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Sara's story

By Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil Published 11 months ago 6 min read

Sara was a college student who had many Muslim acquaintances. She liked their faith and devotion and pondered what made them so content and tranquil. She wanted to learn more about their faith and their God, Allah. She had heard some of Allah's 99 names, such as the Merciful, the Forgiving, the Creator, and the Provider. She was curious as to what these names signified and how they mirrored Allah's characteristics. She also wanted to know how Muslims worship Allah and obey His instructions. Sara chose to join a study circle at her local mosque, where she met a kind and knowledgeable sister named Fatimah. Fatimah greeted Sara and offered to be her mentor and friend. She handed Sara a copy of the Quran, Islam's sacred book, and taught her the fundamentals of Islamic beliefs and practises. She also invited Sara to attend the mosque's prayers, lectures, and social gatherings. Sara was struck by the beauty and wisdom of the Quran, as well as the warmth and generosity of Muslims. She discovered that Allah is the one God worthy of worship and that He has no partners or equals. She discovered that Allah is eternal, self-sufficient, unique, and unlike everything else in His creation. She discovered Allah is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, all-hearing, all-seeing, and all-speaking. She discovered that Allah is the most merciful, the most forgiving, the most loving, the most just, the most generous, and the most noble of all. She discovered that Allah created everything for a reason and that He guides whomever He chooses to the right path. She discovered that Allah sent many prophets and messengers throughout history to deliver His word to humanity, including Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). She discovered that Allah revealed His final scripture to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was the best example for mankind. She discovered that Muslims worship Allah by conducting five daily prayers, fasting throughout Ramadan, giving charity, making pilgrimages to Mecca, and following His commands. Sara, on the other hand, had some issues and doubts when learning about Islam. She encountered several people who were unfriendly or ignorant about Islam and sought to dissuade or mislead her. She had heard several incorrect claims and preconceptions about Islam, such as that it was aggressive, oppressive, backward, or incompatible with modern principles. She also had certain questions and confusions regarding certain parts of Islam, such as the position of women, the concept of free will and destiny, the diversity of sects and beliefs, and the relationship between Islam and other religions. She was occasionally overwhelmed or puzzled by the volume of information and perspectives she encountered. Sara decided to convert to Islam after going through a personal crisis or spiritual awakening. A terrible occurrence (such as the death of a loved one), a miraculous event (such as seeing a sign from Allah), or an inspirational event (such as meeting a devout or prominent Muslim) could all be catalysts for this. Another motivating factor could be a genuine desire to discover the truth and satisfy Allah.

Sara recognised that Islam was the answer to her concerns and doubts and that Allah was the source of her joy and calm. In her heart and spirit, she felt a great bond with Allah. In front of Fatima and other Muslims at the mosque, she announced her religion, saying, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger." As she accepted Islam, she felt a wave of excitement and comfort wash over her. Sara had a new sense of purpose and direction in her life after converting to Islam. Fatima and other sources helped her understand more about Islam. She began to practise Islam in her daily life by praying on a regular basis, reading the Quran, dressing modestly, eating halal food, and abstaining from haram items. She also tried to communicate her faith and invite her family and friends to Islam. Some of them presented her with hurdles and obstacles since they were not supportive or understanding of her decision. Allah also put her through several difficulties and tribulations in order to purify her and deepen her faith. She also received certain blessings and awards from Allah, who wanted to demonstrate His mercy and favour to her. She always thanked Allah in her heart and on her lips for leading her to Islam.

Sara's story is a fictional one, but it is the story of every person searching for the truth. The truth about the creator of this universe The God who created us for a purpose and not in vain, the God who truly deserves to be worshipped Sara's tale is about seeking, discovering, and adoring Allah. It is a story that encourages Muslims to value their faith and to spread it to others. It's also a story that encourages people to learn more about Islam and its message of peace, justice, and harmony. It's also a story of Allah's might and wisdom, as He guides everyone He wants to His light. It is also a story that exemplifies Islam's beauty and diversity, as it appeals to people from many backgrounds, ethnicities, languages, and personalities.

The universe demonstrates Allah's oneness. The creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the various types of inanimate objects, plants, and fruits, and the creation of humans and animals all point to the Almighty Creator being One with no partner or associate. The universe is a big and complicated system that was designed with a purpose in mind. It is a system governed by laws and concepts that are beyond our comprehension. The universe's beauty and intricacy are manifestations of Allah's majesty. Everything in the cosmos was created for a purpose by Allah. The sun, moon, and stars were created to provide light and direction. The mountains were built to help support the earth's crust. The oceans were formed to keep the earth's temperature stable. Plants and trees were designed to offer food and air. The animals were developed to keep the ecology in balance. Everything in this universe was created with a purpose in mind, and everything works in unison to achieve that purpose. Allah's oneness is visible in every facet of creation. It is clear in the way everything was made and how everything works in harmony with one another. It serves as a reminder that there is only one God who created everything in the universe for a reason. It serves as a reminder to be grateful for all that Allah has provided us and to strive to live our lives in line with His will.

The universe is a huge and intricate realm full of miracles that show Allah's oneness. The exquisite patterns of stars and galaxies, the careful balance of the universe's energies, and the natural world's beauty all testify to the existence of a single, unified creator. We are continuously reminded of Allah's strength and wisdom as we investigate the wonders of the universe. Everything in the cosmos is interrelated and interdependent, from subatomic particles to galaxies. This connectivity and interdependence demonstrate Allah's oneness by demonstrating that everything in the universe is a part of a single, unified whole. When we consider the universe's beauty and intricacy, we can see Allah's craftsmanship everywhere we look. So, take some time to gaze up at the stars and marvel at the grandeur of the cosmos. What you discover might shock you! There are many mysteries in the universe that we have yet to solve. Scientists, for example, are still striving to explain dark matter and dark energy, which make up the vast majority of the universe but cannot be seen or measured directly. The fact that we know so little about the universe attests to Allah's great wisdom and power. It serves as a reminder that there is always more to discover and learn and that our own human perspective limits our understanding. We can admire the universe's beauty and intricacy despite our limited grasp of it. There is no shortage of wonders to witness, from the complex patterns of snowflakes to the expanse of space. When we consider these marvels, we are reminded of Allah's grandeur and boundless power. So take some time to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, and remember that everything you see is a manifestation of Allah's perfect wisdom. According to the Quran, "Allah is He Who Created Seven Heavens and a Similar Number of Earths." Allah created everything in perfect balance and harmony, as this verse reminds us. The seven heavens mentioned in this verse indicate various levels or dimensions of life, each with their own distinct properties and attributes. Current cosmology, which asserts that there are additional dimensions beyond our three-dimensional reality, supports this idea. We can obtain a better understanding of Allah's oneness and boundless power by reflecting on these themes.

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About the Creator

Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil

Islamic Studies in English Lecturer in Malaysia. Holding a PhD in the Quran and its sciences. he is a subject matter expert in Islamic Studies in English, with numerous academic articles and books written for non-Arabs.

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    Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil Written by Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil

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