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Mysterious Discoveries

most mysterious discoveries scientists still can't explain

By Jessica KingsleyPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Mysterious Discoveries
Photo by Mitchell Lawler on Unsplash

From the ocean's bottom, to animals that existed millions of years ago, scientists have since been puzzled by the concept of life. Can they successfully unearth some of life's greatest mysteries? Here are 10 of the most mysterious anomalies science cannot explain.


There are too many stories about Bigfoot sightings, pictures and video evidence often back up these tales. Well scientists aren't convinced yet, despite the thousands of convincing stories told online or offline. This animal's body has not been found, no hunter has killed any either nor have they been rammed by a speeding driver or killed by an illness. As if that's not enough reason to doubt, these creatures don't have evidence of their remains like teeth or bones to back up these claims. Since these pockets of evidence can't be found, it's safe to say they don't exist. Science cannot prove a phenomenon based on hearsay or intuition, it also can’t prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster because it's still in the same shoes as Bigfoot. Sceptics have still not ruled out the fact that these animals are around but say they lurk far from our prying eyes. Of course we wouldn't let them be if we found them alive, hunters and urban explorers can't get guarantee their safety as well.

The Taos Hum

If one in a hundred people hear a strange and realistic noise from a place, they'll probably ask him to check himself. However if hundreds of people hear a similar sound, it gives room for concern. It's certainly something to be worried about. This is precisely the fate of some residents and visitors in a small city of Taos New Mexico, but they've been puzzled by a strange low frequency hum in the desert air for years. To make matters worse, only two percent of Tao's residents hear this sound. Some say unusual acoustics cause it, while others suspect it's the handiwork of some extra-terrestrial beings. Whether called a hum, buzz or natural sound, no one can locate its origin. Scientists are still silent about the type of sound or who makes it, but are more interested in interviewing those who claim to hear it. Shockingly, the results show that they've heard different sounds therefore they described it differently. This makes the study even more confusing because researchers don't know what to investigate. The plausible conclusion here is that there are many sounds in the area .


From famous Pokémon to Hollywood movies, countless ghost tales suggest these beings exist. Even if you haven't seen one, you're forced to rethink. Shakespeare was one of the earliest believers in ghosts, when he featured the three witches in Macbeth. He wrote the play at a time when many believed in witches. Many years ago, witches were blamed for death disaster and were sent to punish evil people, also many people have reported seeing the ghosts of their loved ones after their death. While these stories are commonplace, there's no specific proof of the existence of ghosts. These creatures remain elusive, regardless more people have filmed, photographed, and even communicated with them. Investigators hope they encounter an actual ghost someday, to see if it's real but there's been several videos, pictures and footprints. How would they document their truth differently?

Ice Chunks Falling From The Sky

People globally have reported huge ice chunks falling from the sky for years. Scientists have named this phenomenon Mega Cryo Meteors, however, the details of this anomaly are still unknown. Each piece of ice weighs up to 110 pounds. In some cases, the ice has been cited in many countries but no one is sure why it happens. The most typical explanation is that the ice is dislodged off passing jets. However the report out of the Federal Aviation Administration which examined the complaints, and determined that no plane could have dropped the ice. Meteorologists have also waded into the debate, they say it's not weather related either. Then what is it ? Scientists are still hoping to clarify the causes, until then we continue to keep our fingers crossed.

Night Rainbows

Rainbow sightings during the day are perfectly normal, they not only lighten the sky but they also brighten our day. Did you know they also occur at night? you probably don't know because you've never seen one. Moonbows occur when light from a source like the moon bounces and refracts off water droplets in the sky, these events are one of the rarest weather phenomena ever. They occur only when the moon is very low in the sky and the rain falls opposite the moon because the sun is brighter than the moon. Moonbows are nowhere near rainbows in terms of elegance, however they still make a bold statement with their apparition. They often appear white but are also multi-hued on rare occasions. The finest and most popular places to witness moonbows are Niagara Falls in Ontario Canada, Yosemite National Park in California, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Coming Back From The Dead

If you're not some religious leader, there's no way anyone would believe that you died and were resurrected. This is because it's scientifically impossible, but no scientists have been puzzled over the possibility that someone could rise from the dead. During surgery on a 66 year old, the patient had a cardiac arrest. After 17 minutes of fruitless resuscitation, he was pronounced dead. Ten minutes later, a surgeon felt his pulse and announced he was back to life. The surgery continued as planned and he emerged from the theater alive. In 2014, a similar incident occurred, a 78 year old was proclaimed dead. After a nurse discovered he had no pulse, he was tied in a corpse bag and deposited in the morgue. He miraculously woke up the next day. Apparently not only Lazarus in the bible had the superpower to rise from the dead. Countless stories suggest that one could get another chance at life after giving up. We can't say for sure why this happens, the only explanation for this is that it's a miracle. Some doctors are still unclear about the concept of death and when to officially declare someone dead. Most of the time, they rely on heartbeat and respiration. A 2007 study admonished that death should be declared at least 10 minutes after discontinuing CPR.

Ocean Mystery

While the moon seems unattainable, it's more accessible than parts of the ocean. The Huddle Zone readily comes to mind when we talk about the least explored places in the ocean. There's the Mariana Trench and the Twilight Zone but there's a new sheriff in town. This area is located 20000 to 36000 ft. below sea level. This pitch black remote environment lines the ocean floor and comprises the ocean trenches, scarring the seabed. Scientists initially thought that life didn't exist there due to the extreme conditions, but deep sea expeditions revealed otherwise. It showed there was an abundance of resilient and bizarre life thriving, they’re creatures like the Hadal Snailfish. Most of the species there have never been cited by scientists, they defy the odds of what we term a healthy habitat and prefer to live under extreme pressure with freezing waters and pitch black darkness. This Revelation makes you wonder if there's more to the universe than meets the eye. With every impossibility turning now possible, it's hard to imagine what our planets are capable of. Who says the conditions we deem unfavourable are not perfect for some animals.

Mystery Spot Santa Cruz

While the mystery spot in Santa Cruz may not be on your travel bucket list, it's undoubtedly worth mentioning. Walking into this place changes your perception of reality, as everything seems slanted. Some say this slant is caused by magma or a vortex but one thing's for sure, if

you visit once, you'll make several trips to the location If you have the opportunity. The mystery spot became a famous Roadside Attraction under George Prather's Management in 1939. He was a local celebrity and businessman. There are speculations that a group of students built the spot, but a recent article suggests that the spot was initially used as a storage space for moonshine. There are numerous activities to keep you busy at this spot, especially the 45-minute walking tour of the grounds. There's also a two-hour long tour, that includes a ziplining adventure through the mountains. No matter the tour you choose, you'll be amazed at the optical illusion.

What Dinosaurs Looked And Sounded Like

We've seen so many Jurassic movies, that it feels like dinosaurs are here with us . It takes a lot to convince a newcomer to Earth that these creatures existed millions of years ago. Today, you can find them roaming here. Researchers only know they existed, thanks to their remains scattered around. Ironically, there are countless details about dinosaurs that have never been proven. Although scientists feel we should be silent about it, it's baffling we don't know what their skin looked like. Unlike modern animals, we don't know the shade and how well it protected them from harsh weather conditions. Common sense suggests they blended with the black landscape, but this is a mere guess. We also don't know what they sounded like, since their bones don't give us an idea of how their organs were structured. Even their physical appearance is still debatable, as scientists have different ideas of what a typical dinosaur looks like.


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