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Menarche - Early Puberty in Girls – Causes, Problems and Ways to Avoid

Problems due to Early Puberty

By momsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Menarche is the first occurrence of periods in girls. Typically, girls get their first periods between 10 to 16 years with the average age being 12.4 years. The age of first periods has dropped commonly to 9 years these days and sometimes as early as 7 and 8. This sudden change can viably affect their emotional and physical health, at 7 and 8 they are still young children playing around and having fun.

Problems due to Early Puberty

Early first periods can leave bad effects on the child, not just the toll of sudden physical growth, but also a stress on their emotional health.

Girls with early menarche

Have an increased risk of psychological and physical issues in the long run.

Are prone to depression /anxiety,

Tend to be a part of peer group older than them, these older peer groups might be doing many things of their age and this younger child getting exposed to such habits isn’t a healthy situation. Worse, girls in such peer groups might have a higher possibility of substance addiction, indulging in adult activities etc.

Tend to show early sexual behavior. Even understanding and handling the urge at such a young age is taxing enough for a child so young.

Show poor insulin resistance, poor insulin resistance can pose a higher risk of getting diabetes and PCOD.

Might have a higher risk of poor bone mineral density which can lead to them having arthritis and osteoporosis later in their life.

Puberty – Age, Signs and Symptoms, Talk With Your Child, Diet

Causes and Ways to Avoid Early Puberty

Early menarche can be caused due to unhealthy lifestyle, environment and wrong habits. Let's look at some simple ways to avoid the ill effects of these causes.

In some cases, the reason for early puberty can be genetic. If the family has a history of women getting their first periods, the children can have higher chances of hitting puberty early too.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency in childhood can increase the possibility of getting the first period early.

Tip –

Outdoor playtime on a regular basis is possible daily to get enough sun exposure. This will help your child to get enough Vitamin D reducing the chances of an early Menarche.

Good Habits For Kids – Health and Hygiene

Meat based Foods

Consumption of non-vegetarian foods daily or frequently can cause early menarche. Poultry and meat have been reared using growth hormones. So, when the child consumes these hormones treated meats daily, she is intaking excessive hormones which can cause early puberty.

Tip -

Reduce consumption of meat and poultry to maximum 2 times a week. Meat are a good source protein and other nutrients, so plan your meals accordingly. Teach them to understand how eating a variety of food and not indulging in same foods daily is important.

No Play and Wrong Eating Habits

A child leading a sedentary lifestyle with no or less physical activity, accompanied with wrong food habits is prone to get early periods at a younger age.

The child should stay active, exert the energy, be fit and fine.

Processed foods, heavy meals, overeating, irregular meal times etc., can contribute to early menarche as well. Balanced food, with the proper spread of vegetables, pulses and grains in their food, is important. Eating habits are important too.

Eating Habits -3: Healthy Eating Habits for Kids

Tip -

Encourage your child to be physically active for at least two hours every day. This will help your child to have a healthy weight and have an active lifestyle.

Ensure that your child has healthy eating habits. This means that you will need to ensure on a daily basis that they are eating healthy balanced foods that are nutritious. You need to make them aware of the ill effects of unhealthy snacking and introduce them to healthy options.

Weight Gain

A child who gains weight more when they are 0-12 months is at a higher risk of getting her first period early. Also, Breastfed children gain weight in a healthier way than those are formula fed.

Tip –

Breastfeeding is very important.

Be careful of what you give your child from their first solid food. Adding just a small spoon of melted ghee should be enough for the whole day. Always remember to melt the ghee before adding it to meals. Avoid overfeeding your child because of pressures from family and well wishers.

A Note to Parents -

Early Menarche means that your child needs more support to adjust to the changes. This phase is an emotionally and socially challenging period. Help your child to cope up with the stress and understand the changes happening in her body.

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