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LeetCode - Ace Your Next Interview

The Ultimate Learning Resource

By Career CoachPublished about a year ago 3 min read
LeetCode - Ace Your Next Interview
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Leet Code is a platform for computer programmers and software engineers to practice their problem-solving skills, sharpen their knowledge of data structures and algorithms, and prepare for coding interviews. The platform offers a wide variety of coding challenges, from easy to difficult, and from various domains, such as arrays, strings, linked lists, trees, graphs, dynamic programming, and more. Leet Code also offers a feature called "Leet Code Premium" which gives access to a large collection of premium questions and solutions, mock interviews, and other resources.

Why Leet Code?

Leet Code is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to improve their coding skills, advance their career, or get ready for a technical interview. Here are some of the benefits of using Leet Code:

Practice makes perfect. The more you practice solving coding problems, the better you get at it. Leet Code offers a wide variety of coding challenges, so you can pick the ones that match your current level and interests.

Prepare for coding interviews. Many companies use coding interviews as a way to evaluate candidates for software engineering positions. Leet Code can help you prepare for these interviews by giving you a chance to practice solving similar problems to the ones you might encounter in an interview.

Learn new data structures and algorithms. Leet Code offers a large collection of problems that cover various data structures and algorithms. By solving these problems, you can learn new techniques and improve your understanding of existing ones.

Interview Simulations. One of the key features of Leet Code Premium is the ability to simulate a coding interview. This feature allows users to practice solving problems in a timed, interview-like setting, which can help them prepare for the real thing.

Select Questions By Company. Another feature of Leet Code Premium is the ability to select problems by company. This feature allows users to filter the problem set to only include questions that have been asked by a specific company in their coding interviews. This is an incredibly useful tool for anyone who is preparing for an interview with a specific company. By selecting questions by company, you can ensure that you are practicing the types of problems that are most likely to be asked by that company.

Leet Code Premium. Leet Code Premium is a great way to enhance your learning experience. It gives you access to a large collection of premium questions and solutions, mock interviews, and other resources.

How to Use Leet Code?

Here are some tips on how to use Leet Code effectively:

Start with easy problems. If you're new to Leet Code, it's a good idea to start with easy problems. These problems will help you get familiar with the platform and the types of problems you can expect to see. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually move on to more difficult problems.

Choose problems that match your interests. Leet Code offers a wide variety of problems, from various domains. You can pick the problems that match your interests and focus on them.

Think before you code. Before you start coding, take a few minutes to think about the problem and try to come up with a plan on how to solve it. This will save you time and help you avoid common mistakes.

Test your code. After you've written your code, test it with different inputs to make sure it works correctly.

Read other people's solutions. After you've solved a problem, you can read other people's solutions and compare them to your own. This will help you learn new techniques and ways of thinking.


Leet Code is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to improve their coding skills, advance their career, or get ready for a technical interview. It offers a wide variety of coding challenges, from easy to difficult, and from various domains. Leet Code also offers a feature called "Leet Code Premium" which gives access to a large collection of premium questions and solutions, mock interviews, and other resources. By using Leet Code effectively, you can improve your problem-solving skills, sharpen your knowledge of data structures and algorithms, and get ready for your next technical interview.

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Career Coach

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