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Data extraction

Web scraping

By Thy SmartPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Data extraction
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash


Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. It can be a powerful tool for businesses and researchers who need to collect data from the web to analyze and make informed decisions. In this eBook, we will discuss what web scraping is, how it works, the legal and ethical considerations, the tools and techniques involved, and some best practices.

Chapter 1: What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping, also known as web harvesting, data scraping, or web data extraction, is the process of extracting data from websites. The data can be in any format, including text, images, and videos. The goal of web scraping is to automate the process of data extraction from websites, making it faster and more efficient.

For Example :

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests are a type of communication between a client (such as a web browser or a Python script using the Requests library) and a web server. HTTP requests are used to retrieve data from a web server, submit data to a web server, or perform other actions such as deleting or updating data.

There are several types of HTTP requests, including:

GET: Used to retrieve data from a server. GET requests are typically used to retrieve web pages, images, or other static content from a server.

POST: Used to submit data to a server, such as form data or JSON data. POST requests are often used to submit data to a web application, such as when submitting a form or creating a new resource.

PUT: Used to update an existing resource on the server. PUT requests are often used to update a specific record in a database or to upload a file to a server.

DELETE: Used to delete a resource on the server. DELETE requests are often used to delete a record from a database or to delete a file from a server.

HTTP requests typically include a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that specifies the location of the resource on the server, as well as optional headers that provide additional information about the request (such as the content type of the request data). Some requests may also include a request body that contains data to be submitted to the server (such as in a POST request).

Chapter 2: How Does Web Scraping Work?

Web scraping involves using automated software, also known as bots or spiders, to navigate through web pages and collect data. The software follows hyperlinks to crawl through the website and extract the relevant data. Once the data is collected, it can be saved to a database or a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Chapter 3: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Web scraping can raise some legal and ethical concerns. For example, web scraping may violate a website's terms of service. Additionally, scraping personal data can lead to privacy issues. It is important to check the legality of web scraping before using it and to be mindful of the ethical implications.

Both HTML parsing libraries, html.parser and lxml, are widely used in Python for parsing and processing HTML and XML documents. However, there are some differences between them that can affect their performance and capabilities.

html.parser is a built-in Python module that is included in the standard library. It is a pure-Python HTML parsing library that provides a simple and lightweight way to parse HTML documents. It is easy to use and does not require any external dependencies, making it a good choice for simple parsing tasks.

On the other hand, lxml is an external library that provides both an HTML and an XML parser. It is written in C and is based on the libxml2 and libxslt libraries, which are known for their high performance and compliance with XML and HTML standards. lxml provides a more powerful and flexible way to parse HTML and XML documents, with support for XPath, CSS selectors, and other advanced features.

Here are some of the main differences between html.parser and lxml:

Speed: lxml is generally faster than html.parser due to its use of C code and optimized algorithms. For large or complex documents, lxml can be significantly faster than html.parser.

Memory usage: html.parser is typically less memory-intensive than lxml, which can be important when parsing large or complex documents. lxml uses more memory due to its use of a tree-based data structure to represent the parsed document.

Error handling: lxml provides more robust error handling than html.parser, with better support for handling invalid or malformed HTML or XML documents. html.parser may fail or produce unexpected results when encountering invalid input.

Advanced features: lxml provides a range of advanced features that are not available in html.parser, such as support for XPath and CSS selectors, XML schema validation, and document transformation with XSLT.

Overall, the choice between html.parser and lxml depends on the specific needs of the project. For simple parsing tasks or when memory usage is a concern, html.parser may be sufficient. However, for more complex or performance-critical tasks, lxml may be a better choice due to its speed, advanced features, and robust error handling.

Chapter 4: Tools and Techniques

There are several tools and techniques available for web scraping. Some popular web scraping tools include Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, and Selenium. These tools allow users to navigate websites, parse HTML, and extract data. There are also web scraping services that offer data extraction for a fee.

For Example:

Python Requests and Beautiful Soup are two popular Python libraries that are often used together for web scraping.

Requests is a Python library that is used for making HTTP requests. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and handling responses by abstracting away the low-level details of working with sockets and network connections. Requests allows you to send GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other types of requests to a web server and receive the response.

Beautiful Soup, on the other hand, is a Python library that is used for parsing HTML and XML documents. It provides a simple API for navigating and searching through the document tree, extracting data, and manipulating the HTML or XML code. Beautiful Soup can be used to extract specific data from a web page, such as the titles of articles or the contents of tables.

Together, Requests and Beautiful Soup provide a powerful and easy-to-use toolset for web scraping. Using Requests, you can send HTTP requests to the website you want to scrape, and using Beautiful Soup, you can parse the HTML or XML response and extract the data you need.

Chapter 5: Best Practices

To ensure a successful web scraping project, it is important to follow best practices. This includes identifying the websites to scrape, testing the web scraping tools and techniques, monitoring the scraping process, and cleaning and validating the data. It is also important to be mindful of the legal and ethical considerations and to respect the website's terms of service.

For a developer best practice is to use cookies for Example:

Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on a user's computer or device. They are used to keep track of user sessions, preferences, and other information. When a user visits a website, the website sends a cookie to the user's browser, which stores it on the user's computer. On subsequent visits to the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the website, allowing the website to recognize the user and remember their preferences.

In the context of web scraping, cookies can be important for maintaining user sessions and for accessing content that is only available to authenticated users. To use cookies in Python, you can use the Requests library's session object, which can automatically handle cookies for you.

Here's an example of using cookies in Requests to access a website that requires authentication:

import requests

# create a session object to handle cookies

session = requests.Session()

# log in to the website and get the session cookie

login_url = ''

username = 'myusername'

password = 'mypassword'

response =, data={'username': username, 'password': password})


# access a page that requires authentication

protected_url = ''

response = session.get(protected_url)


# parse the HTML of the page using Beautiful Soup

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# extract data from the page

# ...

In this example, we first create a session object using Requests. We then log in to the website using a POST request to the login URL and providing our username and password. The session object automatically stores the session cookie that is returned by the website. We can then use the session object to access a protected URL that requires authentication. Finally, we parse the HTML of the page using Beautiful Soup and extract the data we need.


Web scraping can be a powerful tool for businesses and researchers who need to collect data from the web. It involves using automated software to navigate through websites and extract data. However, it is important to be mindful of the legal and ethical considerations and to follow best practices to ensure a successful web scraping project.

A proxy is an intermediary server that sits between a client (such as a web browser or a Python script using the Requests library) and a web server. Proxies are often used to add an extra layer of security, to hide the client's IP address, or to bypass content filters or geographical restrictions.

A rolling proxy is a type of proxy that rotates the IP address that is used for each request. This can be useful for web scraping, as it can help to avoid detection or blocking by websites that are designed to detect and block requests from automated scripts or from certain IP addresses. By rotating IP addresses, a rolling proxy can make it more difficult for websites to track or block requests from a particular IP address.

In contrast, a static proxy uses a fixed IP address for all requests. This can be easier to set up and manage than a rolling proxy, but it may also be more easily detected and blocked by websites.

Rolling proxies can be implemented using a pool of proxy servers or by using a single proxy server that rotates its IP address over time. Some rolling proxy services also use advanced techniques such as browser emulation, random user agents, or cookie management to further increase the effectiveness of the proxy.

Overall, the main difference between a proxy and a rolling proxy is that a rolling proxy rotates the IP address used for each request, while a static proxy uses a fixed IP address.


About the Creator

Thy Smart

Thy Smart, is a masked young man who is passionate about creating a better world. Thy Smart is an enthusiastic leader, always eager to broaden his knowledge and understanding of the world. Thy possesses an innate curiosity to ...

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