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February Birthstone: Amethyst | Color, Meaning & History

Birthstone for February Born - Amethyst

By Ouros Jewels Published about a year ago 4 min read

Amethyst, the premier birthstone for February, is a semiprecious gemstone whose alluring beauty has been recognized since ancient times. Its deep purple hue is derived from iron and aluminum impurities in quartz, making it one of the most desirable among the quartzes in terms of its colouring. Prized for its rarity,

Amethyst is believed to bring calmness and clarity of mind to those who wear it. It's also rumored to have healing powers that relieve stress, anxiety and help alleviate insomnia, which makes it an especially popular choice. Additionally, Amethyst is said to amplify any energy or intention programed into it by another individual or source, further highlighting its usefulness as a spiritual stone or talisman.

History OF Amethyst Birthstone

Amethyst, a variety of quartz in the form of purple gemstones, has been recognized as a birthstone for those born in February since ancient times. In fact, it was once believed to have healing powers and ability to protect people against intoxication. With its striking beauty and mythological history, it is not hard to understand why the Ancient Greeks named it “amethystos”, translated as "not drunken".

While it has been used throughout history by royalties as decoration on their crowns and robes due to its significance of power and royalty, Amethyst is believed to have stress-relieving properties in some cultures. Additionally, thanks to modern science we know many spiritual practitioners today use Amethyst crystals during meditation or healing rituals due to the belief that they can help stimulate the mind and clear away negative energy.

Reasons To Wear Amethyst

Known as the "stone of spirituality", amethyst is an increasingly popular stone due to its many beneficial properties.

Wearing amethyst can help bring balance and protection, enhancing one's physical, mental, and emotional wellness. On a more practical level, wearing it in a professional setting could lead to clarity of thought and reduce stress levels.

It also works as a stabilizing agent that allows the wearer to remain calm while making decisions or challenging circumstances arise. Alongside its spiritual benefits, amethyst is also known for being one of the most aesthetically pleasing gemstones. Whether someone wants to wear it in the form of jewelry or keep pieces close in their pocket or bag, this attractive stone adds an element of poise and gracefulness.

Spiritual Significance Of Amethyst

The amethyst is a precious gemstone with deep spiritual significance in many ancient cultures. The ancient Greeks believed the stone was sacred to Dionysus, the god of wine and divine intoxication, while in Imperial Rome and Medieval Europe it was thought to ward off the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

In India, amethyst is associated with Vishnu, the preserver of creation; and in Islamic traditions it has religious connotations related to soul healing and protection from earthly desires.

Amethyst is often worn as a talisman against negative energies, past traumas and unrestrained passions. Furthermore, this purple stone is used for general healing purposes including emotional cleansing and mental clarity. Its energetic vibration helps its wearer remain clear headed and less susceptible to external influences or distractions. It also brings stability and strength during times of transition or chaos.

Some Facts About Amethyst Birthstone

  • Amethyst is a naturally occurring variety of quartz with shades of purple, ranging from light to dark.
  • As the official birthstone for February, Amethyst symbolizes contentment and courage. It is said that Amethyst can be used to help control anger, negative thoughts, and irrational emotions.
  • Ancient Greek legend holds that it could protect one from intoxication and was often found in ancient Roman jewelry as well as being carved into drinking vessels.
  • Physically, it may help promote hormone production, strengthen bones and cells, and assist in the assimilation of minerals.
  • Additionally, Amethyst can increase psychic awareness and improve dreams leading some to use it for dream interpretation or lucid dreaming progressions.

Final Thoughts

Many people believe that wearing their birthstone can change their luck. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, birthstones are thought to have special powers that can bring good fortune to the wearer. Some believe that birthstones can protect against negative energy, while others believe that they can attract positive energy. Whether or not you believe in the powers of birthstones, wearing your birthstone is a great way to show off your unique personality.

Amethyst is a gemstone that is popular for its purported ability to help people solve their problems. The stone is said to have a lot of significance and is used by many people who want to improve their lives. Amethyst is said to be able to help with a variety of issues, including but not limited to: anxiety, addiction, depression, and stress. The stone is also said to be helpful in promoting peace, calm, and relaxation.

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Ouros Jewels

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