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How I Earn $200+ Monthly on Medium

Strategies, Tips, and Insights for Generating Consistent Passive Income on the Popular Medium Platform

By Just AbhinozPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

My Journey to Earning $200+ Passive Income Monthly on Medium

Note:Throughout this article, I will be sharing my personal experiences, strategies, and tips on how I generate a consistent passive income of $200 or more every month on Medium. I hope this insight inspires and helps you on your own journey to financial freedom.*


Ever dreamed of making money while you sleep? Well, that dream became a reality for me when I discovered the power of Medium, the popular online publishing platform. With dedication, persistence, and a solid strategy, I have been able to generate a steady stream of passive income, totaling $200 or more every month. In this article, I will share the steps I took and the techniques I employed to achieve this financial milestone on Medium.

Building a Foundation

To start, I laid the groundwork for success by creating a captivating Medium profile. Your profile serves as your online identity, so it's essential to make a strong impression. I carefully crafted an engaging bio, highlighting my expertise and passions, and chose a professional profile picture that reflects my personality.

Consistent Content Creation

The key to earning passive income on Medium is producing high-quality, valuable content consistently. I established a regular writing routine and committed to publishing at least one well-researched, informative article per week. This consistency not only keeps my readers engaged but also boosts my visibility within the Medium community.

Finding the Right Topics

Choosing the right topics is crucial for attracting readers and generating income on Medium. I began by exploring popular publications and examining trending articles to identify subjects that resonated with a wide audience. By tapping into topics with broad appeal, I increased the chances of my articles being discovered, read, and shared.

Crafting Engaging Titles

The importance of a captivating title cannot be overstated. It's the gateway to your article and plays a significant role in attracting readers. I put extra effort into crafting attention-grabbing titles that pique curiosity and make people want to click. Experimenting with different headline structures, posing intriguing questions, or using strong action verbs can all contribute to the effectiveness of your titles.

Utilizing Compelling Visuals

Incorporating eye-catching visuals is essential for enhancing the overall appeal of your Medium articles. I discovered that articles with visually appealing images or relevant infographics tend to perform better, attracting more readers and increasing the likelihood of engagement and shares. I utilized Adobe Stock to access a vast collection of high-quality visuals that perfectly complemented my written content.

Engaging and Thought-Provoking Writing Style

To captivate readers and keep them hooked until the end, I developed a writing style that is both engaging and thought-provoking. I aim to create a conversation with my audience, using a conversational tone and injecting personal anecdotes or relatable experiences where appropriate. This approach fosters a deeper connection with readers, encouraging them to engage through comments and highlights.

Stay tuned for the next part of the article, where I will reveal more insights into my Medium journey and the strategies I employed to optimize my articles for passive income generation. In the meantime, start implementing these foundational steps to set yourself up for success on Medium.

Part 2 - Leveraging Medium's Partner Program and Audience Engagement

*Note: In this section, I will delve into how I leveraged Medium's Partner Program and engaged with my audience to maximize my passive income potential. These strategies have played a crucial role in my success on Medium.*

Joining Medium's Partner Program

One of the most significant steps I took to monetize my content on Medium was joining their Partner Program. This program allows writers to earn money based on the engagement their articles receive. By enabling the partner program, I unlocked the potential to generate revenue through Medium's partner monetization features.

Optimizing for Medium's Curation

Medium has a curation system that showcases quality articles to a broader audience. Getting your articles curated increases visibility, attracts more readers, and enhances the potential for earning passive income. To optimize for curation, I invested time and effort in producing well-researched, well-written, and insightful articles that meet Medium's editorial guidelines.

Engaging with the Medium Community

Active engagement within the Medium community has been instrumental in growing my readership and increasing my earnings. I make it a point to read and interact with other writers' articles, leaving thoughtful comments and highlighting passages that resonate with me. This not only supports fellow writers but also encourages reciprocation and boosts my visibility within the community.

Building a Strong Follower Base

Having a loyal follower base is vital for sustaining passive income on Medium. I actively work on building my audience by promoting my articles across social media platforms and embedding links in relevant blog posts. I also make it easy for readers to follow me on Medium by including a call-to-action at the end of each article, inviting them to subscribe to my profile for future updates.

Leveraging Newsletters and Email Marketing

To take my audience engagement to the next level, I started an email newsletter. I encourage readers to subscribe to my newsletter to receive exclusive content, updates on my latest articles, and valuable insights related to the topics I cover. By leveraging newsletters and email marketing, I establish a direct connection with my audience and foster long-term relationships.

Harnessing Social Media Promotion

In today's digital age, social media plays a crucial role in content promotion. I strategically utilize platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit to share my articles, spark conversations, and connect with potential readers. Engaging in relevant communities and utilizing appropriate hashtags help me reach a wider audience and attract more readers to my Medium articles.

Tracking and Analyzing Performance

To optimize my content strategy and ensure continued growth, I regularly monitor and analyze the performance of my articles on Medium. I leverage Medium's built-in analytics as well as external tools to track metrics such as views, reads, claps, and engagement rates. By identifying patterns and understanding what resonates with my audience, I can refine my content and focus on topics that drive better results.

Stay tuned for the final part of this article, where I will share additional tips and strategies that have contributed to my success in generating a consistent passive income on Medium. With the right approach and dedication, you too can unlock the earning potential of this powerful platform.

Part 3 - Diversifying Income Streams and Scaling Your Medium Success

*Note: In this final section, I will discuss the importance of diversifying your income streams and scaling your Medium success to maximize your passive income potential. These strategies will help you create a sustainable and scalable earning model on Medium.*

Exploring Additional Revenue Streams

While Medium's Partner Program is a fantastic way to generate passive income, it's essential not to rely solely on it. I explored additional revenue streams to diversify my earnings and create a more stable financial foundation. Here are a few avenues I pursued:

1. Affiliate Marketing: I carefully selected affiliate products or services that align with my niche and audience's interests. By incorporating relevant affiliate links within my articles, I earn a commission when readers make a purchase through those links.

2. Self-Publishing: I repurposed some of my most popular Medium articles into e-books or self-published guides. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing enable me to reach a broader audience and generate passive income through book sales.

3. Sponsored Content: As my readership grew, I started receiving inquiries from companies and brands interested in sponsored content. By partnering with relevant brands, I create sponsored articles or reviews that provide value to my readers while generating income.

Creating a Content Repurposing Strategy

To maximize the reach and income potential of my Medium articles, I developed a content repurposing strategy. I repurpose my articles into different formats, such as videos, podcasts, or infographics, and distribute them across various platforms. This allows me to tap into new audiences and income streams beyond Medium.

Growing Your Email List

Your email list is a valuable asset for scaling your Medium success. I focused on growing my subscriber base by offering exclusive content upgrades, free resources, or incentives for newsletter sign-ups. This way, I can nurture my email subscribers with valuable content, promote my Medium articles, and even sell digital products or services directly to them.

Collaborating with Others

Collaboration is a powerful strategy for expanding your reach and generating passive income on Medium. I actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other writers, podcasters, or content creators within my niche. This can include co-authoring articles, participating in podcast interviews, or guest posting on each other's platforms. By leveraging each other's audiences, we can reach new readers and potentially unlock new income streams.

Investing in Self-Improvement

To continuously improve as a writer and maximize my earnings on Medium, I invest in self-improvement. I enroll in writing courses, attend workshops or conferences, and engage in online communities to learn from experienced writers and stay updated on industry trends. This ongoing personal and professional development enables me to produce higher-quality content and stay ahead of the curve.

Scaling Your Success

Once you've established a consistent passive income stream on Medium, it's time to scale your success. Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Outsourcing: As your workload increases, consider outsourcing tasks like editing, formatting, or social media management. This frees up more time for content creation and strategic planning.

2. Building a Team: If your Medium platform grows significantly, you may consider building a team of writers or editors to help produce content and expand your publication's reach.

3. Creating Your Own Products: Once you have a loyal audience, you can create and sell your own digital products, such as online courses, e-books, or templates, directly to your readers.

4. Expanding to Other Platforms: While Medium is a fantastic starting point, consider expanding your content presence to other platforms like YouTube, podcasting, or personal blogging. This diversifies your reach and income potential.

Remember, scaling your success takes time, effort, and a

willingness to adapt to changing trends and audience preferences. Stay focused, continue honing your craft, and never be afraid to experiment with new ideas and strategies.


My journey to earning $200+ in passive income every month on Medium has been a rewarding and transformative experience. By building a strong foundation, engaging with the Medium community, and leveraging multiple income streams, I have created a sustainable and scalable earning model.

Now it's your turn to embark on this journey. Start by implementing the strategies I've shared, adapt them to your unique style and niche, and consistently produce valuable content. With dedication, perseverance, and a bit of creative flair, you can turn your passion for writing into a thriving source of passive income on Medium.


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