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Along with some useful advice to help you get the most out of your content strategy.

By digitalpulseprosPublished 10 days ago 6 min read

What is content repurposing?

Repurposing old content entails converting it into different formats or media. This could include creating an infographic, podcast episode, video, or even social media series out of a blog piece. The idea is to revitalize your current material so that it has a greater effect and reach without having to start from scratch.

Why repurpose written content?

Increased Visibility and Reach: Various audiences have preferences for various kinds of material. You can reach folks who might not have noticed the original format by repurposing. For instance, some people would rather watch movies than read blog entries.

Benefits for SEO: Repurposing might improve your SEO work. Dominating search engine results pages (SERPs) for pertinent keywords can be achieved by producing numerous content pieces centered around the same subject.

Productivity & Efficiency: Producing fresh content from scratch takes time. By repurposing, you may continue to produce content consistently while saving time and money.

Reiterate Your Message: By delivering the same content in a variety of ways, you can help your audience remember your brand’s message.

How to Repurpose Content Effectively

Determine Evergreen Content: To begin, determine which of your posts are evergreen, or those that are valuable over the long term and are consistently relevant. This kind of information has a long shelf life, making it perfect for reusing.

Select the Correct Formats: Consider which formats will work best for your audience and content. A thorough how-to blog piece, for example, can be turned into a series of infographics or a video tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

Update and Refresh: To keep your content current and interesting when repurposing, update any out-of-date information. This is especially crucial if you’re converting an outdated blog post to a different format.

Utilize a Variety of Platforms: Every platform has advantages. Post longer versions of your reused material on your blog, share brief excerpts of it on social media, and utilize visual formats on sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

Make Decisions Based on Analytics: Examine your content performance data to determine which of your articles have connected with readers the most. Repurposing material that performs well is a terrific idea.

Useful Content Repurposing Examples

Blog Post to Video: Create a YouTube video based on a well-liked blog post. To emphasize important points, use graphics, and then add narration to provide context. This improves your visibility on YouTube while also appealing to those who enjoy watching videos.

Webinar to Blog Series: After organizing a productive webinar, write up a transcription and organize it into a number of blog entries. A certain facet of the webinar subject may be covered in each post.

Podcast to Infographic: Condense your podcast episodes into eye-catching visual representations. Post them on social media to draw in fans that want short, visually stimulating material.

Posts on Social Media to E-Book: Gather a number of relevant posts on social media and turn them into an extensive e-book. This can give your viewers comprehensive information about a subject and function as a useful resource.

Case Study to Slide Deck: Convert a thorough case study into a presentation-style slide deck. This can be shared on websites like SlideShare or utilized for seminars and sales pitches.

What types of content can be repurposed?

Content Types That Are Adaptable

1. Articles on blogs

Videos: Convert a thorough blog post into an explainer or tutorial video.

Infographics: Create an eye-catching infographic that summarizes the main ideas of the blog content.

Podcasts: Talk about the blog topic in an episode of the podcast, incorporating interviewees or personal observations.

Posts on Social Media: Divide the blog content into digestible social media updates or content series.

2. Motion Pictures

Blog Posts: Write an in-depth blog post based on the video’s topic.

Infographics: Produce an infographic that highlights the key ideas in the film.

Podcasts: Take the audio out and release it as an episode of the podcast.

Social Media Highlights: Post brief snippets or excerpts from the film on social media.

3. Audiobooks

Blog Posts: Compose a thorough blog post by transcribing the audio.

Infographics: Create an infographic based on the main takeaways from the episode.

Videos: Make a visual version of the music to go with the graphics.

Social Media Sayings: Post insightful sayings or advice from the podcast on social media.

4. Webinar Blog Series: Divide the webinar into a number of blog entries, each addressing a distinct topic.

E-books: Gather the webinar material into an electronic book for in-depth perusal.

Slide Decks: To make a downloadable slide deck or presentation, use the slides from the webinar.

Videos: Retouch and post the webinar recording to your website or YouTube channel.

5. Graphics

Blog Posts: Write a thorough blog post that elaborates on the infographic’s content.

Videos: Produce a video explaining the infographic’s data and insights.

Posts on Social Media: Post certain infographic pieces or statistics on social media.

Podcasts: In a podcast episode, talk about the findings from the infographic.

6. Study Cases

Blog Posts: Compose a blog post describing the success story of the case study.

Videos: Produce a case study synopsis or testimonial video.

Infographics: Create an infographic that showcases the most important data and findings from the case study.

Slide Decks: Create a deck of slides to demonstrate the case study at webinars or conferences.

7. Whitepapers and e-books

Blog Series: Divide the whitepaper or e-book into a number of blog entries.

Create infographics that provide a summary of each chapter or part.

Podcasts: In a number of podcast episodes, talk about the key conclusions or revelations.

Webinars: Conduct a webinar that goes over the primary subjects of the whitepaper or e-book.

8. Posts on Social Media

Blog Posts: Gather relevant updates from social media and organize them into a thorough blog article.

E-books: To make an e-book, compile a number of social media posts with a similar theme.

Newsletters: Create a newsletter by compiling a list of your greatest social media postings.

Infographics: Create infographics using quotes or social media advice.


Can content repurposing improve my SEO?

Of course! Content repurposing can greatly improve your SEO efforts. How to do it is as follows:

1. A Higher Volume of Content

By repurposing, you may produce more content without having to start from scratch. Increased content increases the likelihood that search engines will index your website and raises your website’s rating for a variety of keywords.

2. Using Several Keywords as Targets

You can target more keywords when you repurpose material into new formats. A blog post, for instance, might rank for some search phrases, but an infographic made from it might rank for different but related keywords.

3. Increased Possibilities for Backlinks

Backlinks from a range of sources might be drawn to different content forms. While interesting videos or infographics are shared on social media and receive backlinks from various platforms, industry websites may link to an educational blog post.

4. Enhanced User Involvement

User experience and engagement can be raised by repurposing content into interesting media like infographics, podcasts, and movies. When ranking content, search engines take into account user engagement indicators such as time on page and bounce rate. Users that are actively involved on your site are more inclined to stay and explore more, which is good for SEO.


Content repurposing is a potent tactic that lets you get the most out of your current content. Through the process of converting content into several formats and utilizing diverse platforms, you may increase your audience, boost productivity, and strengthen your message. Find innovative uses for your finest content by starting to identify it today. This will not only help you save time and money, but it will also enable you to meaningfully and diversely engage with a larger audience.


1. When repurposing, how do I update and refresh the content?

Make sure all the information is up-to-date and pertinent. To maintain the content’s value and freshness, add any new information, analysis, or examples.

2. How can I market repurposed material in an efficient manner?

Use various channels to distribute content that has been reused. To reach a larger audience, make use of social media, email newsletters, your website, and other online groups.

3. When repurposing, is there a chance of duplicating content penalties?

There is not much risk as long as you are converting the content into various formats and providing distinct value. Steer clear of just copying and pasting the same content onto several platforms.

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