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My first day of school

Overcoming Fear on the First Day of School

By Karthick Published about a year ago 3 min read

As a five-year-old, I was excited and nervous about starting school. My mom woke me up early and helped me get dressed in my new clothes. I had picked out a special outfit for the occasion - a pink dress with frills and white shoes. I felt like a real grown-up as I walked down the stairs to the smell of breakfast cooking.

My mom had made my favorite pancakes, and I eagerly sat down at the table to eat. My stomach was full of butterflies, and I could hardly eat, but my mom encouraged me to take a few bites so that I would have enough energy for the day ahead. As we ate, my mom asked me if I was excited about starting school, and I nodded enthusiastically, even though I was secretly scared.

After breakfast, we got in the car and drove to the school. I stared out the window as we drove, taking in the sights of the neighborhood. When we arrived at the school, my mom parked the car and walked me to my classroom. I clutched her hand tightly, feeling overwhelmed by the crowds of other kids and parents.

We found my classroom, and my teacher greeted us warmly. She had a friendly face and a warm smile that put me at ease. She introduced me to the other kids in the class, and they all seemed nice, but I was still shy and didn't say much. My mom gave me a quick hug and then left, promising to pick me up later in the day.

The first part of the day was filled with introductions and getting to know each other. We sat in a circle and shared our names and favorite colors. I felt like I was on display and was too scared to speak up. I just sat there, staring down at my feet, hoping that nobody would notice me.

After the introductions, we moved on to a few fun activities. We painted pictures with our favorite colors, and I chose pink, of course. I was surprised to find that I was good at painting, and it was a welcome distraction from my nerves. Next, we had a snack of crackers and juice, and I felt my stomach rumbling with hunger.

The next part of the day was my least favorite - nap time. I was too excited and nervous to sleep, and the room was too quiet for me to relax. I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, feeling anxious about everything that lay ahead.

When nap time was over, we moved on to learning the alphabet. We sang the ABC song and went through each letter, one by one. I was pleased to find that I knew most of them already, and it was a boost to my confidence.

The final part of the day was recess. We went outside to the playground, and I was excited to see the swings and slide. I made a beeline for the swings and pumped my legs, feeling the wind in my hair. I laughed and shouted, feeling like a carefree kid again.

When recess was over, we went back inside to pack up our things and wait for our parents to pick us up. I was relieved that the day was over, but also excited to see my mom again. When she arrived, I ran to her, hugging her tightly and telling her all about my day. I was proud of myself for making it through the day, and I couldn't wait to go back again.

Over time, I grew to love school and all the new experiences that it brought. My first day of school was scary and nerve-wracking, but it taught me that I was capable of handling new situations and that I could make friends anywhere I went. I still have fond memories of that day, and it reminds me of how far I've come since then.

Moral: Facing new experiences can be scary, but it is important to have courage and believe in oneself.

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About the Creator


Iam Karthick from Cheanni. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Jawahar Engineering College.Iam working in Munish Engineer as a Lead Project Coordinator

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    Karthick Written by Karthick

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