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How long does it take a person to learn English?

You have surely seen or heard advertising, such as: "Learn English fast" and even "Learn English easy", nothing is further from the truth

By tasica campbellPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

After so many years of being involved in teaching the English language, this question is perhaps the most common and one that generates great uncertainty in those who want to learn English as a second language. I have heard things like: In what time will I learn English? Will I be able to move fast? I need to learn English urgently, What guarantees me that I will learn English?

For this reason, I have decided to write this article with the aim that to a certain extent it is possible to understand the real approach of the process of learning a language or not.

Surely you have seen or heard advertising, such as: "Learn English fast" and even "Learn English easy", nothing is further from the truth, is that unfortunately one of the biggest drawbacks of these times is the erroneous idea that the objectives that they are worth it, they can be achieved in a short time, or with little or no effort. English course.

There are definitely no shortcuts to anywhere worth getting to! The culture of effort has been totally lost, the human being needs to strive for what is worthwhile in his life.

Valuable goals in life deserve time, effort, perseverance, discipline, commitment, determination, patience, all of them values ​​that perfect and edify an individual. Unfortunately in short supply today.

Remember “There is no miracle pill to lose weight in 15 days”, just as “there is no miracle English course of three months”. Starting then from the fact that a neophyte person in the field of knowledge of the English language, wishes to learn it, it is necessary to bear in mind these variables that will make it reach the objective with a lesser or greater degree of difficulty.

1. Innate ability

It is undoubtedly and scientifically proven that the function of the cerebral hemispheres plays a predominant role in the cognitive development of an individual, hence the left hemisphere is closely related to the ability to learn languages, it could then be inferred that there are people with a skill innate to learn English, however this is not determining and much less limiting for those individuals where the right hemisphere predominates and who wish to learn languages; On the contrary, there are other variables that I will develop later that if I could consider them decisive when learning a language in an English course.

2. Mental training

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" - Thomas Alva Edison.

Wise words of an outstanding human being, the same ones that have transcended the passing of time and that have not lost their contemporaneity, are without a doubt applicable to the modern world and their spirit reflects what is the structure of success in any area of ​​life.

It is undeniable that effort is required to achieve an objective, particularly if it has become a desired goal, hence the formula is simple, the more effort is well channeled and the better the results are oriented.

That said, it is necessary to understand that learning the English language does not only involve enrolling in an English course - this may be the best of the English courses on the market - It is necessary for the individual to understand that the process of teaching-learning requires a dose which he must contribute, where his contribution is constituted in a series of values ​​such as passion, commitment, determination, discipline, organization, persistence, patience, which and Together with a good English language teaching system, it will generate synergy and enhance learning. Online English course.

But, what kind of effort are we talking about when it comes to learning the English language?

Mental training is nothing other than everything that involves keeping the brain zone of learning in constant activity, this includes the senses and reasoning, hence if your goal is to learn English, your efforts must be directed towards everything. that this entails, you must then, listen to English, repeat phrases in English, write in English, speak English in your mind, speak English with other people, watch audiovisual material in English, sing in English, understand English, live English, read English, dream in English. Basically you should make an effort when incorporating this language into your daily routine.

3. Potential

"I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance" - Steve Jobs.

"There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will" - Albert Einstein.

The human being has been endowed with great potentiality, which is nothing other than the strength and determination that each individual possesses capable of developing, creating, innovating and fulfilling their personal objectives, it constitutes an individual quality that each person develops. According to his attitude and enthusiasm and that by which he is capable of overcoming a series of unimaginable obstacles, this ability has been the generator of countless feats carried out by humanity throughout history.

Potentiality is inherent to human beings like water is to rain. If your desire is to learn English and become an expert in this language, there is absolutely nothing to stop you, just use your potential.

"Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something - Anonymous."


Trying to establish or standardize a period of time in which an individual can learn English is somewhat risky, since their learning will be directly correlated with a series of elements, which could be considered as adjuncts to the process, these elements that have already been described In this article, they include: The innate ability to learn English, commitment and dedication to the learning process, sacrifice and effort, and the unwavering will to achieve the goal.

On the other hand and taking as a reference "The 10,000 hour rule coined by Malcolm Gladwell, described in his book Outliers", which has been adopted by Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg. Where it basically describes that perseverance is the key to managing any skill with skill, reaching the conclusion that brilliance is nothing more than the product of continuous effort plus the number of hours dedicated to an activity, giving as a pattern of success 10000 hours. Draw your own conclusions. Online English course.


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    TCWritten by tasica campbell

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