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How i graduated with a first class honor without reading.

I had a secret: I had never been much of a reader.

By Aleem Ayobami Published 7 months ago 4 min read
How i graduated with a first class honor without reading.
Photo by Leon Wu on Unsplash

Once upon a time, I lived in a quaint town, where academic success was often associated with countless hours of study and late-night cramming sessions. Although I was renowned for my cleverness and resourcefulness., I had a secret: I had never been much of a reader. This secret would soon become the key to a surprising success story.

My journey towards a first-class honor began when I entered the prestigious University of Excellence. The university had a reputation for its challenging courses and demanding professors. Whilst most of my peers were buried in piles of books, I was hardly ever seen with one in hand. Instead, I relied on my keen sense of observation, excellent memory, and clever strategies to absorb knowledge.

The first day of classes was always a stressful affair, but I had a plan. I attended every lecture with an unwavering focus, diligently taking notes on My laptop and recording lectures when possible. These recordings would become my greatest asset, allowing me to listen and revise at my convenience.

My next clever trick was forming study groups. I surrounded Myself with students who were known to be diligent readers and note-takers. In these groups, I listened carefully, asked questions, and learned from my peers' hard work. While others spent hours reading textbooks, I spent my time refining my understanding of the subject matter.

I also made good use of online resources, educational videos, and podcasts to supplement my learning. I found that multimedia content often helped me grasp complex concepts more easily than reading textbooks.

As I approached my final year in the university, my friends were preparing for the most grueling period of their academic careers—final exams and thesis defenses. The university library was packed, study groups were formed, and caffeine consumption was at an all-time high. However, I remained remarkably nonchalant.

Intriguingly, I continued to engage in their typical daily activities, which included painting, practicing martial art, and even volunteering at a local animal shelter. Friends and classmates couldn't help but question my sanity. "How could you possibly graduate with a first-class honor without reading?" they whispered among themselves.

The day of reckoning came as the final exams approached. My friends, tired and sleep-deprived, took a break from their books to find me sitting beneath a tree, strumming a guitar. They approached with a mixture of curiosity and frustration. "Aleem," they asked, "aren't you worried about the exams? How are you so calm?"

I looked up, a calm smile on my face. "I've always believed in the power of understanding over memorization," I replied. "I've focused on truly grasping the concepts and understanding the core of the subjects, and I find that it helps me remember and apply the knowledge when it counts the most."

Whilst my peers were buried in books, I adopted an unconventional approach. I created a vivid mind map of each subject, highlighting key concepts and connections. These mind maps became my study guides, and I would often draw them out from memory.

When the exams came, I remained calm and collected. My unconventional study methods had given me a unique perspective on the subjects, which I applied creatively in my answers. While my peers were regurgitating information from textbooks, I was offering fresh insights and innovative solutions to problems.

To everyone's surprise, I consistently aced my exams, and my professors were impressed by my in-depth understanding of the subjects. As graduation day approached, there was a buzz around the campus about whether I would achieve a first-class honor without ever being seen with a book.

Finally, the day of graduation arrived. As the name of each graduate was called, there was a collective hush in the auditorium. When it was My turn to receive my degree, the crowd erupted in applause. I was awarded a first-class honor, and my success story became an inspiring legend on campus.

My journey to a first-class honor without reading a single book showed that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning. I proved that with determination, resourcefulness, and creative study methods, one can achieve remarkable success. My story became a testament to the power of thinking outside the book.

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  • Aleem Adesina7 months ago

    I love this!

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