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1 min read

By MaryannPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by Himanshu Singh Gurjar on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small village in India, there was a woman named Geeta who was very respectful towards her mother. Geeta's mother was an elderly woman who had raised her five children with great patience and love. Despite being a single mother, she had always kept a positive attitude and never gave up hope. Geeta had learned all her life lessons from her mother and had grown up to be a smart and confident woman.

Geeta had a deep love and respect for her mother because of the way she had raised her. Every day, Geeta would wake up early in the morning and go to the nearby river to collect water for her mother. She would then proceed to cook breakfast for her mother and do other household chores that needed to be done. Geeta's mother was old and could not do much of the work herself, so Geeta always made sure that her mother was comfortable and taken care of.

One day, as Geeta was returning from the river, she noticed a group of boys teasing a small girl. The girl was crying and struggling to free herself from the boys' grasp. Geeta immediately went to the girl's rescue and scolded the boys for their behaviour. She then helped the girl to her feet and asked her what had happened. The girl told Geeta that she had been collecting flowers from a nearby field when the boys had come out of nowhere and started teasing her.

Geeta felt very sorry for the girl and decided to accompany her back to her house. On the way, the girl told Geeta about her mother, who was a widow. Her mother was unable to work due to a physical disability and as a result, the family was struggling to make ends meet. The girl had to help her mother with the household chores and also had to go to school.

Geeta could feel the girl's pain and immediately decided to help her. She offered to tutor the girl in her spare time and also promised to talk to her mother about a job that she had heard about. The girl was overjoyed with Geeta's offer and thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

Later that day, as Geeta sat down to eat with her mother, her mother noticed that she looked very happy. She asked Geeta what had happened and Geeta told her about the girl and how she had promised to help her. Upon hearing this, Geeta's mother smiled and said, "So, you are following my footsteps. In this world, the most important thing is to help others. Helping others is the greatest act of respect one can show towards humanity."

Geeta's mother's words struck a chord with her. She realized that she had often taken her mother's teachings for granted, but now they were beginning to make sense. She felt a deep respect towards her mother and thanked her for all the lessons that she had imparted.

Days turned into weeks and Geeta began to teach the girl in her spare time. The girl was a quick learner and soon began to excel in her studies. Geeta's mother was very proud of her daughter for helping the girl. She saw that the girl had a spark in her eyes, which had been missing earlier.

One day, as Geeta was walking with the girl to her house, she noticed that there was a new shop that had opened up in the market. The shop was selling handicrafts made by local artisans. Geeta knew that her mother was very skilled in handicrafts like embroidery and knitting and immediately thought that this shop would be a good place for her to work.

Geeta talked to the shop owner and told him about her mother's skills. The shop owner was impressed and offered to give her mother a job. Geeta was overjoyed and immediately told her mother about it. Her mother was initially hesitant and said that she was too old to work, but Geeta convinced her that she could do it.

The next day, Geeta's mother went to the shop to start her job. The shop owner was very pleased with her work and soon she became a regular employee. Geeta's mother was very happy and thanked Geeta for giving her the opportunity to work.

Days turned into months and Geeta's mother became a valued employee at the shop. Her earnings helped her to become more independent and also enabled her to contribute to the family's finances. Geeta was very proud of her mother and felt a deep respect towards her. She realized that her mother was an inspiration and a role model for her.

One day, as Geeta was walking with her mother to the shop, she noticed that the boy who was the leader of the group that had teased the little girl was now working at a tea stall. Geeta was surprised to see him working and went up to him to ask him about it. The boy looked ashamed and told Geeta that he had realized his mistake and was now trying to make amends for it.

Geeta felt moved by the boy's words and congratulated him on his effort. She told him that it takes a lot of courage to recognize your mistakes and even more courage to correct them. The boy thanked Geeta for her kind words and promised to always do good in life.

On the way back home, Geeta's mother told her that she had never been prouder of her than she was at that moment. Geeta's mother had always believed that the greatest act of respect one can show is to help others. Geeta had put this belief into practice and had helped the little girl and her mother, and also the boy who had made a mistake.

Geeta's mother told her that she had taught her a valuable lesson, that the greatest act of respect is to help others selflessly. She said that she was proud of Geeta for being a kind-hearted and compassionate person. Geeta was moved by her mother's words and felt a deep sense of respect towards her.

From that day onwards, Geeta made it her mission to help others selflessly. She started volunteering at a local charity and also started teaching children who could not afford to go to school. She was determined to make a difference in the world and to live up to her mother's teachings.

Years passed by and Geeta became a well-known social worker in her village. She had helped numerous people and had also inspired many others to do the same. Her mother had passed away, but her teachings had stayed with Geeta and had helped her to become a person who was respected and loved by all.

Geeta was now an elderly woman herself and had grown to become an important figure in her village. She had never forgotten the lessons that her mother had taught her and had always lived by them. She knew that the greatest act of respect was to help others and that was what she had been doing all her life.

In conclusion, the story of Geeta and her mother teaches us the importance of respect and kindness towards others. Geeta had learned from her mother that the greatest act of respect is to help others. She had put this belief into practice and had helped numerous people selflessly. This had not only earned her respect and admiration but had also made her life satisfying and fulfilling. The story is a reminder to all of us that we should always respect and help others selflessly, for that is what makes us truly human.


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