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Education strategy

Education strategy

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Education strategy
Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Education of our future generations:

The education of our future generations is the most difficult task we have ever faced. How much education are children receiving today? Are they being taught the right things? What kind of knowledge are they learning at school? Is their curriculum age appropriate?

What exactly do I mean, when I say education? I am referring to formal schooling, especially high school and college. But what if you haven't finished high school yet, or if you failed out of college? Can you still get educated? Of course, you can. You just need to find alternative ways to learn. If you're passionate enough about something, you'll find a way to educate yourself.

In my opinion, a lot of people are not getting educated enough. We should be teaching our kids everything they need to know to live successful lives. Whether it's how to make money, how to save money, how to budget, etc. These subjects are so important and should be taught before kids even start elementary school.

schools nowadays focus on reading, writing, arithmetic, and science - subjects that I feel aren't necessary. Many schools teach these things backward! Kids should be taught how to use logic, reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving, math skills, and communication skills first, then they will naturally want to read, write, and memorize facts.

We shouldn't be afraid to challenge the status quo. Parents, teachers, students, and citizens should work together to create a better society. Let's be a voice for the voiceless!

When do I need to start educating myself?

The first step toward successful education is identifying what knowledge-based gaps exist in your team/organization. Knowledge-base gaps can be identified in many ways and can include:

• Researching online to find out about the latest advancements in the industry.

• Talking to employees who have been at the company longer than you.

• Understanding the industry’s best practices.

Remember that if you don't know something, it doesn't mean nobody else does – you just haven't learned it yet!

What's our goal with education?

This question is often asked by people hoping to learn something specific while attending a training session. If you're looking for a general overview of everything you need to know about growing marijuana, look no further than the Grower's Guide or FAQ pages on our website. However, if you want to learn how to set up your hydroponic system, we recommend taking a course at either Colorado State University or Rocky Mountain High School (RMS). Both schools offer classes and certification programs in their respective subject matter.

How do we choose which courses to take?

We recommend starting by looking through the list of courses offered by the RMS Cannabis Certification Program. We also suggest starting with the basic topics taught in the Growers Guide. You'll learn plenty of things about those topics, and then you can decide what else you'd like to learn. Once you've learned enough to understand the basics, you can explore our advanced topic offerings, which cover topics like genetics, harvesting and curing, nutrition, and cultivation.

Where should I go for help learning about education?

You might consider joining any number of professional organizations in the business of cultivating cannabis. There are some excellent educational opportunities out there, including these two great options:

• CannaBusiness Magazine provides regular updates on industry news, trends, regulations, and companies.

• Marijuana Business Daily is a leading resource for news, information, and analysis related to the legal medical marijuana industry. Learn more here.

Education is not just learning something new; it's learning how to learn. We're always learning something, whether we want to admit it or not. Learning is a lifelong journey. There's no time limit to achieving anything worthwhile. I believe one should have the courage to try to do things for themselves. A good teacher is someone who inspires their students to take action and become independent learners.

When a student starts learning, they start off being passive receivers of information. When they get comfortable with the material, then they begin to question it and look for ways to apply it. If they still don't understand, they seek out help from others. As a teacher, my job is to facilitate these opportunities for them to develop their ideas and beliefs. This is where education comes to play its role. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing children discover something new. Their curiosity about the world around them makes them excited about learning. I find myself doing the same thing as a child. I wonder about everything all the time. I love it!

As an educator, my goal is to inspire my students to think outside the box and challenge what they know. My classroom is like a playground for me. Students are encouraged to explore different concepts and theories and share their thoughts. They learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. No matter how much knowledge we gain, we constantly need to keep expanding our horizons and trying new things. To stay relevant, we need to continue learning. We'll never stop evolving.

I'm passionate about teaching because I feel that everyone deserves access to knowledge. Everyone has the right to learn at their own pace. Knowledge is power.

Educating ways:


This is hands down the best tool to educate yourself about anything. There are hundreds of thousands of videos on youtube covering everything from how to cook to what's going on in the world today. If you want to learn something, just type it in and start watching!


There are many great books out there that will teach you not only about weed, but also about gardening, cooking, science, and much more. Find some good reads and save them to your bookshelf!

Cannabis Grow Journals:

These are a great way to keep track of your progress throughout the season and they make great gifts and souvenirs. Plus, if you're like me, you'll be able to look back at these journals years later and reminisce over your experiences growing up with friends and family.


Podcasting has become my favorite method of education. I have found podcasts to be extremely informative and educational. You can listen while working out, driving to work, and doing chores around the house. Search for cannabis-related podcasts on iTunes or Stitcher.

Read More:

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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