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Chrome extension for screenshot

Chrome extension!

By Thy SmartPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Chrome extension for screenshot
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

I provide you with a general idea of how to create a Chrome extension for taking screenshots.

Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Create a new folder for your extension and name it as you like.

2. Create a manifest.json file inside the folder and add the following code:



"manifest_version": 2,

"name": "Screenshot Extension",

"description": "Take a screenshot of your current tab",

"version": "1.0",

"permissions": ["activeTab", "storage", "downloads"],

"icons": {

"16": "icon-16.png",

"48": "icon-48.png",

"128": "icon-128.png"


"browser_action": {

"default_icon": {

"16": "icon-16.png",

"32": "icon-32.png"


"default_title": "Take a screenshot"


"background": {

"scripts": ["background.js"],

"persistent": false



This code defines the name and description of your extension, the permissions it needs, the icons to use, the browser action that triggers the screenshot, and the background script that handles the screenshot capture.

3. Create a background.js file and add the following code:


chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {

chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(function(screenshotUrl) {{

url: screenshotUrl,

filename: "screenshot.png"




This code listens for the browser action click event, captures the visible tab using the chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab method, and downloads the resulting screenshot as a PNG file using chrome. downloads. download method.

4. Add the icon images referenced in your manifest.json file (icon-16.png, icon-32.png, icon-48.png, icon-128.png) to the folder.

5. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/.

6. Turn on Developer mode in the top right corner.

7. Click on "Load unpacked" and select the folder where you saved your extension.

8. Your extension should now be installed and you can click on the icon in your browser to take a screenshot.

Note: This is a simple example and you can customize your extension by adding options for selecting the capture area, specifying the image format, or adding annotations to the screenshot.

Create a Chrome extension for screen recording. Here are the steps you can follow:

1) Create a new folder for your extension and name it as you like.

2) Create a manifest.json file inside the folder and add the following code:


"manifest_version": 2,

"name": "Screen Recorder Extension",

"description": "Record your screen and save as a video",

"version": "1.0",

"permissions": ["activeTab", "storage", "desktopCapture", "downloads"],

"icons": {

"16": "icon-16.png",

"48": "icon-48.png",

"128": "icon-128.png"


"browser_action": {

"default_icon": {

"16": "icon-16.png",

"32": "icon-32.png"


"default_title": "Start recording"


"background": {

"scripts": ["background.js"],

"persistent": false



This code defines the name and description of your extension, the permissions it needs (including desktop Capture for screen recording), the icons to use, the browser action that triggers the screen recording, and the background script that handles the recording.

3. Create a background.js file and add the following code:


let recording = false;

let mediaRecorder;

let chunks = [];

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {

if (!recording) {

chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(["screen"], function(streamId) {


audio: false,

video: {

mandatory: {

chromeMediaSource: "desktop",

chromeMediaSourceId: streamId,

maxWidth: screen.width,

maxHeight: screen.height



}).then(function(stream) {

mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);

mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {



mediaRecorder.onstop = function() {

let blob = new Blob(chunks, { type: "video/webm" });

chunks = [];{

url: URL.createObjectURL(blob),

filename: "recording.webm"




}).catch(function(error) {



recording = true;

chrome.browserAction.setTitle({ title: "Stop recording" });


} else {


recording = false;

chrome.browserAction.setTitle({ title: "Start recording" });



This code listens for the browser action click event, prompts the user to select the screen to record using chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia, captures the selected screen using the navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia, and records the resulting video using MediaRecorder. The recorded chunks are saved as a Blob and downloaded as a WebM file using the method.

4. Add the icon images referenced in your manifest.json file (icon-16.png, icon-32.png, icon-48.png, icon-128.png) to the folder.

5. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/.

6. Turn on Developer mode in the top right corner.

7. Click on "Load unpacked" and select the folder where you saved your extension.

8. Your extension should now be installed and you can click on the icon in your browser to start or stop recording.

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About the Creator

Thy Smart

Thy Smart, is a masked young man who is passionate about creating a better world. Thy Smart is an enthusiastic leader, always eager to broaden his knowledge and understanding of the world. Thy possesses an innate curiosity to ...

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