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Need Help With Wordpress? This Article Can Help!

If you are interested in starting a blog, you need to learn about the different blogging tools that are available. One of the best and most powerful tools out there is WordPress. This program has many powerful features, yet it is also easy to learn. Keep reading to see how you can start using it.

By Soheel AhmedPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Need Help With Wordpress? This Article Can Help!
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

If you plan to use WordPress for your site, you should only do so if you plan to have a responsive design. People access websites from all types of devices, and you want to make sure that any person who wants to view your site will be able to without any issues.

With WordPress you have lots of choices in themes

so you can have a really good looking blog. Take plenty of time to peruse all of your choices so that you can select just the right one to suit your style and your topic. For a truly unique theme, select a premium theme. This will really help your blog stand out from the crowd.

When you are done with your site, check out how it looks from a visitors standpoint. Did you get across everything that you wanted? Go to your site from someone else's computer to get their point of view and write down the changes that you will need to make to continually improve the aesthetics.

Does one of your posts have a lengthy title? If so, use permalink to clean it up. For instance, "Ten Ways Smart Parents Can Tame Their Children" would come across as a cumbersome, long URL. Rather, seek out keywords in the long URL and create a shorter permalink for it.

If you want to create a line break, but not a paragraph break, hold shift while you press the enter key. This moves the cursor down to the next line without including any blank space. If you want to put a letterhead-type address on your page, this should make it a snap.

Make sure that your wordpress site loads as fast as possible for your visitors. This is vital, as a site that crashes or takes too long will discourage your users from visiting it. A fast site will put your users in a good mood when they come there on a daily basis.

Many people are responding to video blogs, so consider this option. Video blogging is not only becoming more popular, it is also becoming much easier to use. WordPress, in its current version, makes the use of video blogging easy. This can really increase traffic by drawing those who are less inclined to read.

Want to change authors on a post?

Just edit the post and click on "Screen Options". Next, choose Author and then choose whomever you want to become the author of the post. Next, click "update" or "publish" to finish the change and have it go live on your website and you're done.

Include useful links at your footer. The footer is located at the bottom of your site. Most sites include contact information, copyright information and links to other sites in the footer. By including useful information in your footer, you can increase the sales, referrals and traffic to your site.

Make sure you have the most current WordPress on your website. Updates are necessary because they patch security vulnerabilities. Malware is often able to infiltrate WordPress sites that do not have the latest updates. That is why it is important to install updates as soon as they come out.

Back your blog up. You need to to this with regularity. The WordPress plugin Xcloner can make this task easier. Use whichever plugin or website you feel comfortable with to keep your blog backed up, however make sure you use more than a single location. It could be devastating to lose your whole blog.

Optimize your photo size before uploading them to your WordPress media library. Photos should be no more than 10 to 15 kilobytes in size. A website is no place for a multi-megabyte sized photo. It'll slow down your website, which may cause some visitors just to surf elsewhere. Take the few minutes it takes to downsize that photo.

You can easily get rid of external text formatting in WordPress. You may need to copy text from Word. Many times, it inserts characters that don't display properly, even with "Paste from Word" option. Select the "Show/Hide Kitchen Sink" option to show another row of buttons. Highlight the problematic text. Click on a button called "Remove Formatting" to fix it.

Evaluate plugins carefully before you install it in your Wordpress account. Plugin creation is not regulated, and anyone in the world with the right skill can create a plugin and make it available to the public. To make sure that the source is reliable, read the reviews and pay special attention to the negative comments.

Make sure your WordPress site has a great theme. A theme can actually make or break or your site when it comes to attracting or repelling visitors. There are many great free themes out there. You can also find affordable premium themes. Just make sure your themes don't have a ton of messy code that makes loading too slow or that isn't compatible with Wordpress's current versions.

Think about highlighting comments on an article that are made by the person who wrote the article. People express their opinions or ask questions in the section open to comments. It's easy for comments to be overlooked if there are many other comments. Use a different color for the author's comments. This will make them stand out and be recognized easily.

You need to make sure that your WordPress blog has some security installed.

There are times when your blog may be vulnerable due to technical issues. Hackers love exploiting these weaknesses and wreaking havoc on your site. You can use plugins to prevent this. There are also plugins that can back up your data should anything happen to your site.

This article has shared many great tips and tricks about using WordPress to blog. However, there is a lot more information out there that will be of use to you. Use the advice that you have read here as a starting point, but keep looking for more tips about using WordPress.

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About the Creator

Soheel Ahmed

CEO at Choose4Choice Solutions

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