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Tips To Study Faster during EXAM


By Sardar Jahanzaib FazalPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Article Outline


Importance of exams and preparation

Mention availability of concept-related videos for revision

Tease upcoming discussion on mistakes to avoid during exams

Mistake 1: Last-minute Reading

Scenario before entering the exam hall

Advising against reading until the last minute

Encouraging deep breaths and self-assurance

Mistake 2: Misinterpreting Questions

Emphasizing the importance of reading questions carefully

Highlighting the word "not" in questions

Reminding students to check for additional questions

Mistake 3: Skipping Questions

Discussing the tendency to skip questions for later

Warning about the likelihood of forgetting unfinished questions

Suggesting the use of pencil circles to mark pending questions

Mistake 4: Giving Up

Encouraging students to never lose hope

Advising against leaving questions unanswered

Suggesting the partial completion of answers for some marks

Mistake 5: Time Mismanagement

Cautioning against spending excessive time on a single question

Recommending logical time allocation to complete the entire paper

Mentioning the importance of dividing time based on marks

Mistake 6: Discussing the Paper

Discouraging students from discussing their papers after the exam

Explaining the negative effects of comparison and unnecessary stress

Advising to focus on future exams without external distractions


Recap of the six mistakes to avoid during exams

Reinforcement of the importance of hard work and self-belief

Encouragement to explore additional exam-related content

Wishing students good luck and expressing gratitude

Six Mistakes You Should Never Make During Exams

Hello friends, exams are just a month away, and we hope you are well prepared. If not, don't worry! On our channel, you'll find many concept-related videos for your last-minute revision. We have exam tips and paper presentation techniques that can help you. Check out the link in the description below for more details.

But let's shift our focus from preparation to the actual day of the examination. Have you ever wondered what mistakes we make during exams that lead to the loss of marks despite our efforts and hard work? In this article, we will discuss six mistakes that you should never make during your exams. So, let's get started!

Mistake 1: Last-minute Reading

Imagine you are standing outside the exam hall, and there are just 15 minutes left for you to enter. What do most of us do during this time? We open our books and start reading. However, this is a mistake you should avoid. Continuously reading until the last minute only increases your tension and anxiety. You already know the material, so there's no need to keep checking. Instead, take deep breaths and calm yourself down. Trust in your knowledge and assure yourself that you know it all.

Mistake 2: Misinterpreting Questions

One common mistake students make is not reading the question paper correctly. It's crucial to read your paper carefully. Sometimes questions are framed with negations or qualifiers, such as "not" or "any." Due to the pressure, we often overlook these words. For example, a question might ask, "Which of these is not a rational number?" Highlighting and underlining these important words in the question paper can help you answer correctly. Similarly, be attentive to phrases like "any three" or "anyone." Don't waste time answering all the questions; prioritize and manage your time effectively. Also, remember to check if there are questions on the backside of the paper.

Mistake 3: Skipping Questions

Another mistake students make is skipping questions and intending to attempt them later. However, often that "later" never comes. Once you finish writing your paper, you might forget the questions you left unanswered. To avoid this, circle the questions you skip with a pencil. This way, when you review your paper, you will remember to attempt those specific questions.

Mistake 4: Giving Up

During exams, it's essential to never lose hope. Never leave any question unanswered. Even if you don't know the complete answer to a question, write down whatever little you know. Every mark counts, and incomplete answers may still earn you partial credit. Don't give up and attempt every question to the best of your ability.

Mistake 5: Time Mismanagement

Students often spend an excessive amount of time on a single question, getting stuck or unable to find a solution. In such situations, it's advisable to leave the question temporarily and come back to it later if you have spare time. Plan your time wisely, allocating hours and marks logically, so that you can complete your entire paper within the given time frame.

Mistake 6: Discussing the Paper

After finishing their exams, students sometimes make the mistake of discussing their papers with others. Regardless of how well or poorly your paper went, avoid discussing it with anyone. Such discussions can unnecessarily stress and worry you. Comparing answers with others may impact your performance in future exams as you constantly worry and pressure yourself to score well. Therefore, it's best to focus on the upcoming exams and avoid discussing your paper with anyone.


To summarize, here are the six mistakes you should never make during exams:

Last-minute reading

Misinterpreting questions

Skipping questions

Giving up

Time mismanagement

Discussing the paper

Remember, there's no secret greater than hard work and determination. Believe in yourself and witness the miracles that can happen. Additionally, don't forget to explore our other exam-related content for more helpful tips. Links are provided in the description below. If you have any specific topics you need help with, feel free to like, share, and comment. We'll try our best to assist you. Best of luck for your exams!


1. Can reading till the last minute improve my performance in exams?

Reading till the last minute can increase your stress and tension. It's better to focus on calming yourself and building confidence in your knowledge rather than cramming at the last moment.

2. How can I avoid misinterpreting questions during exams?

Read the questions carefully, paying attention to words like "not" or phrases like "any." Underline or highlight such words to ensure you answer correctly.

3. Is it advisable to skip questions and attempt them later?

Skipping questions and attempting them later can lead to forgetting the unfinished ones. Instead, circle the skipped questions with a pencil so that you remember to come back to them.

4. Should I leave incomplete answers in exams?

Even if you don't know the complete answer, it's better to write down whatever you know. Incomplete answers may still earn you partial credit, so it's essential to attempt every question.

5. How can I manage my time effectively during exams?

Allocate your time based on the marks assigned to each question. If you get stuck on a difficult question, leave it temporarily and return to it later when you have spare time. Divide your time logically to complete the entire paper.


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