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How can I improve my child's immune system?

Boost your child's immune system

By UfreleyiPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Boosting immunity

Boosting your child's immune system

Boosting the immune system is a powerful weapon for the body to fight viruses and diseases, and it is also an asset for children to strengthen their bodies. If a child is always sick, there is a good chance that his or her immune system needs to be strengthened.

But how do you boost your child's immune system? Many parents are confused and don't know where to start.

Today, we will give parents a detailed introduction to immunity.

What is immunity?

As the saying goes, if you know your enemy, you will never lose a battle. First, let's look at what immunity is.

When the body is invaded by pathogens or foreign substances, the immune organs play the function of charging into battle to help guard the body's defenses.

This force is divided into two branches: the central immune organs, including the bone marrow and thymus, and the peripheral immune organs, including the lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, appendix, and intestinal mucosa.

For example, the lymph nodes, which normally filter lymph fluid and transport bacteria, viruses, and other waste products, swell up and report the enemy to you, and alert people immediately to know that there are viruses and bacteria messing things up.

Boosting immunity

The tonsils and appendix, the former to the oral cavity, the latter to the intestines, but whenever a pathogen invades the respiratory or digestive tract, they will give the white blood cells a message and actively "inflame".

Immunity can be thought of as the body's ability to protect itself by identifying bad things that are harmful to it and not allowing them to enter the body; if they do, the body is mobilized to destroy them.

There are always various reasons why the "acquired immunity" after birth does not function properly, such as sudden changes in weather or excessive fatigue, which can put the body into a susceptible state. You can't blindly use "low immunity" as a generalization. It does not mean that a child is immunocompromised if he or she has several illnesses.

What are the signs of low immunity?

1. having recurrent respiratory illnesses that are significantly above average, or being sick all the time and having a growth deficit.

2. each illness that does not get better on its own and requires medical intervention (such as intravenous fluids or hospitalization)

3. has to use more than 2 types of antibiotics per bacterial infection, which are still not effective

4. the child has had serious infections in the past, such as meningitis, sepsis, etc.

After understanding in detail what immunity is, parents are most concerned about how to help their children improve immunity, to ensure that children are not attacked by viruses, and have a strong body. Of course, it is important to eat well! What is the most scientific way to eat? What to eat to achieve the purpose of improving the immune system?

Eating right can effectively improve the immune system

Boosting immunity

1. maintain a healthy day with three meals to maintain a regular life, ensure sleep, can not stay up late, to maintain a healthy day three meals. Want to preserve the resistance, you must eat three meals, not even one less!

2. every day to ensure that the four major categories of food every day ensure that the four major categories of food: cereals and potatoes, that is, grain; vegetables and fruits; good things, that is, high-quality protein food category; and fats and oils. Every day eat at least four major food groups.

3. a week to eat at least 25 kinds of food, that is to say, a week to eat at least 25 kinds of food, to be considered more balanced nutrition, to enhance resistance, and to improve immunity.

In short, the daily grain category, that is, cereals and potatoes to eat at least three or more, not more than a pound or so of staple foods. Of course, this refers to fine grains or coarse grains, rice, white flour, and other such ingredients, together with a part of the cereal potatoes, like sweet potatoes, yams, taro, and potatoes other such ingredients.

The second category is vegetables and fruits, which should eat a pound to two pounds a day, to meet the basic needs of nutrition. Both are supplemented with sufficient vitamins and can eat the required dietary fiber.

The third is to eat the good stuff in place, that is, meat, eggs, milk, and soy products, of which at least 2 to 3 taels of meat should be eaten every day, eggs eat 1 to 2, milk drink 1 to 2 bags, and then eat a little tofu, which constitutes a combination of high-quality protein for children to strengthen their body and resistance.

Finally, have a little bit of fat for protection, 2 to 3 spoons of oil per day.

If such four suggestions are followed, the general principle of being able to meet the nutritional needs of three meals a day while strengthening resistance can be achieved and applied to the elderly, adults, and children.

Of course, different people may have different characteristics, under such basic principles, and then adjust.

Eat a good breakfast not only to improve immunity but also to improve performance

For children, the most important breakfast of the day after school starts is mostly eaten at home and is also the meal that parents put the most thought into.

As the saying goes, "Eat well for breakfast, eat enough for lunch, and eat less for dinner." Why is it so arranged? After eating, after about four hours, the food will be completely emptied through digestion and absorption in the body. Therefore, to constantly replenish the body with energy, a meal must be scheduled once every 4 to 6 hours. After 8 hours of sleep, your child will feel extra refreshed and will be more focused in listening to lectures, and will naturally be more productive in the morning than in the afternoon.

How should I prepare my child's breakfast?

1. A staple breakfast must have is a staple food rich in carbohydrates, which can provide the brain and nerves with the necessary energy. However, it must not be excessive, too much may cause drowsiness and acid reflux.

2. calcium breakfast from milk and cheese to supplement sufficient calcium, in addition, to helping make up for the loss of calcium in the body at night, but also to promote the activities of some enzymes in the body, regulate the role of enzyme activity, participate in the physiological activities of nerves, muscles and the release of neurotransmitters, helping children to maintain the ability to think quickly.

3. vegetables for breakfast are very important, vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals can promote metabolism and energy conversion. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C and folic acid, which are good for stabilizing mood and maintaining a calm mind.

4. high-quality protein eggs: breakfast scrambled meat and vegetables are not very realistic, but there is egg nutrition has been good. Beef: you can also prepare a small amount of homemade marinated beef, breakfast to eat two or three slices will be very hungry, which is rich in B vitamins, to promote the absorption of other nutrients is also very helpful.

5. a small amount of fruit, nuts fruit: breakfast can be increased according to the situation, a small amount of fruit. Fruit is particularly high in a variety of water-soluble vitamins and minerals, which can be quickly digested and absorbed. Nuts: a moderate amount of nuts can be supplemented with rich fat-soluble vitamins and phospholipids, which help the body synthesize choline and promote the transmission of information between neurons.

The results of the comprehensive evaluation and monitoring of the quality of primary and secondary education in Zhejiang Province in 2016 show that the positive impact of eating breakfast on students' learning is great, far beyond the advantages of students in terms of learning style, motivation, self-confidence, participation in extracurricular classes, parents' education level and family income.

So, for your child to be in good shape for the day, start preparing breakfast for your child every day!

In addition to "eating" these can also improve immunity

1. do not stay up late whether it is active late, or procrastination caused by "passive" staying up late, which will cause harm to the body. The new pneumonia epidemic has not been eliminated, improving immunity, and maintaining good physical condition is the capital of everything, is the fundamental study.

2. Moderate exercise High-intensity study needs to be regulated by proper exercise, which is even more important during the epidemic. Teachers and parents can help students plan their exercise programs and times, and choose the right type of exercise.

3. Supplementation with immune nutrients such as high-quality protein. In addition to the proteins contained in food, we have a wide variety of other proteins that have been condensed into preparations, including soy protein, whey protein, lactoferrin, etc., all of which are good sources of protein that can boost your child's immune function.

There are also vitamins and trace elements. Vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C have antioxidant properties; in addition, iron and zinc can help improve the child's resistance and immunity.

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