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Mind Relax Before Study


By Sardar Jahanzaib FazalPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

Article Outline


Benefits of Using Headphones for Meditation

Getting into a Comfortable Seated Position

Adjusting Your Sitting Posture

Closing Your Eyes and Centering on Breathing

Using Music as a Focal Point

Dealing with a Wandering Mind

Viewing Meditation as a Workout for Your Brain

Focusing on the Music and Ignoring Distractions

Encouragement to Persist and Practice

Bringing Awareness Back to the Body and Breath

Noticing Points of Contact and Engaging the Body

Returning to the Present Moment

Acknowledging Progress and the Benefits of Practice


The Power of Headphones in Meditation


Before we embark on this meditation journey, I highly recommend putting on headphones if it is possible for you. While it's not mandatory, headphones enhance the experience by allowing you to fully benefit from the carefully crafted sounds in the music. These sounds are designed to aid your focus during the meditation. If you don't have headphones, don't worry, you can still reap the benefits of the meditation. Just be aware that some subtle details might be more noticeable with headphones. So, if needed, hit pause to grab your headphones and then let's proceed.

Benefits of Using Headphones for Meditation

Using headphones during meditation can significantly enhance your experience. The isolation of sound created by headphones helps to minimize external distractions and immerse you in the music. By blocking out surrounding noises, headphones allow you to create a serene and focused environment, enabling a deeper sense of relaxation and concentration.

Getting into a Comfortable Seated Position

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without interruptions. Take a moment to get settled in a seated position that feels right for you. Adjust your sitting bones so that they feel balanced on either side, allowing your spine to naturally straighten and lengthen.

Adjusting Your Sitting Posture

Maintaining a good posture during meditation is essential for physical comfort and mental focus. Sit with your back straight, yet relaxed, without any unnecessary tension. Imagine a string gently pulling the crown of your head upwards, aligning your spine. This alignment supports an open and receptive posture for meditation.

Closing Your Eyes and Centering on Breathing

Now, softly close your eyes. With your eyes closed, let your awareness settle on your breath. Begin to notice the rhythm of your breath, feeling the gentle expansion of your abdomen on each inhale and the corresponding relaxation on each exhale. Allow your breath to guide you deeper into a state of relaxation and tranquility.

Using Music as a Focal Point

Throughout this meditation, the music you hear will be your focal point. As you continue, focus your attention solely on the music. If your mind starts to wander, which is perfectly normal, do not judge yourself for it. Instead, gently bring your focus back to the music as soon as you become aware of the distraction. The key is to maintain your attention on the sound and nothing else.

Dealing with a Wandering Mind

A wandering mind is a natural occurrence during meditation. It is not a sign of failure or inadequacy. When your mind wanders, gently redirect your attention back to the music. Each time you bring your focus back, you strengthen your ability to concentrate. Like any skill, meditation requires practice to improve. Consider this meditation as a workout for your brain, developing your focus muscles over time.

Viewing Meditation as a Workout for Your Brain

Just as physical exercises strengthen your body, meditation strengthens your mind. By intentionally focusing your attention on the music, you are training your brain to concentrate and resist distractions. The more you engage in this practice, the better your focus muscles will become. So, embrace the challenge and view each session as an opportunity to grow.

Focusing on the Music and Ignoring Distractions

Now, let's dive deeper into the meditation experience. Tune in to the music, allowing it to envelop your senses. Let go of any external thoughts or concerns. Direct your entire awareness to the sound of the music. Notice its nuances, the melodies, and the rhythm. Keep bringing your focus back to the music, regardless of any distractions that may arise.

Encouragement to Persist and Practice

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to approach this meditation. Even if you find it challenging to hold your focus for extended periods, every moment of presence counts as a victory. Persistence is key. Keep practicing, and you will notice your ability to maintain focus improving over time. Be patient with yourself and trust in the process.

Bringing Awareness Back to the Body and Breath

As the meditation draws to a close, it's time to shift your awareness back to your body and breath. Begin by noticing the points of contact between your body and the surface on which you are seated. Slowly roll your shoulders, gently wiggle your fingers and toes. These movements help reestablish a connection with your physical self.

Noticing Points of Contact and Engaging the Body

Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you gradually transition from the meditative state to the present moment. Feel the weight of your body on the chair or cushion, the support beneath you. Allow yourself to become fully present in this space and time.

Returning to the Present Moment

When you feel ready, open your eyes, and welcome the world around you back into your awareness. Take a moment to appreciate the tranquility and centeredness you have cultivated through this meditation practice. Notice how your heightened focus and presence can extend beyond this moment and positively impact other aspects of your life.

Acknowledging Progress and the Benefits of Practice

Congratulations on completing this meditation! Regardless of the length of time you were able to sustain your focus on the music, recognize that every effort contributes to your growth. The more you practice, the longer you will be able to maintain your attention, both during meditation and in your everyday activities. Celebrate your commitment to self-care and keep up the good work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do I need headphones to meditate effectively?

Using headphones can enhance your meditation experience, but they are not mandatory. You can still benefit from the meditation without headphones, though some subtle details in the music may be more noticeable with them.

2. What if I can't focus for more than a few seconds during the meditation?

It's completely normal for the mind to wander during meditation. The key is to gently bring your focus back to the music whenever you notice distractions. With practice, your ability to concentrate will improve.

3. How often should I practice this meditation?

The frequency of your meditation practice is up to you. Starting with a few minutes a day and gradually increasing the duration can be a good approach. Consistency is more important than the length of each session.

4. Can I meditate in a different position, such as lying down?

While a seated position is often recommended for meditation to maintain alertness, you can experiment with different positions. However, lying down may increase the likelihood of falling asleep, so be mindful of that.

5. How long will it take to see improvements in my focus?

Improvements in focus vary from person to person. With regular practice, you will gradually notice an increase in your ability to sustain attention not only during meditation but also in other areas of your life.


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