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Important Things to Know Before Going to University

How to survive

By RosiePublished 5 years ago 3 min read

University can feel scary and overwhelming, but with these tips and important facts you’ll have all the knowledge you need to have a calmer, happier experience.

  • Don’t feel bad if you forget a tutor or students name, it happens a lot for the first six months.
  • Don’t feel pressured into making a lot of friends, sometimes it’s better to start on your own so you can understand yourself more.
  • First year grades aren’t as important as second and third year so take this time to really think about what you are interested in, what your passion is and how you are going to show that in the work you present.
  • Don’t compare yourself or the work you produce to other people’s, it makes you feel useless, sad, and unaccomplished. You need to remember that you are a special, smart individual with your own interests and that’s what will are you stand out from the rest.
  • It’s okay to feel scared, shy, and like you don’t fit in because things will work out themselves eventually.
  • Work how you feel comfortable if that’s typing on a phone, iPad, tablet or using a pen and paper, don’t let people tell you what’s best for you.
  • TAKE NOTES ABOUT EVERYTHING even if it doesn’t seem important at the time, you are bound to be asked about it or need it in the next lecture.
  • (Creative only) Make sure you keep a portfolio of all your physical work. This is really important in first year because this is how the tutors will get to know you and how you think and feel.
  • ALWAYS REMEMBER that just because a friend, another student or a tutor doesn’t agree or like what you are doing, it doesn’t meant you can’t do it or that you have to change what you are doing. Stick with what you love.
  • Don’t change to fit in, it’s not worth it because the people you make friends with at first might not be there at the end.
  • Drinking and drugs really aren't the “University Experience.” It’s not going to get you any more friends or boost your grade if anything, it’s going to show that you aren’t dedicated to the course.
  • First impressions are important, you can’t re-do a first impression!
  • The work is tough and only gets harder as you go through the years, but it’s so important that you stick with what you love and hand in work that you are proud of.
  • You are important! University can be overwhelming and bad days happen which are normal, don’t let them get to you too much tomorrow is a new day.
  • Mental Health is really, really important! If you are having a bad week, let a tutor know and take a little time for yourself to work on your physical and mental health because you won’t be 100 percent if you are sad inside.
  • Take a book with you to read on the grass or bench at lunch, it’s a fantastic way of unwinding, especially if it’s a long day of lectures, it gets your brain to calm down and start fresh.
  • Eat healthy I know this can be difficult, but you will need the energy and coffee isn’t as great as you think it is when you are drinking four a day and get addicted.
  • Sleep is your best friend.
  • Fight for what you believe in.
  • Work hard, research, make notes, take books out of the library and make sure you print everything because you never know what you will need.
  • Make it fun, it’s supposed to be the best time of your life so work hard, and enjoy every second because you are important, brave, strong and if you do it right, university can be the best years of your life.
  • Writing a dissertation can sound scary so make sure you choose a subject that you already know a bit about this will make it easier when gathering research. If you have the research and work hard on it, it actually becomes really easy and you might even enjoy it just don’t let the word dissertation scare you.
  • Lastly, you’ve got this. :)

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