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Do good have good

1 min read

By MaryannPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Do good have good
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a small village situated on the outskirts of a vast forest. The villagers were simple and hardworking people, who believed in the saying "Do Good, Have Good."

The villagers believed that if they did good deeds, good things would happen to them. They believed that their actions and behavior would determine their destiny. They lived simple, contented lives and were known for their kindness and generosity.

One of the villagers, a young boy named Rohit, was known for his kind heart and his willingness to help others. He was always eager to lend a helping hand to his neighbors, whether it was helping them with their chores or running errands for them.

One day, while Rohit was on his way back from the market, he met an old man who was struggling to carry a heavy load of firewood. The old man was tired and looked like he was about to collapse.

Without a moment's hesitation, Rohit offered to help the old man. He took the load of firewood from the old man's shoulders and carried it to his house. The old man was grateful and thanked Rohit for his help.

Rohit returned home feeling happy and contented. He knew that he had done a good deed and that good things would happen to him.

The next day, while Rohit was working in the fields, he found a silver coin lying on the ground. He picked it up and looked around to see if anyone had dropped it. But there was no one around.

Rohit knew that this was a sign of good things to come. He believed that his good deed of helping the old man had been rewarded, and he felt grateful for his good fortune.

Rohit continued to do good deeds, and good things continued to happen to him. He helped his neighbors with their chores, lent money to those in need, and spent time with the elderly.

One day, while he was on his way back from helping an elderly woman carry her groceries, he met a rich merchant who was in need of a guide. The merchant was on his way to a distant town, and he needed someone who knew the route well.

Rohit offered to guide the merchant, and the merchant was impressed by his knowledge of the area. He offered Rohit a job as his guide, and Rohit accepted.

Rohit traveled with the merchant for several months, and during this time, he learned a great deal about the world outside his village. He saw many new things and met many interesting people. He learned about different cultures and languages, and he developed a deeper understanding of the world around him.

When Rohit returned to his village, he was a changed man. He had gained a wealth of knowledge and experience, and he was eager to share it with his fellow villagers.

He organized classes for the children in the village, teaching them about the world outside their village. He also started helping the villagers with their farming, using the knowledge he had gained during his travels.

The villagers were grateful for Rohit's kindness and generosity. They appreciated the fact that he had used his good fortune to help others, rather than keeping it all for himself.

Over time, the villagers became more prosperous, and their village grew into a prosperous town. People from nearby villages started coming to their town to trade, and the town became known for its kindness and generosity.

As the town grew, stories of Rohit's good deeds began to spread. People from all over the region came to the town to meet Rohit and to learn from him.

Rohit had become a legend, and people started referring to him as the "Do Good, Have Good" man. His name was synonymous with kindness and generosity, and his legacy lived on long after he had passed away.

The town that Rohit had helped build continued to prosper, and people continued to live by the principle of "Do Good, Have Good." They remembered Rohit's teachings, and they continued to do good deeds, knowing that their actions would determine their destiny.

Years passed, but the people of the town never forgot the lessons they had learned from Rohit. They continued to do good deeds, and their town continued to grow and prosper.

The village that Rohit had grown up in was now a prosperous town, with many businesses and opportunities. A statue of Rohit was erected in the town square, and his legacy continued to inspire generations of people to come.

And thus, Rohit's story became a legend - a testament to the power of doing good and the enduring legacy of kindness and generosity.


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