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Habit of reading

Habit of reading

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Reading helps develop memory skills and intelligence. In school, students read books to expand their knowledge about the world around them. When they’re older, people often find themselves reading novels, magazines, newspapers, and research papers on a wide range of topics. Learning how to read can enhance language skills and help kids learn the basics of grammar. Kids who have trouble learning may benefit from special education programs that teach them to recognize letters and sound patterns and associate these elements . People who love to read can take pleasure in sharing their favorite books with others. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, you can find plenty of good reads online by visiting a library website or going online to look for free ebooks.

Reading Is Fun!

Reading is not only fun but also incredibly rewarding. The more we read, the more we gain knowledge about our world and ourselves. We get to learn how to think critically and develop the skills we need to succeed in school. When I was younger, my mother would often say, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t make time to do anything else.” She was right! Our lives become full of things we want to do, yet we never seem to find the time. However, reading is something we can always fit into our schedule. There are many different ways we can incorporate reading into our daily routine. One way is by reading while we eat breakfast before heading out the door. Another way is to set aside a specific time to read after getting home and before doing homework. Lastly, let's just admit that some days are easier than others. If you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, try using one of these strategies to help keep us reading until bedtime.

Set a Goal:

Setting goals helps us to stay focused on what we want to accomplish. Let's face it, sometimes we feel overwhelmed with everything going on around us. We're busy trying to survive from one day to the next. Setting a goal can be difficult at first. Try writing down your top three goals for the week. If your goal does not require much effort, try setting monthly goals. Or if you prefer, write down your goal on sticky notes and place them throughout your house. Each note should serve as a reminder to you of what you want to achieve.

Tell Yourself a Story:

When you tell yourself a story, you begin to believe it. That belief makes it easier to follow through on your goals. So, start telling yourself a story of success—who you want to be, where you want to go, and who you plan to meet along the road. Remember that a goal without a story is just a dream. Your story could be based on your personal values, a motivational quote, or even a song lyric. As long as you believe in the outcome, the rest will take care of itself.

Make a Plan:

Sometimes when you have a lot going on in your life, it can be hard to decide what to work on during any given day. To help avoid missing deadlines or feeling unproductive, make a list of tasks you'd like to complete. Write down your to-do list and make sure to cross off each task once completed. You may wish to use a digital calendar or a wall planner to track your progress.

Reward Yourself:

Even though we're busy, we still deserve to relax and enjoy ourselves occasionally. Whether it's a trip to the spa, eating popcorn, or taking a nap; reward yourself for all the work you've done. The act of giving ourselves positive reinforcement will help us to remember why we chose to

Have fun reading!

Reading is not just about learning facts and information. Reading is a great way to have fun, socialize, relax, and learn new things. When you combine these activities together, you will find yourself having a lot of fun while getting motivated to read.

Give encouragement:

Encouragement works wonders when it comes to making people want to do something. If you want your students to get motivated to read, then you need to encourage them. Find motivational quotes and let them know how much you admire their efforts. You could even make memes out of their favorite books. There are tons of ways to get kids excited to read.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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