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Learning and Study Strategies Inventory

By Samantha GarciaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How to Interpret your LASSI Score (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory)

Anxiety Module

Anxiety is us thinking that we have problems and we end up worrying about the future events and tend to have negative thoughts on how we’ll do with them. However, it is something that we can learn how to control. Students learning to handle with anxiety positively are more calm and deal well in academics. They are less likely to get disturbed and are more expected to keep their focus on their assignments. Also, students who are usually happier and healthier have shown to enjoy college life. Students who endure anxiety negatively may not be able to handle very well with tension or anxiety related to school. They might have negative thoughts and self-doubts about: their abilities, their intelligence, how they are going to explain their poor performance to others, and/or their likelihood of success.

Attitude Module

They are students who have positive attitudes and negative attitudes. Students who have positive attitudes are willing to do anything it takes to be able to succeed in college. They look for the benefits that college has in order to succeed in society. Also, they apply their college learning into their everyday life. Students who have negative attitudes may not see how college can benefit them. They probably feel like college is a waste of time and effort or they probably have a hard time understanding their assignments. Also, they may just have a lack of focus in their college life.

Your attitude towards your personal, social, and professional life is important in order for you to be successful. It requires your motivation, focus, and interest to succeed. It also requires goals to maintain a positive attitude. The first requirement for your goals, in order for them to be outstanding, is that it must be precise and significant.

Concentration Module

Concentration helps makes us better to focus on our tasks given to us. So instead of being distracted and worrying about future events we use concentration to manage our academic goals. Some strategies to help us to stay focus are: developing awareness, reflecting on our experiences, and taking control and taking action. Also, improving your own study event will help you concentration.

I have a desk full of sticky notes that has dates and assignments of when things are due. When I’m done with that work I throw away the sticky note knowing that it is done. Doing this is how I mainly know when to concentration on certain assignments for school. When it comes down to concentrating on reading I usually listen to classical music first. Classical music calms my nerves down and helps me stay focus on what I’m reading.

Information Processing Module

When learning new information I usually like staying in a quiet environment. So when I get home and I learned information from my professor I like to lock myself up in my room. I then usually has the notes that I taken in class and summary them into words that I can understand. When it comes to math and science, I like to rework the problems and do them over again.

For me, it is a lot easy to do similar problems over again and understand how the formula(s) work. I don’t usually have a hard time with learning new information, but if I do another thing I do is make flashcards. I learned that having information on flashcards and memorizing them that way is also a lot easier to master.

Motivation Module

Motivation is about taking responsibility and performing your absolute best in college. For me, motivation is something that I know I lack for sure. I do not prep for class and I study very rarely. To be honest, I didn’t care so much for college when I first got in. I felt like it was forced on me by my parents. I’m not a highly-motivated students who basically understand how college is very beneficial to them and can see a success in their effort while at school. They are more likely to face the problems of understanding their assignments. Also, they participate more in their classes where I just sit in the background and “listen” but not completely understanding the assignments.

Selecting Main Ideas Module

Selecting the main idea from a speech, piece of writing, or PowerPoints can be difficult if you don’t pay attention the professor giving you cues of what to study. Although, once you figure out what how to select main ideas then you can properly study on the material. Learning how to select the main idea will help improve your study and hopefully make grades get better. In order, to study how to select the main ideas in your assignment you first have to figure out what is important in the task. There are three main factors to help you decide what’s important: knowledge about the nature of different academic tasks, instructor expectations, and your goals. Finding the main idea is just a special case in memorizing the important information.

Self-Testing Module

Students who self-test themselves are more expected to understand the materials. They are also likely to figure out problems and solutions in an acceptable manner. When I self-test myself, I usually write questions that I think are going to be on the test and then I take the homemade test and take it in a quiet environment. Doing this helps me improve and understand some information.

I do have trouble recalling some information on the test and when this happen I usually skip the question and return to it in the end. Helping yourself to stay organized and know where exactly all your information for the test is to study will help you more with self-testing. Usually we need to self-regulation ourselves in order to not worry about the information that we know. We need to understand by setting goals, developing awareness, and exercising control.

Study Aids Module

Study aids are hints or prompts that teachers will use to show important information. They are a more efficient way to find the main ideas and meaningful information. Students who use study aids will make use of them in either outlines or diagrams. Important points to remember using study aids are that it will help you reach your goal, teachers and school books will provide tools for learning new material, and it’s very helpful to create your own study aid to improve your studying.

Test Strategies Module

Test strategies include many factors such as the content, how you will be tested, time that you have to study, your professor’s expectations, and your knowledge about methods. Students who are well prepared usually know and use test-taking and test-preparation strategies. They create a good way to taking tests with their planning.

My test strategies usually include me looking at past information. So, looking in my notes and sometimes looking on the syllabus to see what this test may include. Also, I compare my notes with the textbook and see if I can add more information and guess what may be on the following test. I also redo formulas and make sure that I know how to do them correctly in order to prepare for my test.

Time Management Module

I know I do not manage my time at all. I am a huge slacker and basically do not care at all for my classes. I do need to learn how to organize my time and to avoid procrastinating. Most of the time, I’m on my laptop just watching YouTube videos or playing games or watching people play games. I don’t have an awareness of time that I should and I didn’t have the attention to manage my time studying vs goofing around. Reading this “Time Management” Module, I did use some very useful tips that I’m going to try. Such as, using a calendar to mark for test dates and due dates. Also, I learned to have a daily to-do list so that I can look at it periodically and make sure that I do have assignments done with and still have enough time to have study time.

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About the Creator

Samantha Garcia

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