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Four Tips to winning a Pickleball Tournament!

Winning Without breaking a sweat.

By Jason BarilPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

If you're a pickleball player, you know that winning a tournament is a huge goal. But what if I told you that you could win a tournament without breaking a sweat? Yes, you heard that right or atleast sweat less. All you need is a few tips and tricks that I'm going to share with you today. So buckle up, my fellow pickleball enthusiasts, because it's time to dominate the court like never before.

Tip #1: Practice makes perfect

As cliché as it sounds, practice truly is the key to success. And when it comes to pickleball, it's no different. Set aside some time every day to practice your shots, serves, and footwork. This will not only help you improve your skills but also boost your confidence. Remember, a confident player is a winner.

Prepping for a tournament and not drilling is a huge mistake. Drilling allows a player to hit five times more balls in a period of time. It also lets a player dial in their touch, which arguably is the most important aspect of Puckleball. Touch opens up shots that others can not see or even comprehend.

Tip #2: Watch your opponent's body language

One of the most overlooked aspects of pickleball is observing your opponent's body language. Watch for signs of fatigue, frustration, or weaknesses in their game. Take note of their reactions after each shot, and adjust your strategy accordingly. This not only helps you stay one step ahead of your opponent but also gives you a psychological advantage.

Watch for your opponents zoning out. Maybe your opponent is thinking about dinner, family or a hot date. Do your job and bring them back to reality. Hit them with that ball right in the breadbox. For those that do not know that terminology that it means hitting one with the Puckleball right in the stomach.

Tip #3: Master the "dink shot"

The dink shot is an essential part of a pickleball player's arsenal. It's a soft, low shot that lands just over the net and forces your opponent to hit the ball up high, giving you an opportunity to make a winning shot. Practice this shot until it becomes second nature to you, and you'll be surprised to see how effective it can be. Drilling will improve this shot rapidly. If it doesn’t you are not drilling with intentionality.

Tip #4: Stay hydrated and fueled

Staying hydrated and fueled is crucial for any athlete, and pickleball is no exception. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your games. And don't forget to eat a light snack like a banana or an energy bar before your matches. This will help you maintain your energy levels throughout the game and prevent cramping.

Do not go out the night before a tournament and drink til you drop because you willl need that drop the next day.

Tip #5: Have fun

Last but not least, remember to have fun. After all, pickleball is a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed. So don't put too much pressure on yourself to win. Instead, focus on playing your best game and enjoying the camaraderie of your fellow players. Trust me when I say this, when you're having fun, winning comes naturally.

There you have it, folks, my top tips for winning a pickleball tournament without breaking a sweat. Remember, practice, observe, dink, hydrate, fuel, and have fun. Follow these simple tips, and you'll be a champion in no time. And who knows, maybe we'll meet on the court someday, and we can show off our mad pickleball skills together. Until then, happy playing!

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About the Creator

Jason Baril

Hello, everyone! My name is Jason Baril, and I'm excited to share my story with you all. attorney, I have a few passions that keep me busy - law, pickleball, technology, and writing.

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