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Lion and mouse

Bedtime story for kids

By EzraPublished 3 months ago 9 min read
Lion and mouse
Photo by Ingo Stiller on Unsplash

in a timberland carried on with a fairly dilapidated mouse he was so terrified of the hazes the wolf and even himself besides that assuming that the breeze blew and a branch broke he searched for an opening he could stow away in due to this every one of the little animals ridiculed him how frightened is he you're even terrified of the breeze you're so frightened you're so frightened one day the mouse started acting responsibly and headed toward see the ruler of the wilderness the lion the lion had quite recently wrapped up having his lunch he was sleeping before the cavern the mouse's companions were all inquisitive regarding what the mouse had arranged the mouse begun to scale the lion's tail he got up on the lion's back with an extremely certain look all over he presented to his companions despite the fact that he was exceptionally terrified he was doing everything in his grasp not to make it clear right at that point the lion awakened and as he shook his bow the mouse tumbled off [Music] the mouse and the lion came eye to eye [Music] [Applause] the wide range of various animals were stressed good gracious the lion will swallow the match what nerve what boldness what are you doing on my back [Music] throw out the laugh kindly don't eat me uh i'm the most terrified of the post water underneath that goodness my life passes off by shaking with dread a leaf tumbles off of the tree i'm produced i'm taken care of with this I need to dispose of this dread you're the lord of the wilderness with only one major thunder the animals dread you would you consider taking me to your guardianship the lion paid attention to the mouse peacefully the mouse was thinking about the thing his answer would have been [Laughter] and for what reason would it be advisable for me I assist you with giving me one valid justification concerning why I shouldn't eat you your assist will with being returned I guarantee perhaps one day I will help you when the mouse completed what he needed to say the lion thundered in such a manner how might such a minuscule mouse as yourself be of any assistance to me yet seeing the minuscule mouse shaking before him the lion chose not to eat him thank god I'm for the time being escape my sight the mouse took off from that point observing all that was occurring from a remote place the companions of the mouse were truly shocked some time had elapsed by client kicked eager and off meandering around in the woods yet he was unable to see the tracker's snare and got captured he was lingered palpably in a major net he attempted to break liberated from the net yet he was unable to do it he was the lord of the woodland so in the event that he could shout for help he would be embarrassed and every one of the trackers would hear him and come to get him quicker being out of choices he started to stand by in the mean time different animals residing in the woodland saw the lion yet no one could try to draw near to him when he was passing by little mouse saw the lion and he chose to help him he went straightforwardly close to him he began to climb the lines long tail and when he arrived at the net he started to bite on it at that point the rabbit came running close to them hello pal pick up the pace the trackers are coming different animals who were assembled around out of nowhere begun to go around when they heard the word tracker yet the mouse continued to bite with tirelessness [Music] in the end the net was destroyed and the lion tumbled down and moved away come on hop on my back how about we leave the mouse bounced on the lion's back and they moved away from that point [Music] all short of breath the lion showed up before his cavern he stooped down and the mouse leaped off when you let me know that one day you could possibly help me I underrated you I thought you were a little mouse with no utilization by any means except for you saved my life thank you it's my pleasure my cake you don't need to fear me any longer as a matter of fact you don't have to fear anything since you're exceptionally gallant mouse assuming I am the lord of the wilderness from this point forward you are my gutsy cerebrums lion and the mouse started to giggle [Music] every one of the animals observing all that was going on from a far distance emerged and cheer the brave mouse the lion and the mouse turned out to be closest companions and the backwoods resided in harmony perpetually some time ago there carried on with an old couple in an old little shack close to a timberland they were carrying on with a blissful and quiet life their main lament was not having their very own offspring one day when the old woman was making treat mixture in the kitchen her significant other came in dear the thing are you cooking today goodness my sweetheart i'm heating up a gingerbread man today the old woman ply the batter and trim a gingerbread man shape subsequent to placing it in the stove she plunked down and began to hang tight for the gingerbread man to prepare [Music] when she could smell the scrumptious treat by and large around the air in the kitchen she put on her broiler gloves and took the gingerbread man out now the time had come to enliven it she made eyes out of raisins and a charming nose utilizing treats and afterward she utilized a cream to make his hair and garments and finally she utilized cherries to make a few buttons for him she examined her magnum opus and said my gingerbread man looks lovely yet I feel like something is feeling the loss of the old woman took a gander at him once more and [Music] his mouth I neglected to make his mouth she drew a mouth on the gingerbread man's face with the cream gracious yes now you are finished my gingerbread man at that point something unforeseen happened thank you yet how might it be you are talking gingerbread man unexpectedly stood up and began running definitely and I can likewise run the gingerbread man bounced from the kitchen seat to the seat then to the ground and began running quick to the kitchen entryway to the come garden return the old woman hollered the gingerbread man started talking while he was running no doubt run as quick as possible yet it's not possible for anyone to get me since i'm the gingerbread man the old woman got out to the nursery and begun pursuing the gingerbread man the man glanced through the window and saw his significant other running and shouted hello where are you running the old woman paid all due respects to her significant other while running my gingerbread man took off i'm attempting to get him [Music] the elderly person was puzzled the old woman ran yet the gingerbread man was quick to such an extent that it was difficult to get him after a brief time the gingerbread man ran over a farm a munching cow saw him ah what a decent treat I ought to trim and eat him the cow likewise started to pursue the gingerbread man stand by don't run i will eat ya definitely run as quick as possible and old women additionally attempting to get me yet it's not possible for anyone to on the grounds that i'm the gingerbread man the old woman and the cow were pursuing the gingerbread man and as of now a pig saw the gingerbread man a gingerbread man consistent with my tastebuds pause and I will get you the gingerbread man addressed the pig while he was running definitely run as quick as you can an old woman and a cow are additionally attempting to get me yet no one consideration since i'm the gingerbread man while they were running the gingerbread man in front the old woman cow at the pink behind him a chicken saw the gingerbread man while searching for some food that must be my lunch so the chicken followed along run however much you need gingerbread man i will trim you definitely run as quick as you can an old woman a cow and a pig couldn't get nor I might you no one at any point can on the grounds that i'm the gingerbread man the gingerbread man in front the old woman cow the pig and the chicken they generally kept on running yet the gingerbread man was getting increasingly more further ahead from the others the gingerbread man was so cheerful and extremely glad for himself i'm the most splendid and the quickest gingerbread man on the planet yes that is me no one can get me since i'm the gingerbread man when he looked forward soon the coach terrible man saw that he was going over a stream and he halted in light of the fact that he realize that water could make him liquefy away on gracious what now the old woman cow pig and the chicken were close currently right at that point a sneaky fox showed up from behind a tree I know how to swim in the event that you need I can assist you the gingerbread with monitoring thought about it consider the possibility that you eat me you don't need to stress I would rather not eat you I simply need to assist you with getting across the gingerbread man believed the tricky fox and bounced on his tail hanging on as close as he could the fox hopped in the stream and started to swim in the mean time the old woman cow pig and the chicken came to the edge of the waterway and saw the gingerbread man crossing the waterway on the rear of a fox vulnerably they watched them go realizing they couldn't get him any longer the stream started to get further and the water began to hello fox keep your tail up I nearly got wet up on my back it's more secure the gingerbread man jumped on the fox's back they swam for some time yet as the water got further the fox's back started to soak in the water i'm worried about the possibility that that you'll get wet how about you hop on my head where it's a piece higher the gingerbread man ascended on his head the fox kept on seeking after his arrangement and plunged his head down in the water the water has risen an excess of how about you get on my nose it's higher so the gingerbread man got on top of his nose right when they were going to arrive at the shore the fox tipped his nose flipping the gingerbread man up high and opened his mouth the gingerbread man planned to fall into his mouth and the fox planned to eat him yet it didn't work while the gingerbread man was in the air a crow flying right above them got the gingerbread man with his bill the fox just remained there looking with his mouth open the gingerbread man trusted that the crow will fly somewhat further and asked do crows eat ginger treats that's right when the crow opened his snout to talk the gingerbread man tumbled down and started to run as quick as he could better believe it run as quick as you can an old woman a cow a pig a chicken a fox and a crow likewise attempting to get me yet it's not possible for anyone to on the grounds that i'm the gingerbread man the gingerbread man continued to run and didn't stop [Music] in the event that you see a gingerbread man pass you by running don't attempt to get him since he is the gingerbread man and it's not possible for anyone to dare get [Music]


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  • Test3 months ago

    Well done.

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