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Covid-19 part-3

"Spread of Global Pandemic"

By Fatima JamilPublished about a year ago 3 min read

How COVID-19 spread around the Globe

Highly chances of its spread are through any physical contact. It is widely spread from person to person by any type of physical contact or simply by touching the contaminated surfaces. A large number of tiny respiratory droplets discharge in to the air when the infected person cough or sneeze. These droplets transfer to another surface or enter in to the other healthy human body through nose and infected that person. When a healthy person comes in the contact of an infected person or touches a contaminated surface and then touches its face, it is most likely in the chance of getting corona virus. The virus enters the human respiratory track through nose and takes over the hepatic cells. It starts multiplying there and completely damages the activity of hepatic cells. It was thought that the virus originated from the bats and transmits among the human communities through a second host. This intermediate host is not yet identifies. Old age people or those having severe clinical conditions are at the risk of this infection. Virus shows drastic symptoms in persons having weak immune system.

Administrative strategies to control its spread need the participation of the human communities as a whole. Similarly we have to develop some innovative ways regarding social, economic and heath policies. Several measures have been administered to control this pandemic from movement aimed at upgrading personal hygiene practices, social distances and implement quarantine period among communities. Most important public health activities that are suggested to address this pandemic include;

• Fat testing of COVID-19

• Well planned stay at home

• Systematic health care feedback

Proper sanitization system is highly critical measure. Literature study reveals that SARS-CoV-2 can also be detected on metallic surfaces like plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours. However, they noticed that on copper the virus life span is only 4 hours. Virus inactivation is not surprising on copper surface as copper is a transition metal has the property to inactive the virus. Thus nanotechnology gives us ample opportunities for sanitizing surfaces by using alternative methods like antimicrobial and antiviral nanomaterial.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

The incubation period for this disease ranges from about 1 to 14 days but the infected person most likely to start experiencing its symptoms after 12th day of infection. Sometimes the incubation period exceed up to 19 days and made the detection even more challenging. In rare cases, the disease becomes lethal. Its symptoms are very common to influenza or fever. Therefore, tests are most required to find out if a person having a normal fever or a coronavirus. When it is spread in human respiratory track it may show some symptoms.

These are;

High fever

• Continuous coughing

• Sudden shortness of breath

• Muscles fatigue

• Severe headache

And most important pneumonia in both lungs

These viral infections are difficult to cure through vaccine, even though no ultimate antiviral reagent is required for development of vaccine.

Detection and prognosis

This virus is spreading tremendously and its detection is really important to help the patients before it takes serious form. So, there are many ways by which we can detect this virus in its early stages. Nucleic acid examination and clinical characteristics shown by infected patients are somewhat challenging methods which can help in prognosis of this viral disease. It has been observed that clinical characteristics are not obvious during the early stage of this disease as it takes some time to show the symptoms of the respective infection. If we talk about the nucleic acid method of detection then it is more reliable as well as rapid detection method which can help to diagnose this viral infection


About the Creator

Fatima Jamil

In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself.

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