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How much do you believe Math Games for Kids has helped make math more interesting to today's youth?

Children who play video games are better able to focus on one thing at a time. Social emotional learning activities for preschool with gaming, helping children develop several skills.

By skidos2021Published 2 years ago 4 min read



How students no longer fear mathematics, and the positive impact this has had on their development in other areas.


The fear of math is quite genuine for some children. Some people find it challenging to grasp math since it can be dull, abstract, and lack imagination. In part because of how challenging its ideas are, many young people now ignore it. All too often, people with phobias learn the hard way that avoiding triggers even more anxiety. The best math games for kids let them pick their level of difficulty while still providing them with a tonne of academic entertainment. When youngsters have access to math games, they can study the subject in the comfort of their own homes or other private spaces. As a result, there's a greater possibility that the children may develop a lasting fondness for mathematics and overcome any associated anxieties. Learning mathematics on its own has been shown by neuroscientists to stimulate areas of the brain that are responsible for improved reasoning and problem-solving. However, tough games help us improve our reasoning and spatial perception skills. Children who play video games are better able to focus on one thing at a time. Social emotional learning activities for preschool with gaming, helping children develop several skills.


Calculational speed in children improves.

Gaming improves children's memory and recall, which in turn makes them more numerate. To assist students to learn math faster, SKIDOS has created math racing games like Bike Racing. While tearing it up on their bicycles, kids swiftly figure out tough math problems, puzzles, and exercises. So what if they're more into monster trucks? SKIDOS will take care of you. SKIDOS' Race Cars combines the fun of racing games & coloring games for kids with the educational benefits of mathematics for young players.


Critical reasoning

The ability to examine data, see patterns, and draw meaningful conclusions from it is the essence of analytical thinking. Because it is not innate, analytical thinking is a skill that can be honed and improved upon. SKIDOS's Go Ball is a kids learning games aged 9 and up in which they must rearrange the game's tiles to guide a rolling ball to the game's goal. After finishing each stage, you'll have to answer some elementary math and programming tasks. Analytical thinking can be honed through the resolution of difficult riddles and the study of mathematics.


Reasoning Logic

A key component of sound reasoning is the capacity to ground our conclusions in reality. The runner is a game created by SKIDOS that teaches children about the differences between healthy and bad foods. Losing weight and destroying junk food are your goals in this game. Kids can sharpen their reasoning skills in part by learning to quickly distinguish between various cuisines. All-natural foods and the health advantages of exercise are among the lessons taught in this game.


Confronting Difficult Problems

Problem-solving skills can be honed through math study alone. More than 40 different arithmetic games are available on SKIDOS. SKIDOS's Brain City is an excellent math-learning game that fosters creative problem-solving skills. The animals have escaped from the zoo, and it is the player's job to round them up and return them to captivity. This game takes children on an exciting journey. They figure out the riddles and do the drills, which improves the animals' intelligence and gets them back to the zoo.


Imaginative spatial skills

Our ability to visualize space allows us to mentally rotate and scale geometric shapes and determine their relative sizes. Everyday tasks like making the bed and parking the car need good visual and spatial skills. Our games like Shape Sorter and Sort and Stack help kids develop their spatial awareness by introducing them to new concepts like rotation and categorizing shapes and objects. Little ones may learn their alphabet and about different animals with these games.


Abilities in Computer Programming and Natural Science

Young children benefit greatly from early exposure to STEM subjects, including science and computer programming. SKIDOS's Flipping Eck is just one of several math and coding games we offer to help youngsters learn and enjoy these subjects. In the adventure game Flipping Eck, players must guide the protagonist between perilous gaps. We've made a game called "Doctor" to get kids interested in science. The pediatric medical simulation game Doctor encourages young players to take on a variety of real-world medical challenges. They can act as if they are a specialist in the field of otolaryngology, dentistry, or even surgery!

Young minds are naturally curious and open to learning when lessons are presented in an approachable and entertaining format. Thanks to the accessibility and enjoyment of math games, the subject is increasingly well-liked among young people. The benefits of both play and learning are attracting parents to math learning games for their children. To that end, we at SKIDOS aim to combine mathematical learning with play. We have more than 40 games that are suitable for kids of all ages and are completely risk-free. There are math racing games here, as well as math games for toddlers. We allow up to 6 simultaneous logins per account with our premium package. All of our games are kid-friendly and ad-free, and with a SKIDOS pass, parents can monitor their children's weekly progress on the dashboard.


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