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Marks and Memories: End of the Exam Odyssey

Personal Exam Experience

By StaringalePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

I woke up hair and thoughts in disarray. Looking out throught the parted curtains I saw that the sun had yet to  rise. The stars were twinkling brightly in the sky. I lifted my arm from beneath the cozy blankets and switched on the bedside lamp. Setting my pillows against the bed's headboard I sat back comfortably and began to go through my study notes. Gently finger combing my hair as I go through the notes contentedly covered by my cozy comforters.

Deep into the task at hand my concentration was broken by a soft hitting sound, looking up I wondered where it came from but by now the sound had stopped. Ignoring it as a figment of my imagination I went back to studying, 10 minutes into studying I heard the noise again. Now it was staring to get spooky, the dim lights in the room did not help allay my fears. Getting up and summoning all my courage I began to investigate with an imaginary high-heat, monocle and cigar. My ears twitches to catch were the sound is coming from.

Moving towards the window slowly because I think that's were the sound was coming from. Pulling back the curtains I saw the stars have disappeared and the sun was starting to rise. Hearing that sound again I glanced down and saw a little sparrow knocking on the window with his little beak. Opening the window I saw it tilt his head looking confused before he chirped and flew away. Laughing at my paranoia, I returned to the task at hand.

Finally done with studying I prepared for the day. Put away my bag, made my bed, had a warm hearty breakfast and dressed. Now I am sitting in front of my mirror combing my hair while my feelings are a mix of relief, anticipation perhaps a hint of anxiety. For weeks, I have been diligently preparing and absorbing a whirlwind of knowledge and enduring the early-morning study sessions. Now as the final exam day Dawn's, the pressure is at its peak, but there is also a sense of accomplishment for having made it this far. Sitting in the bus with my fellow classmates as nervous energy buzzes through the air there is a sense of unity in the collective struggle that is both comforting and motivating.

Inside the exam room, pencils scratch against the paper, minds race to recall the information stored during countless hours of preparation, hearts are beating fast as the clock ticks. Time seems to simultaneously stretch and compress, the minutes ticking away yet feeling like an eternity as I carefully construct my responses. Each answer is a culmination of months of hard work, representing my understanding and proficiency in the subject. As the clock strikes the end of the exam, a collective sigh of relief sweeps through the exam venue, there's a mix of exhaustion, relief, and hope for a positive outcome, marking the close of a chapter and the beginning of a new phase of academic or professional life.

Outside the exam hall, the campus buzzes with a newfound energy. The nervous energy that shrouded the campus disappeared as the students laughs filled the air. Students express a mix of elation and exhaustion, as they disperse, eager to put the exam stress behind them. There's a collective sense of accomplishment, a validation of hard work and dedication. Amidst the sighs of relief and jubilant conversations, there's a quiet anticipation for what lies ahead, a hopeful glimpse into a future shaped by the effort and dedication poured into those exams.

I myself reach home have a fruit bowl and throw myself on the bed for a nap without changing clothes. The weeks of exhaustion finally getting to me.


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  • Test4 months ago

    Excellent effort! Keep up the superb work

  • Doc Sherwood7 months ago

    An accomplished account of closure and hard work rewarded, relatable no matter who you are, but especially so to anyone who knows the world of study. I love your descriptions of the general tenor on campus that last day of exams, and how palpably the mood changes as those all-important few hours go by. Love it too that it's not all stress and anxiety beforehand, but rather the students travelling on the bus feel united in their common cause. I do remember that, and often detect the same fellowship in final-year students even now! It's great as well to read that once the last exam was over, the tone was of quiet anticipation and appreciation of all that's gone before. It's important to take a moment to reflect on these at such a pivotal point in your life, and more students should try it, instead of heading straight for the bar (as many do)! It's funny too how you remember things like that sparrow on a big day, and so true (every 26th of September I recall a very old dog who slept with his head on my knee during a journey in 2007). Last of all, congratulations on finishing your exams, and hope you enjoyed that well-deserved rest!

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