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How to Become a Genius in Maths

By Wayne Published 11 months ago 9 min read
How to Become a Genius in Maths
Photo by rosario janza on Unsplash

If you are a student and find arithmetic to be particularly challenging, you are not alone.

If arithmetic is your worst nightmare, you've come to the correct spot, since this article is

after reading this book, your entire academic career will be

I can solve that like Albert Einstein very quickly in the next few minutes.

I'll share with you the mentality that every excellent mathematician has, which

produced history in mathematics that demonstrates that a problem-solving approach is essential

arithmetic is simple as pie. In my 12th math exam, I received a 97 out of 100, and

You will now achieve a score of above 90 simply by developing the mentality needed to

to tackle any arithmetic issue, you must first make a commitment to yourself.

really crucial; without it, reading the text will be a waste of time for you

yourself that I'm good in math. Yes, repeat yourself so that I can hear you well.

No matter who is close by, speak louder. If you didn't do this, you wouldn't feel timid.

will return to your previous life where math is a monster and you have no interest in it

You are the only one who can change your life; thus, tell yourself out loud that solving math problems comes easily to you.

easy math I have no trouble with math, so why is this necessary

I'll provide you with the information you need to remove the incorrect perspective.

incorrect mental programming by putting only positive things, such as math, there

once you truly believe this, it will be simple for you, and you will then be on the right course.

Pause the story instead, and then say this to yourself in front of a mirror.

I'll be here whenever you're ready, so if you're ready, play this video until you truly think in yourself that arithmetic is easy for me.

fully prepared, let's get started. I'll talk about the most harmful

most people have the mentality to solve math problems anytime they arise.

First, people become afraid and lament, "Oh my God, this question is so big, this question is so challenging for me, I can never solve it."

Where is the answer to this question, how do I solve it, and what will happen next, blah?

Blah, but you've changed your mind and won't say that anymore.

then they will suddenly open a help book where the answer to that query is already provided, and they will then attempt to duplicate the answer from there.

They will then cram the solution, and cramming math is the worst thing they can do.

Never cram math, and if they cannot discover a solution, there are other things you can do.

What they will do is look for a question in the help book that is similar to the one they are now working on and attempt to answer it using the same strategy, regardless of whether or not what they have done is correct.

Never do this; it's nothing but cramming and copying.

will only make math more challenging for you, and the more you do it, the more cramming you will experience because it's like a spider dance. Avoid doing this because the questions will only get harder and the cramming will make your arithmetic more tough.

not resolve this, so now is the moment for me to discuss that mentality I

the mindset that focuses on learning and finding solutions

attempting to gain knowledge from the query and concentrating on discovering

the answer to that query by concentrating on the issue you've presented

Let me first provide you a strategy for finishing all the math problems in your math book.

Make a list of all the formulas that will be employed in that calculation initially.

a specific chapter you plan to solve This is a tested approach to the problem.

math issues Math becomes really simple for you if you have a list of formulas you can apply for that problem, therefore prepare a list of all the formulae before beginning a chapter.

to be applied in that chapter, for instance, if you plan to answer a trigonometry problem.

then write a list of all the formulae that will be utilized in it. At this point, you may say, "I barely remember any math formulas because it's so difficult to remember them."

and I'm aware, but there's no issue since once you adopt this attitude, you'll

learning all the mathematical concepts in your math textbook effortlessly if you

now that you have a math issue and several formulae to remember, practice what I suggest.

resolve that issue The best way to determine the formula to use for a given problem is to carefully read it; this is the first and most important step.

a crucial step in solving a math problem the majority of people never engage in this

they do this by attentively reading the issue This inquiry relates to this chapter, they

resolve it in this way I'll approach it in this way. I'll copy this because I didn't get it,

the ideal response Oh my, arithmetic is very challenging for me. Ask yourself if you've ever carefully studied a math question without immediately starting to solve it.

Because you have a list of specific formulae that will be used in that chapter, reading the question first will help you to automatically recognize the formula that will be used in that problem. However, before solving the problem, you should consider how you will get from A to B.

I must utilize these values in the question to the one value of the response.

I have some formulas; utilize your imagination; it will make arithmetic more easier.

It's intriguing how it works like a puzzle solving game. You're given a conundrum, some patterns and formulae to use to solve it, and you have to figure out how to reach the goal.

Think about it, but I need to take action to change the values I need to.

Applying this formula after changing these numbers to this Make the scenario extremely intriguing in your head before beginning to address the issue, suppose you have

If you get the incorrect response after trying again, there is no issue.

to try once more Never forget Accord to Einstein, I am not

intelligent, I simply consider the issue longer than most people do, thus the longer

You will be dealing with the issue the greater your chances of success in solving the issue.

appropriately, and you'll eventually discover the solution.

Yes, you just completed an independent math problem without the aid of a manual. Congrats

In order to verify that your solution is correct and learn from it, you must now open a help book.

Your error in the preceding question was essentially an opportunity to learn from it, and doing so will help to sharpen your mind.

How do you think you handled the math issue you just independently solved?you created

There are billions of connections in your brain, and you are trying things out by trial and error.

continually learning from your mistakes, which will lead to the development of memorization

formulas quickly since you will utilize one to answer your inquiry.

and this memorizes formulas automatically This and all the math were attempts.

If you use these formulas consistently, you can solve any problem.

In that chapter, ponder Einstein's adage that creativity requires more imagination.

If you don't learn formulas, it won't matter; what matters is that you have the intellect that is needed to solve that problem.

which is imaginative enough to envision how you might arrive at the solution, so try again later

When your teacher assigns you a question for homework, attempt to utilize this approach in

Please refrain from returning to where you were when you first opened this video since there is no other approach to answer math problems that is easier than this one. This method will make math really fun for you and it will be like playing a videogame.

There are many other movies that explain how to do math problems quickly, how to become brilliant, etc., but there is no other way they can provide you with advice, routines, etc.

Take a small item and stay with it, just like I provided you a routine, which you must follow in this video and in every other video.

Making a list of all the formulas in your chapter will help if you say, "I don't want to do all this from tomorrow," for example.

modify something, you only need to ask Growing steadily over time wins the race.

You now understand the one strategy that, if followed, will guarantee mathematical victory.

Now that you've surpassed 90, it should be easy for you to move on to something more useful. We'll choose a seven-standard math issue that everyone can comprehend and use this strategy to solve it.

This can help you understand this concept more clearly if you are a high-achieving student and apply the same approach to your own math issues. To start, let's look at this straightforward arithmetic problem, which is the seventh from the bottom.

ordinary math problem I choose to answer this question in order for everyone to have a better understanding of the attitude required to locate the

volume of a cylinder with a two-cm-radius and a five-cm height

a cylinder with a 2 centimeter radius and a height of 5 cm.

high standard student, please take this as evidence of such mentality.

will use that frame of mind to approach this topic and determine the answer. Suppose we have a

chapter that contains two different types of questions the volume of the first is

cylinders, and the second is their surface area. Because we are unfamiliar with all of this, we are unsure of the volume formula and the surface area formula.

Considering that this is the case, we will now use the technique to address it.

the first step is to carefully study the problem in this problem we

High standard students who are asked to determine the volume of a cylinder with dimensions of 5 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in radius will likely respond that this is a simple volume formula problem that only requires them to chunk in the values to arrive at the solution. However, this is only a demonstration; use it as a guide when tackling more challenging problems.

We therefore have these two values. the cylinder's height and radius, respectively.

Now, let's write down the cylinder's radius. round or cylindrical

equal to 2 cm, and the cylinder's height is

as five centimeters, therefore with these two numbers and the distance to be calculated,

How do we get there? We need to convert these two values to one volume value.

use a single formula We use one formula for the volume to do what has to be done.

We must first determine which formulas are for volume and which are for surface area.

How then do we understand what the area of a circle actually means?

Considering everything, what is the area of the circle that is PI R square?

If we multiply the circle's surface area by its height, we get this

then a circle will be layered on top of itself to a height of five centimeters, and

once we get the volume, we will understand that this formula is for volume.

surface area, please specify the circle's 2 PI R right parameter.

hollow circles stacked five cm high, and we'll have the

surface area of the cylinder, thus we are aware of its volume, and we will

use this in our inquiry so

volume of cylinder, hence using this method, we can calculate the volume of a cylinder.

shall use that in our inquiry, which is PI R squared H, thus we must first factor that in.

the value is good, so let's chunk it in Phi is equal to three four.

multiplied by h, which is height, which is multiplied by r square, which is 2 and 2 square, which is 4.

Never mind that 5 centimeters is now equal to a cube of 62.8 centimeters.

to mathematically add the unit after the value This advice for math is also crucial.

So, after carefully reading the query, we determined which formulas needed to be applied first.

pondered the task at hand, carried it out, discovered the solution, and this is how you accomplish it.

should always do the math. I hope you enjoyed the video and best of luck to all of you.

best of luck with your future math studies! In my upcoming video, I'll provide some

wonderful hints and some clever techniques that will make arithmetic more simpler for you

to be notified when I publish my next article, please subscribe to this channel.

Lastly, thank you for reading.

how to

About the Creator


Am wayne, a writer from kenya specified in research and article writing. I love doing research on natural things, football updates and updating what going on in the world

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