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New Year's Resolutions You Might Actually Keep

Nabil Adam

By Nabil AdamPublished about a year ago 3 min read

For many people, a new year is a time to start afresh. For others, it means setting goals and implementing healthy habits.

Unfortunately, most people fail to stick to their resolutions because they are too restrictive or unsustainable. This is why people make the same goals year after year.

Here are some small changes that can make a big difference.

Eat Whole Foods

One of the easiest ways to improve one’s health is by eating whole rather than processed foods. This type of food, which includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish, contains all the nutrients one needs to function at your best.

According to studies, eating a diet rich in whole foods can lower one’s risk of various chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Getting more whole foods into your diet is also easier than it sounds. For instance, if you’re new to eating vegetables, add one serving to your daily diet.

Get Out of Your Chair

Most people sit too much, whether they are simply inactive or have a sedentary job.

If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, try to get up and walk around for at least 15 minutes each day.

Cut the Soda

Limiting the consumption of sugary drinks will lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

If giving up sugary drinks sounds daunting, implement a gradual reduction in your consumption. Start by committing to only two drinks daily, then lower it to one before giving them up for good.

Quality Sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to various health problems, such as depression and weight gain. It can also make one more susceptible to heart disease.

Getting enough sleep is also necessary, as it can help one maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It’s essential to consider your schedule and lifestyle when it comes to improving sleep quality and quantity.

Some simple steps that can help improve one’s sleep hygiene are reducing the time you spend looking at your phone, tablet, or computer before bed and getting to bed at a reasonable hour.

Look For a Physical Activity You’ll Enjoy

You can make your fitness goals stick by implementing various simple yet effective strategies. One of these is to choose an activity that you’ll enjoy doing.

Try implementing a sustainable exercise plan involving regular walking, swimming, or even jogging before work. Join a dance class or another group activity you love.

One of the most effective ways to make your fitness goals stick is to set an achievable goal. For instance, instead of aiming to walk every day, try to walk a few days per week.

Figuring out a more realistic goal can help make your plan stick, especially if you’re new to exercising.

More Self-Care

Taking time for yourself is also essential for optimal health, especially for those in care roles, such as healthcare workers and parents.

Resolving to take care of yourself can be challenging for people with limited time and busy schedules. But it’s still worth it.

There are many simple yet effective ways to take care of yourself, such as taking a bath every week, preparing a healthy meal, and attending a yoga class.

(Previously Published on January 5 at

About the Author: Nabil Adam

Dr. Nabil Adam is a pioneer in the fields of cybersecurity and healthcare technology and has amassed specializations in machine learning, personalized medicine, and clinical/healthcare informatics. Nabil travels the globe to lend his expertise at conventions, symposiums, and workshops, sharing his nearly five decades of expertise.

He teaches Medicine and Computer & Information Systems as a tenured faculty member at Rutgers University. Nabil pursues personal and professional leadership opportunities. Dr. Adam obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Cairo University after which he earned an MA, MPhil, and a Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Nabil Adam has spent the majority of his career as a lauded Professor at Rutgers University, one of the preeminent national research universities in the United States. With more than 70, 000 students, Rutgers is a public university in the state of New Jersey. Three hundred research centers and institutes call Rutgers home. The university dedicates over $736 million annually to research and development.


About the Creator

Nabil Adam

Nabil Adam is an expert in technology, having pioneered new concepts in cybersecurity and healthcare tech. He's a Professor Emeritus at Rutger's University, and enjoys travelling the world to share his knowledge.

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