac.

Various Techniques For Running Bat Files On Mac

Bat files can be run from the command line in a variety of ways. I'll go through each method in turn. I'll mention changing permission to run a bat file on a Mac first, though.

1. Alter the filename

To continue, you must type all the commands into a plain text document and save it with a name.

However, you must first change the permissions of your batch files so that they can be executed. Right-click on it to modify the permission.

then > show info > Modify the permission. You can alter the file's permissions in this manner.

The following is another method for changing permission. First, open the file's terminal and type the command chmod 755 batch script. The permission will be altered.

Then type./batchscript to specify the complete path.

Just type "./" before a filename to instruct the terminal to look for that specific file. Your bat file should now be operating on a MAC after that.

Rewrite the Terminal Path Name in Step 2

You can try this method to fix a bash error if you encounter one.

In this scenario, open the folder and type:. /

Use punctuation with care. In another sense, if doesn't work, try writing the complete path to it.permissions to execute sh. After that, you can modify the permission and work with your file.

This is the procedure for running a script on a Mac.

Run from the Terminal, please

Up until this point, I've been referring to typing something to run your bat files. But now I'd like to outline the simplest approach.

It only supports drag and drop usage. In this case, writing a startup is not necessary.As an alternative, you merely drag it from the Finder and drop it into the terminal window. and then click Return.

To sum up,

the Terminal application on your MAC

/path/to/file sh

to launch the file, press Enter.

Just type or drag shutdown from here to stop

Right-click on the. file if it still does not work.

Select 'open with> Other'

The can be found in the utilities. Change the application settings from "recommended" to "All" if the terminal won't launch.

The. file and the bat file will now be opened when you click "open."

4. Changing the Bat File Using the MAC System Emulator

Alternately, you can convert Bat to Mac by using the WineHq emulator.

After installing this, you can use a series of commands to run your Bat scripts or any other Windows file on a Mac. These are the commands: $ wine cmd /c MyScript.bat

You can successfully run your bat file on your Mac and improve the Mac's operation if you follow the command.

Start your Crossover program if you have a Mac.

If it isn't already running, go to Menu Bar > Programs > Run Commands > choose what you want to install, click Browse, find your BAT file, and then click Run.

The conversion of a bat file into a Bash Script file using Python language codes is another way to run a bat file on a Mac.

As a result, you might not be able to do that if you lack the necessary knowledge. Additionally, your Mac must have the Squishserver installed.

how to

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Guides Arena

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