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How do I find the right ballet school?

The 10 most important selection criteria when looking for a suitable ballet school

By Olga LeibrandtPublished about a year ago 3 min read
How to find a suitable ballet school

By Olga Leibrandt Last updated: February 25, 2023 Ballet Guide 6 min read

Choosing a suitable ballet school can be a difficult task. With so many ballet schools and ballet course providers on offer, it's not easy to decide which school is best for you. Those who have the choice are often spoiled for choice!

In Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area alone there are more than 30 ballet schools and at least 35 ballet course providers.

Here are some criteria to help you make the best decision for you:

1. Research about ballet schools nearby:

  • What ballet school is nearby?
  • Enter "ballet school near me" in Google.
  • What reviews can I find about the respective ballet school on the Internet?

Here I would look at the Google reviews.

  • Is there more information on the website of the ballet school, information about the individual teachers?
  • Are the ballet teachers professionals who have completed their training as ballet dancers and ballet teachers?
  • Are there curricula and/or a pedagogical concept?
  • What does the ballet school look like, well-kept, attractive ambience, hygiene, culture?
  • What does the surrounding area look like?

2. Location of Ballet School:

  • How do I or my child get to ballet school?
  • Is parking available?
  • Are there any public transport stops nearby or is the ballet school very close by?

3. Free places available?

The best choice is useless if there are no free places available at short notice.

You should therefore inquire in advance with the respective ballet school whether there are still free places available for the course you are looking for on the desired day.

4. Do the day and time match?

The best ballet lessons are of little use if there is an overlapping appointment at this time and you only come to the lessons under stress with the potential for delays.

5. Correct course available?

Is the course you are looking for available at the selected ballet school?

Ballet is not ballet!

  • Looking for a beginner, intermediate or advanced course?
  • Are you looking for classical, modern or contemporary ballet?
  • Is the age of the other course participants appropriate?

6. Friends, acquaintances in the respective course?

It can be an advantage if your boyfriend or girlfriend has already attended or attended a ballet course at the ballet school. Then you have an insider who can give you a good picture of the school or the courses. If the friend/acquaintance is still taking part in the course, there is already a familiar face.

7. What are your goals?

Do you or your child want to pursue a professional ballet career or just take classes for fun? Ballet schools do not all have the same offer.

There are schools for the leisure sector and those with a progressive professional program for ambitious students.

However, this is more of a “soft” criterion. Children's entry into professional training only begins at the age of 12 and can also be completed later.

8. Cost?

What are the costs?

Ballet schools can be expensive, so it's important to know the true cost before making your decision.

Find out about the course fees and ask about any additional costs you may have to pay (e.g. performance fees, competitions, ballet clothes, ballet shoes).

9. Talk to the teacher and/or students of the respective ballet school:

Conversations with teachers and students can be incredibly helpful when you need to make a decision.

Ask questions about the school's curriculum, teaching methods, and course design. What does the course look like from the participants' point of view? This can help you gain more insight into each ballet school and make an informed decision.

10. Arrange a trial lesson!

Many ballet schools offer free or low-cost trial classes. Use this opportunity to get to know the ballet school or the ballet teacher in “real operation”.

  • How is the chemistry between you and the ballet teacher?
  • Does the teacher answer my questions?
  • Is there an individual correction, does the teacher go into my attitude and implementation of the exercises?

For negative differentiation:

  • How is the course enrollment?
  • Too much: More than 12 students?
  • Too few students?
  • Do you have the feeling of mass processing?


Once you've done your research on the above, it's time to make your decision. My little ballet school rating tool should help you to "objectify" the decision.

Consider all the information you have collected and enter the school grades 1-6 for each point.

If any information is still missing, set the field to 0 (this question will then not be counted).

Enter a 6 for a knockout criterion (e.g. no free seats).

After you have worked through the above points in full, it is easy to find the ballet school that is right for you using the grade in my evaluation tool.

how to

About the Creator

Olga Leibrandt

My name is Olia and I'm a ballet teacher at Ballet Studio Ost in Frankfurt Germany specializing in the classical Russian Vaganova method. I've been teaching ballet for 13 years, starting with Children's Ballet Frankfurt in 2009.

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