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Digi Member Pro: An Effective Solution for Building Membership Sites

Membership Wordpress Plugin

By ExyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

In this digital era, websites that offer exclusive membership have proven to be a valuable source of income and added value to site visitors. Nevertheless, developing such websites requires not just technical skills but also experience in web development. Thankfully, Digi Member plugin presents a practical and efficient solution to create membership sites.

What Is Digi Member?

Digi Member is a WordPress plugin that facilitates swift and easy creation of membership sites. Through Digi Member, it is possible to limit access to particular content based on membership levels, provide exclusive content for paid members, and monetize membership sites.

Best Features of Digi Member

Digi Member provides users with a wide range of features and options to create and manage membership sites. These include:

  • Multiple membership levels: Digi Member allows users to create different membership levels with varying levels of access to content and services.
  • Easy payment integration: Digi Member integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe, making it easy for users to accept payments from members.
  • Customizable registration and login forms: Digi Member provides customizable registration and login forms that can be tailored to the specific needs of the membership site.
  • Automated email marketing: Digi Member integrates with email marketing services such as Mailchimp or AWeber, allowing users to send automated emails to members with updates and promotional offers.
  • Integration with content management systems: Digi Member integrates with content management systems such as WordPress, making it easy for users to manage the content on their membership site.

The Digi Member Pro version offers additional features and functionality for building and managing membership sites. The pricing information for Digi Member Pro is as follows:

Single Site License: $67

Multi-Site License: $97

Developer License: $197

Each license comes with a one-year license for updates and support. After the first year, users can renew their license at a discounted rate. The Pro version includes additional features such as drip content, advanced payment integrations, and member directory functionality.

Benefits of Using Digi Member

Using Digi Member presents numerous benefits to users. Firstly, the plugin is user-friendly and enables users to create membership sites quickly and efficiently, without technical or web development knowledge. Moreover, Digi Member provides several customizable settings and features that users can tailor to meet their business or organizational needs. Additionally, Digi Member assists users in increasing their revenue by facilitating the creation of paid membership sites. With this feature, users can offer premium services and exclusive content to paid members, consequently increasing their revenue.

Personal Review of using Digi Member

I have used many different plugins for building membership sites. However, Digi Member stands out as one of the most effective solutions I have come across.

I recently used Digi Member to create a membership site for a client who wanted to offer exclusive content and services to paid members. The plugin allowed me to quickly and easily set up different membership levels with varying levels of access to content and services.

One of the features I appreciated most was the easy payment integration. Digi Member integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe, which made it simple for me to accept payments from members.

I also appreciated the customizable registration and login forms, which allowed me to tailor the site to the specific needs of my client. And the automated email marketing integration made it easy to keep members updated with new content and promotional offers.

Overall, my experience using Digi Member was very positive. The plugin was easy to use and provided all the features I needed to create a successful membership site for my client.

If you're looking to build a membership site, I highly recommend giving Digi Member a try. It's a practical and effective solution that will save you time and hassle in the long run.

In conclusion, membership sites can serve as promising sources of income and added value to site visitors in today's digital age. However, creating membership sites is not a simple undertaking. Fortunately, Digi Member plugin is a practical and efficient solution for developing membership sites. With the extensive features and customizable settings that Digi Member offers, users can create membership sites that satisfy their organizational or business needs.

If you're curious about the Digi Member plugin and want to give it a try, check out the Pro version via this link: Digi Member Pro

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